All about the profession of a subway driver

Residents of large cities can fully appreciate how much their life depends on the metro driver. Every day, you trust this stranger with your daily routine, city route, comfort of travel and many important plans. In our article we will talk in more detail about how what is the responsibility of a metro driver, what are the requirements for a candidate for this position, and what responsibility this specialist bears.
An electric train driver is a person who provides control of an electric train locomotive and is responsible for the transportation of passengers along surface and underground metro lines in metropolitan areas. We can say that this is a railway driver.
The first subway appeared in 1863 in England. Initially, trains in it moved using steam traction, and since 1890 - already on electric one. In the Soviet Union, the very first metro line was launched in 1935 in Moscow.
With the development of modern technologies, transport systems such as light rail, monorail, S-Tog and some others have also been added to the traditional types of surface and underground metro.

The squads are run by professionals who receive specialized training. In Russia today, the metro operates only in a few large cities - St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kazan, as well as N. Novgorod, Novosibirsk and Samara. In addition, there is a metro tram in Volgograd.
The person who wants to become a subway driver must not only have all the technical skills and competencies, he must also be psychologically ready to work underground for a long time in a confined space, therefore all applicants must undergo preliminary testing. As a rule, the metro driver works in shifts. For example, in Moscow, day, evening, and night shifts are provided, while the night shift, in turn, is divided into several shifts: starting work in the evening, then there is a short rest and the morning part.
By the nature of his activity, a metro driver can be involved in solving such problems as:
- movement of passengers on a specific route sheet;
- maneuvering trains at finishing stations;
- stay in reserve;
- substitution of an absent colleague.
It is very important that the driver transports passengers as closely as possible to the travel schedule.
This specialist should observe safety precautions, if necessary, be able to provide first aidas well as timely react to all kinds of emergency situations.

The labor duties of a subway driver include the following functions:
- compliance with established safety rules, as well as approved instructions for driving electric vehicles;
- daily compulsory medical examination before the start of the work shift;
- organization of the acceptance of the train and its delivery;
- checking the functionality of the brake system;
- the implementation of measures for the carriage of passengers in accordance with the established schedule of movement without the admission of unauthorized persons into the cabin;
- the use of rational and energy-saving driving modes for electric vehicles;
- timely response to any information received via the emergency communication system from passengers;
- control of the technical condition of cars, as well as driver's cabs;
- informing the metro dispatcher about any malfunctions.

In accordance with the current Unified tariff and qualification reference book, only a healthy, physically strong man aged 18-40 years, who has completed military service in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and has at least secondary education, can be appointed as an electric train driver. Work in this position for female representatives is not provided for by law.
And today the metro driver is quite a demanded profession. As a rule, a lot of vacancies are always open for this position and new employees are being trained in a continuous mode. However, the requirements for applicants are also the most stringent. Each candidate for the vacancy of a metro driver must undergo psychological testing to determine the characteristics of his psychotype. As a result of such a study, the applicant's ability to concentrate, memorize large amounts of information, and also the ability to switch from one maneuver to another are revealed.
Of great importance for approval in the position of an electric train driver is the physical condition of a person. These workers must be in good health and free from serious chronic illnesses. They must be physically able to withstand high loads caused by work in the dark. Persons with pathologies of the vestibular apparatus are not allowed to work, since any movement of the electric train is accompanied by pronounced vibration. A subway driver must have good visual acuity and an ideal color perception of 100%. This person must undergo an indispensable examination by a doctor-narcologist, since a successful candidate for this position cannot have any bad or addictive habits.
Before the start of the work shift, the driver must undergo a medical examination - the employee's heart rate and blood pressure parameters are measured, as well as an alcohol test and the presence or absence of prohibited substances in the blood.
If the driver is in a negative mood, in a state of intense excitement, stress or depression, this can be the basis for suspension from the shift. Only such tight control will save the lives of passengers and prevent disasters.

