Features of the profession of a refrigeration unit operator

Industrial refrigerators are complex technical systems. Well trained professionals manage their work. To associate yourself with this area, you must first find out all the features of the profession of a refrigeration unit operator, the prospects of this specialist and other subtleties.

It should be noted right away that the refrigeration unit operator can work in a wide variety of industries. After all, "cold generators" are used in the food industry, and in pharmacology, and in warehouses, and in transport. A professional will have to monitor the health of all major technical systems of an industrial refrigerator. If necessary, he corrects their work and eliminates the problems that have arisen. Only adults who have undergone special training and have the necessary permits are accepted for the positions of refrigeration unit operators.
The code of such a profession according to OKPDTR is 14341. It involves working not only with the "main circuit" of an industrial refrigerator, but also with the following components:
- compressors;
- pumps;
- special capacitors;
- evaporators;
- pipelines;
- shut-off valves on pipelines;
- refrigerants.

Since work technically challenging and responsible, only disciplined people who know how to make decisions quickly and who have an excellent eye will find a place in the profession. They will have to concentrate their attention on specific objects, but if necessary, instantly switch it. Finally, you need to be ready to act instantly, even in the most difficult situation.Such a position is expected for people with a technical or mathematical mindset, capable of maintaining self-control at all times.
There are a number of absolute medical restrictions for industrial refrigerator operators. These include problems with:
- heart;
- the circulatory system;
- motor functions;
- breathing;
- vision;
- hearing;
- smell and touch;
- central nervous system.

Job responsibilities
When characterizing the main responsibilities of refrigeration operators, it is useful to build on the requirements of the ETKS. According to this document, a specialist of the 2nd category maintains various technological machines and installations for the production of ice. He must know perfectly:
- arrangement of compressors and pipelines;
- features of pumps and condensers;
- diagrams of the device and the relative position of specific devices;
- nomenclature of refrigerants, their properties and limits of applicability;
- rules for the use of lubricants, technical fluids;
- varieties of components, spare parts and consumables.

More serious requirements are imposed on drivers of the 3rd category... They will already have to serve installations with increased cooling capacity. They will have to independently select the optimal mode of operation of refrigerators and ice makers. When choosing such a mode, it will be necessary to find the optimal balance between energy saving, productivity, and ease of control. Another 3rd category means that the specialist:
- he himself accepts the equipment from repair and then puts it back into operation;
- conducts technical audits;
- prepares defective statements for subsequent requests for repairs;
- removes indicator charts;
- keeps logs on the operation of the installation and on the consumption of current and other resources.

At this level, one cannot do without understanding the essence of the design of the refrigerator and without an idea of how the general laws of physics work in it. You will also need to figure out what are the features of specific modifications of refrigeration equipment. But it is also useful to look at what requires professional standard from a representative of this profession. This document sets out such responsibilities as:
- diagnostics in case of sudden equipment failures;
- the earliest possible restoration of its working capacity;
- maintenance and minor repairs;
- scheduled preventive maintenance;
- passage of briefings on safety and electrical safety in the manner prescribed by law;
- study of all design, working and reporting documentation, instructions and technical passports, orders of the organization's management;
- acquaintance with state standards and technical conditions for the operation of refrigeration equipment, for associated technological processes, for the handling of refrigerated substances and their containers;
- preparation of consumables for refueling cold lines;
- commissioning when changing equipment or when returning repaired refrigeration units to the site.

And one more important document - job description of a refrigeration specialist. There they usually prescribe such moments as:
- control of the work of drivers of lower qualifications;
- providing them with practical assistance in difficult cases;
- responsibility for violation of safety regulations, fire safety standards;
- responsibility for causing material damage to the organization;
- responsibility for failure to fulfill official duties, for disclosure of commercial secrets;
- responsibility for violations of civil, administrative and criminal laws.

Where to learn a profession?
The professional training of refrigeration operators is mainly carried out in colleges and other secondary specialized educational institutions. Very good training, apparently, can be offered in Polytechnic College at Peter the Great St. Petersburg University... But you can enroll in Fisheries College at the Kaliningrad Technical Universitywho also works in the northern capital. It will be more convenient for residents of Moscow to submit documents to the local college of technology... They compete with him food college № 33 and educational complex named after Talalikhin.
Alternatively, you can consider:
- Faculty of Secondary Education at Kazan National Research University;
- polytechnic college in the same Kazan;
- Samara Construction and Energy College;
- Omsk technical school of meat and dairy industry;
- college at the Krasnodar Cooperative Institute;
- two colleges in Vladivostok (marine technological and marine fisheries);
- College of Industry Technologies in Ufa.

The salary
On average in Russia, the income of a representative of this profession is 59,000 rubles. The minimum rate does not differ so much - about 41,000 rubles. But the maximum will be at the level of 200,000 rubles. But to receive such a salary, you will need to become a truly advanced specialist. And the region of work, of course, will greatly affect.
It is curious that the highest average salary is not in Moscow, but in Krasnoyarsk - 78,000 rubles. In second place is Ufa - 71 thousand, and the third line of the rating with 70 thousand is shared by Samara and Vladivostok. In Moscow, they pay 62,000, and the minimum average rate among megacities - 53,000 - was found in Novosibirsk and Volgograd. Perm, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov-on-Don, Yekaterinburg and Omsk are ahead of the Russian capital.
You will have to look for work in the following industries:
- at meat processing enterprises;
- in transport companies (using refrigerated vehicles);
- in retail chains;
- in warehouse companies;
- in dairy companies;
- in agricultural holdings;
- in organizations working with refrigeration equipment.

Mechanics in the specialty 15.02.06 "Installation and technical operation of refrigeration and compressor machines and installations", as well as refrigeration operators for OKPDTR - 14341 are trained by the Kaluga College of Economics and Technology.