Features of the profession of a locomotive driver

If you are interested in popular and currently demanded working professions, then you you should pay close attention to the position of a locomotive driver... This work is quite responsible and serious, it will suit those young people who are interested in technology and the exact sciences. Today in our article we will talk in detail about the professional activities of a diesel locomotive driver.
Pros and cons of the profession
First of all, it should be said that the position of a diesel locomotive driver requires specialized educational and practical training. This is due to the fact that the work is quite responsible and difficult. So, employee must perform a large number of functions: control the train strictly according to the schedule, know and strictly follow the traffic rules, know the meaning of semaphore signals and much more. Due to the fact that the work of a locomotive driver is complex, very often this a specialist works in conjunction with an assistant or assistant, which performs a variety of auxiliary tasks.
The profession of a locomotive driver is characterized by a large number of unique characteristicsthat distinguish this post from any other. Moreover, these characteristics are not only positive, but also negative.
Before you finally decide to get an education in your specialty and associate your life with such work, you should carefully evaluate all the pros and cons.
In this case, your decision will be as balanced and objective as possible, you will not regret it in the future, and the choice of profession itself will bring you only positive emotions.

To begin with, it is necessary to say about the merits of the work of a locomotive driver.
- The relevance of the profession. This position is quite in demand on the territory of Russia. Moreover, you can find vacancies in almost any region of our country. Accordingly, if you complete educational training in your specialty, you will not remain unemployed. On the contrary, you will be a demanded and relevant specialist in the domestic personnel market.
- Big salary. Due to the fact that the professional tasks that the locomotive driver performs on a daily basis are quite complex and responsible, employers generously compensate for the work of specialists. Thanks to the high level of wages, you will be able to maintain a fairly high standard of living, as well as financially help your family.
However, in addition to advantages, the profession also has disadvantages.
- Difficult working conditions. The locomotive driver does his job not in comfortable office conditions, but in rather harsh circumstances. Hard and stressful work can negatively affect the health of the person who occupies this position, therefore, good physical fitness and endurance are required from him.
- Unequal gender. The locomotive driver is a predominantly male job. The fair sex, who wants to take this position, will not be easy in the process of looking for a job.
- Lack of prospects. A locomotive driver is a specialist who rarely moves up the career ladder. He often remains in this position throughout his professional life. If you want to constantly develop, then you will have to change the sphere or go to an adjacent area.

The working duties of a diesel locomotive driver are detailed in official documents regulating the activities of a specialist. These include primarily professional standard, job description and internal documents (company manuals and instructions). Generally speaking, these documents are standardized, but each employer can make adjustments and additions depending on the specifics of the activities of each individual enterprise. In addition, the responsibilities of a professional will vary depending on the level of his training, work experience and qualifications.
Traditionally, the duties of a locomotive driver include the following tasks:
- unconditional adherence to the instructions of the locomotive driver;
- compliance with safety regulations;
- continuous professional development;
- adherence to the work schedule and schedule;
- adherence to the train timetable;
- control over the technical condition of locomotives;
- tracking signals of semaphores and various pointers;
- compliance with the prescribed speed limits;
- notification of the attendants about the presence of any breakdowns or malfunctions;
- monitoring the functioning of devices and devices;
- tracking the level of fuel consumption.
It should be borne in mind that job description not only includes duties, but also provides for responsibility... So, for poor-quality performance of his work or for refusal to perform it, the locomotive driver may be subjected to responsibility of different levels (from disciplinary to criminal). In this regard, before officially finding a job for a position, you should carefully read all the documents regulating the activities of a specialist.
It is important that you match what is required of you with what you know how to do.

In order to take the position of a diesel locomotive driver, you need to go through the appropriate education... Specialist diploma can be obtained in a secondary vocational institution (such as a college or technical school). In this case, you should give preference to such areas of training as "Assistant driver of a shunting locomotive", "Assistant driver of a diesel locomotive", "Assistant driver of an electric locomotive." Depending on the chosen program, the learning process can last for a different amount of time; on average, you can get a diploma in 3 years.
You can enter a secondary vocational institution after grade 9. In this case, you should visit the educational institution you are interested in in advance and find out what exams you need to take. When choosing an educational institution, it is advisable to give preference to specialized railway technical schools and colleges, which are located in large cities or in the capital.
It should be taken into account in advance that the training is quite difficult, as you will study a large number of specialized technical disciplines... At the same time, it is important to pay attention not only to theoretical training, but also to the acquisition of practical skills and abilities.

The salary of a locomotive driver depends on a large number of factors:
- region of residence (in the capital, specialists receive more than in the provinces);
- work experience and level of education (the level of material remuneration is directly dependent on these factors);
- sphere of work (in state enterprises, specialists receive less than in private companies).
If we give average figures, then we can conclude that the salary of a diesel locomotive driver varies in the range from 40,000 to 80,000 rubles.