All about the profession of an electric locomotive driver

The railway network is constantly expanding, and therefore the need for electric locomotive drivers is growing rapidly. This employee is the main crew member of the locomotive. The management of passenger or freight trains depends on him, and not everyone can handle it.

Features of the profession
An electric locomotive driver (specialist in management and maintenance) is a rather specific profession that requires the applicant for this position to have certain moral and physical qualities. An applicant for this position must have the following data:
- patience;
- physical endurance, which is indispensable on long flights;
- neatness;
- the ability to perform frequently repetitive monotonous operations;
- high responsibility and organization.
It will not work for people with poor health to become a driver of any type of locomotive. At the medical commission, applicants with heart diseases, problems with vision, hearing, asthma and disorders of the musculoskeletal system are immediately screened out.
Those wishing to become a machinist should know that the fulfillment of duties in this specialty is not only trips in the cabin of an electric locomotive in a beautiful uniform, but also nights without sleep, a busy work schedule, strict, almost military, discipline.

The list of duties of a specialist in the management and maintenance of an electric locomotive is very wide and depends on the type of work performed by him and his qualifications. But there are general requirements that do not depend on where he works - on freight or passenger traffic.
The electric locomotive driver must know:
- the design and technical parameters of the locomotive;
- rules for the transportation of people and goods;
- mode of movement of trains;
- the condition of the railroad bed, its profile at the work site;
- the capabilities of electric locomotives under various operating conditions;
- characteristics of the contact network;
- must be able to find and fix faults.
These are just basic responsibilities. Besides, the driver during work must always have a certificate confirming his right to drive an electric locomotive, know the rules of fire protection, instructions and other documents on safety.

Knowledge and skills
The work of a driver requires constant concentration. Representatives of this profession must have a set of knowledge and skills:
- be able to operate an electric locomotive in typical situations;
- know what to do in case of non-standard incidents;
- have an understanding of the work of the locksmith and engineering directions in identifying and eliminating breakdowns and malfunctions;
- be able to use radio communication and understand its basic principles;
- in the event of emergencies, be able to communicate with people and avoid panic;
- know and follow the traffic rules on the railway.
Knowledge and basic skills can be obtained at a specialized educational institution. Everything else comes over time with the accumulation of experience. Train drivers regularly attend seminars and various gatherings, where knowledge and practical experience are summarized. Experienced practitioners share their knowledge with young specialists there.
Don't forget about individual preparation. Self-directed supplementary education can help improve skills and advance the career ladder.

A responsibility
The work of a driver is not easy and very responsible, since the life and health of people during passenger transportation, as well as the safety of cargo and rolling stock during transportation of goods, depend on his qualifications and skills of a specialist. This specialist is responsible for the technical condition and integrity of the equipment of the electric locomotive. In case of violation or negligent performance of his duties, he will incur administrative or criminal punishment in accordance with the laws in force at the moment.
Material, disciplinary, administrative and criminal liability provided for by law occurs in certain cases.
- In case of violation or non-fulfillment of direct instructions from higher authorities.
- Ignoring or poor performance of their duties and instructions.
- Exceeding their official powers or using them for personal gain.
- Providing false information about the progress and condition of the work entrusted to him personally.
- Violation of labor discipline.
- If, in the event of a threat to people or equipment, the employee did not take measures to eliminate it.

If you have chosen the profession of an electric locomotive driver, then you should know that you will not be hired without getting an education in a specialized educational institution. It is necessary to tune in to long-term studies, which in some cases may take up to five years. Training takes place in railway technical schools or colleges. You can enter them after grade 9 or 11. Upon completion of the educational process, the graduate is awarded the qualification "technician".
Immediately after the release as a driver, no one will deliver you. Have to work as an assistant for a long time, gain experience and only after the arrival of at least several months, and on average this process takes two years, it will be possible to take this position.
If you want to make a career, you will have to get higher education.

Specialists in the management and maintenance of electric locomotives are always in demand. They are needed on the railway, in the subways, in the mining and heavy industries.
The profession is quite prestigious and one of the highest paid in railway transport... The average salary is about 60 thousand rubles.There are also various allowances (for underground work experience or work in remote areas). The length of service of a specialist and the accrual of bonuses are also important. A highly qualified specialist can receive 100 thousand rubles with all allowances.
These indicators are averaged, the level of salary largely depends on the region and place of work.