A responsibility
The electric train driver is fully responsible for the correct operation and maintenance of the train entrusted to him in a working condition, as well as the culture of passenger service and the safety of their movement. In addition, this person is responsible for the actions of his assistant.
The law establishes the responsibility of the driver and his assistant on the following grounds:
- the correct maintenance of the electric rolling stock entrusted to the driver, as well as inventory, working tools and repair section books from the moment of their acceptance to delivery;
- ensuring the safety of transported passengers and train traffic;
- providing a culture of service;
- observance of the norms of technical operation of subways, established by special orders, valid throughout the country;
- observance of instructions for the movement of various trains and vehicles, instructions for labor protection, fire safety standards;
- compliance with all the rules governing the work of locomotive crews;
- passing a periodic medical examination, as well as pre-trip and post-trip examination;
- informing the train dispatcher or driver-instructor about the occurrence of malfunctions in the cars, maintaining the normal functioning of the vehicle and its individual elements;
- ensuring mutual control over the observance of labor duties.
And the subway driver can be held liable in the event that his technical knowledge and practical skills for getting out of situations of malfunction of the rolling stock are recognized as unsatisfactory. This specialist does not have the right to unauthorized unsealing and disconnection of operating devices, as well as safety devices, cannot turn off faulty safety devices without notifying the train dispatcher.

In order to work as a subway driver, it is best to get professional education in the direction of "locomotive driver". You can enroll in a secondary school both on the basis of the 9th grade and after the 11th grade - this only determines the duration of training. In addition, the metro driver will have to additionally study directly at the enterprise. However, this will require less time and effort than acquiring knowledge from scratch, although this practice imposes rather stringent requirements on applicants.
From the very first day of completing the program, they must be extremely disciplined and punctual, not allowing even one minute to be late for classes - any violation of this requirement immediately falls into a personal file. It is not recommended to take time off from classes on personal matters. In fact, from the first day of training, all students' affairs can only be associated with the metro.
During the performance of their duties the driver is not allowed using a mobile phone, tablet and, in general, distracting from the execution of their job descriptions - respectively, and during classes, these actions are also prohibited for future metro drivers.
In the first month of training at the UCH, it is a course in the profession "Assistant to the train driver". It ends with the passing of tests, followed by a week of practice at the depot, after which it is necessary to pass exams.

From the 2nd to the 5th month, training is conducted in the specialty "electric train driver". During this time, students study the structure of the rolling stock, get acquainted with the established norms and rules for the technical operation of the car, find out the possible causes of breakdowns and malfunctions of the car and methods for their elimination as soon as possible. The course ends with a month-long practice at the depot. In fact, at this moment, registration in the state and the conclusion of an employment contract are already being made, and the amount of salary is also established. But the work is carried out under the supervision of a mentor who has permission to train metro drivers.
At the end of the internship, you must pass exams:
- pneumatic equipment;
- mechanical equipment;
- electrical equipment;
- train control.
However, successful studies and passing final examinations do not at all ensure an instant promotion and occupation of the position of "metro driver". Applicants will have to work on the position of an assistant driver for another 3 months. During this period, in addition to performing their direct duties, the candidate for the driver will have to attend emergency games, training trips, as well as participate in meetings and other public events.
After a 3-month period, all acts should be signed with instructors and mentors, as well as deputies for operation, and internal exams should be passed. Only after successfully passing them can the candidate take the vacancy of an electric train driver without a category.

Where does it work?
Representatives of this profession work in the subways. As already mentioned, the sphere of employment is limited to a few major cities.
In our country, this is a demanded profession, and its pay is quite high. It fully depends on a number of parameters.
- Qualification employee group and work experience in the specialty... So, metro drivers of the 1st category, whose experience exceeds 10 years, can receive up to 100 thousand rubles a month. However, there are quite a few employees with such an impressive experience, because there is a strict age limit in the profession.
- The amount of wages is influenced by hours worked. In accordance with the current regulations, the metro driver is obliged to work 6 hours a day, and 36 hours a week. Unfortunately, due to the lack of competent specialists, today the length of the day often increases to 8 hours a day. This significantly increases the level of wages, but also affects the health of the employee in the most negative way.
- Work in the evening, as well as at night, is paid 20% higher than during the day. The night shift rate exceeds the day rate by 40%, and electric train drivers, whose shift is divided into several periods per day, receive 30% more.
There are also differences between the salaries of metro drivers in different cities of our country. In addition to a good salary, the hard work of workers in this profession allows them to rely on certain social benefits. These include:
- free travel in the subway at any time and in any direction;
- annual, fully paid leave in the amount of 42 days, starting from the 3rd year of work in the depot, it increases to 44 days;
- any specialist has the right to count on a place in the recreation area for depot workers;
- employees of this service are provided with free train tickets every year for travel to the place of rest, as well as back;
- quarterly and annual awards.
In addition, metro drivers have the right to undergo training in any universities associated with the communication routes. And also workers of this specialty can count on free medical care in subordinate institutions.