All about the profession of a mobile steam engine operator

In the past few years, blue-collar occupations have become increasingly popular. One of these is the position operator of a mobile steam unit. Today in our article we will talk about the features of the professional activity of a specialist, as well as what is included in the daily duties of an employee.

The work of the PPU driver (decryption - mobile steam installation) quite difficult and responsible. So, this technique is used for cleaning specialized equipment and containers, heating concrete and the upper layers of the soil (in the cold season), processing transport and soil, etc. The equipment is a mobile platform on which special equipment is located: a boiler, a container for fuel, transmission, water fuel pumps, and other additional equipment.
In order to control the process of supplying hot air and its pressure, it is necessary to adjust the position of the valves. At the same time, errors are practically excluded, since the design of the device contains a special system of check valves. Hot steam is available for use after half an hour after turning on the unit. PPU drivers can work on a wide variety of equipment. However, most often in production, plants are used with a capacity indicator of 5.3 cubic meters. The time of continuous operation of such a device can be up to 5 hours.
The profession has a high level of demand. Therefore, if you receive appropriate educational training, you will not be left without a job.However, the level of demand for specialists is not the same in all regions of the Russian Federation. On the other hand, it is important to highlight the presence of a large number of risks.
Thus, based on all of the above, we can conclude that the PPU driver is a very responsible position. In this regard, the person who occupies it must have a large amount of theoretical skills and practical skills.

When employed as a PPU driver the applicant must it is imperative to familiarize yourself with all official documents that regulate the activities of a specialist. At the same time, the employer's duties include the timely provision of these documents. So, first of all, we are talking about job descriptions and a unified tariff and qualification reference book of jobs and professions of workers (or ETKS). This includes all those job responsibilities that an employee must perform in the course of his professional activities. The duties of the PPU driver include:
- timely preparation of the mobile steam unit for operation;
- implementation of repair and adjustment work, if necessary;
- monitoring the operation of key structural elements;
- installation of additional equipment on the platform (as well as its dismantling);
- compliance with safety regulations;
- implementation of their work strictly in accordance with the provided terms of reference;
- maintaining accounting and reporting documents, making entries in the relevant journals.
It should be borne in mind that the above list is not final... Carefully read the job description, as the employer often indicates the tasks that you will have to perform, also ask clarifying questions during a personal interview. You must be sure that you will be able to perform all the functional tasks assigned to you. Remember that in case of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of your official duties, you may be held liable.

Knowledge and skills
In order to competently and effectively perform the duties described above, the PPU driver must have a sufficient amount of theoretical and practical training, namely:
- know the basics and be able to carry out locksmith work in practice;
- know all the technical and functional features of a mobile steam installation;
- be able to properly operate and configure the equipment;
- know the legal norms governing the working activities of the PPU driver;
- be familiar with the specifics of the industry in which the activity is carried out.
At the same time, one should not dwell on the basic set of knowledge and skills. You should constantly develop, improve yourself and improve your qualifications... In addition, many employers put forward requirements not only in relation to professional knowledge and skills, but also in relation to the personal characteristics of the candidate for the position. So, it is believed that a hundred PPU driver should be hardy, responsible, attentive, executive, obligatory, stress-resistant, decisive, etc.
The optimal combination of personal and professional characteristics will make you a high-class professional, highly demanded in the labor market.

In order to get the position of a PPU driver, need to be trained in an appropriate training program... This can be done in almost any secondary vocational education institution (college or technical school). At the same time, in the process of studying, you need to be as attentive, disciplined and responsible as possible. Pay attention not only to obtaining theoretical knowledge, but also practical skills that will be useful in the future when performing immediate work tasks.
In addition, after being hired for a job, there may be the need for advanced training (This is especially true for those employees who want to raise their rank or move up the career ladder). This procedure can be carried out through a variety of educational activities: for example, courses, lectures, seminars, master classes, etc.

Due to the fact that steam mobile units are used in various spheres of human activity, PPU machinists can work at enterprises that specialize in:
- construction;
- oil production;
- communal services;
- road sector;
- motor transport;
- railroad, etc.
It should be borne in mind that the main part of the work of a specialist is carried out in the fresh air, and the working conditions themselves can negatively affect health employee. That is why the requirement for regular medical examinations and examinations, which is paid by the employer, is mandatory. A standard shift of the PPU driver lasts 7-8 hours with several breaks. Moreover, most often the work is on a rotational basis.
The salary depends on the field of work (state enterprises or private institutions), as well as on the specific region. In general, the average salary of a PPU driver is 45,000 rubles.