All about the profession of a motor grader driver

A large percentage of today's young people consider higher education pointless, and therefore strive to get a demanded and highly paid working profession. Among this category of work, the profession of a motor grader driver stands out. In this article, we will consider the features of the activity of such a specialist, and also figure out what is included in his functional duties.
A grader is essentially a car. However, this is not an ordinary, but a specialized automotive technique that is used to level flat surfaces. This device is actively used for the transportation and distribution of bulk materials - for example, sand or gravel. The job of the motor grader driver is to clean and level the customer-specified surface. And also in the uniform distribution of soil embankments on the basis of the roadway.
In connection with the above, it can be concluded that a person who holds the position of a motor grader driver, must have in-depth technical knowledge, as well as be able to masterfully cope with large-sized vehicles.

Besides, many employers put forward requirements in relation to the personal characteristics of the employee. So, the driver must be attentive and accurate, responsible and punctual. Also, the specialist must have good health, physical stamina and general athletic training. In order to fully appreciate all the features and characteristics of the profession, you need to familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of working as a motor grader driver.
The benefits most often include:
- high level of demand (having received the necessary qualifications, you will not be left without a job);
- a high level of wages (which can provide you with a good standard of living for yourself and your family);
- formal employment (thanks to which you can count on a large number of social benefits - for example, paid sick leave and holidays).
On the other hand, there are a number of disadvantages:
- difficult working conditions (which can negatively affect the health of the employee);
- seasonality of work (in the winter season, motor grader drivers are not in demand).
By carefully evaluating all the pros and cons, you can make an objective and balanced decision.

Motor grader driver carries out its work taking into account the rules, principles and norms that are spelled out in such official documents, as a job description, a professional standard and a unified tariff and qualification reference book of jobs and professions of workers (or ETKS). These documents describe in detail the duties that are mandatory for the motor grader driver. The main ones are:
- monitoring of instrument readings;
- compliance with the required building codes and regulations;
- study of project documentation;
- careful adherence to the terms of reference;
- compliance with traffic rules;
- cleaning of working equipment;
- inspection and, if necessary, repair of working units and mechanisms;
- maintaining accounting and reporting documentation;
- refueling a motor grader;
- compliance with safety regulations and much more.
It should be borne in mind that depending on the specific place of work, as well as the wishes of the employer, professional duties can be changed or supplementedaccordingly, you need to be able to adapt. It is also important to take into account the fact that you may be held liable for refusal to fulfill or improper fulfillment of your direct duties.

Knowledge and skills
In order for the specialist to be able to carry out all the functions assigned to him, he must have a large amount of relevant specialized skills and abilities. These include:
- knowledge of the features of the operation of a motor grader;
- the ability to operate a car in different ways and methods;
- knowledge of project documentation;
- knowledge of the device, design and all technical features of the working equipment;
- knowledge of traffic rules;
- the ability to carry out repair and commissioning work;
- ability to perform regular technical inspections and maintenance;
- knowledge of the rules for storing equipment.
At the same time, you should not limit yourself to obtaining only basic skills and abilities. The higher your qualifications and the more competencies you possess, the more demanded an employee you will be among employers.
Accordingly, you have an advantage among all other applicants, as well as the opportunity to quickly move up the career ladder.

In the professional community, it is customary to allocate 5 categories of the motor grader driver - from 4 to 8. Let's consider the characteristics of the main ones.
- So, the specialist gets 4th grade immediately after obtaining the relevant work qualifications. Accordingly, this discharge can be considered a starting one. At this stage, the employee has the right to work on trailed graders, the knife length of which does not exceed 3,000 mm.
- A machinist with 5th grade, can work with a wide variety of specialized equipment: for example, with concrete breakers, asphalt distributors, joint fillers. At the same time, the power of the equipment can be higher than 59 kW.
- If the specialist was assigned 7th and 8th grade, then it can work on motor graders, the power of which is in the range from 100 to 150 kW. In addition, he is allowed to operate track-type concrete pavers, road profilers and other types of specialized equipment.

In order to receive professional training in the specialty "motor grader driver", need to graduate from an intermediate level educational institution (college or technical school). At the same time, it is important to pay attention to both theoretical and practical training, as well as strive to get the highest scores. At the end of the educational period, the specialist must pass the final certification and qualification exam at Gostekhnadzor. In addition, a Category D driving license must be obtained.
It should be borne in mind that this is not the end of the learning process. So, the motor grader driver must prove their qualifications every 5 years. In addition, if you want to get a promotion or increase the level, then you need to attend additional educational events - for example, specialized lectures or conferences. Frequently, motor grader operators receive additional education.
Grader drivers can work both in state enterprises and in private companies. Either way, they are an integral part of the road maintenance crew and work outdoors rather than in an office space. Very often the work is on a rotational basis, which must be taken into account if you plan to connect your life with such a career.
It is important to note the unfavorable working conditions, namely, a constant sitting position, increased noise and vibration levels, a large amount of dust and dirt, the risk of road accidents, as well as a high probability of working in adverse weather conditions.