Lift driver: features and requirements

For the convenient transportation of people and objects to tall buildings and down, special equipment called a hoist is used. This is a complex machine that requires certain knowledge and skills to operate. The operator controls the functions of the lift.
This is a specially trained person who must not only use the equipment correctly, but also solve the difficulties that arose during the work.
Who is that?
Lift driver Is a specially trained employee whose main responsibility is the maintenance and use of the mechanism (lifting machine). The work includes many nuances, including ensuring complete safety for yourself and other employees. Also the specialist is sure to take part, both in the preparatory and installation work. Currently, several options for building units are used, which differ in functionality. Depending on the model, the worker may need skills in handling a winch as well as a power generator.
The lifting mechanisms can be divided into separate groups according to the following characteristics.
- Mobility.
- Traction type.
- Type of drive.
- Type of loads being lifted.
- The presence of a counterweight.
- Cyclicity of actions.
- Placement of the control system.

A professional machinist can drive different types of cars... Typically, hoisting towers are often used in the oil and construction industries. Also, special equipment is indispensable when servicing high-rise buildings and other similar structures.In this connection, the drivers of the hydraulic lift and towers are always in demand.
During work, the driver is obliged to carefully monitor the functioning of the machine and check it for serviceability... In the event of its failure, you need to quickly carry out repairs and return to performing direct duties. Mobile lifts are also in demand. To transport them from place to place, they use a tractor or car, which, as a rule, is driven by a driver. In this case, the employee it is necessary to monitor not only the condition of the lift, but also the vehicle for transportation. When taking up a position, a new employee is obliged undergo internships as an assistant to a more experienced and skillful specialist. This is necessary to check the level of training of the worker. The length of the internship may vary, but the average is several shifts. In some cases, a specialist can immediately begin to perform all job duties in full. Employers apply this approach to employees with long experience and numerous labor merits. If the employee has no work experience at all, the internship can be extended.
If an employee has not held the position of a machinist for more than a year, he needs to confirm the level of knowledge and skills in this area.
This requirement is being made by more and more modern companies. Instructions and training are also carried out, during which the employee is introduced to the new equipment, as well as the peculiarities of its operation and maintenance.

How much do machinists earn in Russia?
The salary level depends on many factors. This is significantly affected the qualifications of the employee, as well as his experience in the position held... On average, a beginner specialist can earn from 60 thousand rubles a month. About 60 thousand rubles are earned by a specialist whose work experience is about 3 years. More experienced employees can receive a salary of 100 thousand rubles. The second factor that strongly affects the size of the salary is the city and the complexity of the job. In large metropolitan areas, a worker will earn more than a specialist in a small village.
Pros and cons of the profession
Each profession has its own advantages and disadvantages. Having evaluated them, a person can make a choice in favor of such a position or completely refuse to develop in this direction. The following are noted as advantages.
- A decent salary that successfully competes with the salaries of employees in related industries.
- Career opportunities resulting from increased earnings.
- High demand for specialists. Today in the labor market there is always a vacancy for a professional lift driver.
As lack note only the danger during work and the risk to health. In the process of performing official duties, a specialist exposes himself to a negative influence. The state of health is negatively affected by dust and gas pollution.
Do not forget about the high altitude, as well as the movement of other equipment nearby. To be on the safe side, the worker must strictly adhere to safety rules and wear special protective equipment, including footwear.

Digit overview
To indicate the level of each employee, the ranks were developed... This branch of work includes all 3 possible qualifications: 5.6 and 7 categories.
- Worker of the 5th category... The lift driver works on objects that have been assigned the first category of complexity. Their maximum depth is 1500 meters.
- 6 category... This category of specialists works with wells of the second level of complexity. The depth indicator exceeds 1,500 meters. Moreover, the zone includes special geological conditions that complicate the process of carrying out any work.
- 7th category. The last level indicates that this is an experienced specialist who can skillfully handle equipment of various capacities. The driver uses equipment with a lifting capacity exceeding 80 tons.

Personal qualities
When choosing an employee for the position of a hoist driver, employers pay attention not only to professional skills, but also to the personal qualities of a person. An employee in this area must have the following personal characteristics.
- Caution.
- Attentiveness.
- Concentration.
- Endurance.
- A responsibility.
- Stress tolerance.
According to most companies, these features are the main ones. Also a good employee must have excellent memory and a clear eye... This will help the employee not only successfully cope with the task, but also quickly solve the problem. Due to serious vision problems, the applicant may be refused.
Also important have good health... Candidates with serious chronic diseases of vital organs (heart, respiratory organs, etc.) are not allowed to work. Also, a person with problems of the nervous system and mental disorders cannot work as a driver. Problems with the musculoskeletal system are considered a legitimate reason to deny an applicant a position.

Knowledge and skills
To work in any activity, an employee must have special knowledge and skills gained with experience. The lift operator can meet the following requirements.
- Fully know the structure of the equipment used in the work. The equipment will differ depending on the operating conditions.
- If necessary, the driver is obliged to carry out minor repairs in order to avoid a larger breakdown and return to duty. In this regard, skills in working with tools are required.
- Taking into account the fact that the equipment is constantly being improved, the employee must improve his qualifications in a timely manner, studying new equipment.
- First aid pointing skills are mandatory. They can become vital in an accident. The person taking up the position should know the professional terminology, including the working documentation.
- If a novice specialist works under the guidance of an experienced employee, the driver must not only check the level of training of the future foreman, but also clearly and intelligibly explain everything necessary.
- Given the fact that some lifts must be transported using vehicles, the driver must have a driver's license of the required category.

Most of the machinists work in the oil and gas field. In this case, in order to fulfill all the duties assigned to the employee, the specialist needs to know not only about the structure of the lift and the reasons for its operation. In this industry, knowledge regarding the technology of extracting natural resources is mandatory. Also, employers require future employees to be aware of the following areas.
- Electrical engineering.
- Locksmith craft.
- Features of engine repair.
The list of requirements for an employee may differ from company to company. In any case, the employer's duty is to bring the worker up to date with the help of special instructions, as well as familiarize him with safety requirements. TO independent work only those specialists are allowed who have successfully confirmed their qualifications, and also underwent a medical examination, during which no health problems were detected.

To become a professional lift driver, you need to get an appropriate education... A diploma of secondary specialized education is issued to graduates of colleges and technical schools who have chosen the relevant specialty.If it is not possible to become a student, you can take courses that are implemented on the basis of various educational institutions and centers.
During the training, future machinists receive all the necessary knowledge to further develop in their chosen profession. In addition to the theoretical component, students hone their skills in practice. Students work with equipment, repair it, study the features of structures of various types and perform other tasks that they will definitely need when they are admitted to the position. In some educational institutions you can get a specialty on a budgetary basis. Full-time students receive a monthly stipend. After graduation, future specialists are sent to practice to hone their knowledge.
Will be useful and refresher courses. They will be useful for both beginners and experienced professionals. Remember that the hardware and tools used during work are constantly being updated and improved. To remain in demand as a specialist, you need to be able to work with various types of equipment.
Given the high demand for lift drivers, it will not be difficult to find a technical school or school with the appropriate specialization. They can be found both in large cities and in urban-type settlements.