Shrovetide on the street: script ideas

Shrovetide is a spring holiday beloved by many. It is always fun with a large crowd of people. When holding a holiday on the street, script ideas can be very diverse.

How to Prepare?
In order for the organization of cheerful street festivities for the village to be at the highest level, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances when preparing the holiday.
- Celebrating Maslenitsa on the street involves the preparation of various structuresdesigned for all kinds of contests and games. It can be a variety of bars, posts, horizontal bars. It is very good if the farewell to the winter for the villagers can be done next to the sports ground. Then part of the competition can be held on it and you don't have to build additional structures. If not, then it is not so difficult to erect several wooden structures, and then disassemble them.
In the snowy region, there must be a slide, since winter fun on the wires of winter will be very useful.

- You will also need a variety of inventory for contests. This can be, for example, pillows, ropes, ropes, jump ropes. It all depends on what games, contests, competitions will be held. By the way, they should also be thought out in advance.
If, for example, a culinary competition is planned, then you should get dishes for all participants. The song contest presupposes the presence of microphones and musical equipment. Perhaps it will be a live ensemble.

- Maslenitsa event is a bright holiday, so it is worth considering its design., prepare all the attributes and decor, with the help of which the decoration of the square where the holiday will take place will be carried out.
In addition, you need to prepare in advance the costumes for those who will participate in the scenes and theatrical performance, as well as make a stuffed carnival.

- Festivities on this day are necessarily accompanied by delicious dishes., lots of pastries, hot drinks. And for this you need to decide in advance which food companies to invite for organized trade. If the holiday is held in the countryside, then very often the villagers themselves prepare various dishes and delicacies and bring them as treats for the holiday, especially if a culinary competition is being held and it is planned to designate and reward the winners.

- It is imperative to provide for the availability of prizes for different competitions. No Shrovetide event is complete without fun competitions and gifts. Therefore, it is immediately worth deciding whether budget money will be allocated for all these purposes or whether you need to look for sponsors.

- Another important point to keep in mind is security. The holiday implies a large gathering of people, the presence of fire and other potentially dangerous moments. Therefore, you should always have fire extinguishers, a first aid kit in case of emergency, and, possibly, a paramedic at the ready.
The holiday lasts more than one hour, and any unforeseen situations cannot be ruled out.

Holiday decoration
The area where the event will take place should be decorated with bright colors. The design depends on the budget that is supposed to be spent on organizing the event. These can be various figures made of drywall and properly painted - huts, suns, samovars, pancakes. All this, of course, should not be chaotic. You should think over the exposure, and at the same time provide for a photo zone where you can take pictures for memory.

But in many cases, the traditional stuffed animal, the sun, all kinds of ribbons and flags are enough. To do this, you can place a high pillar in the middle of the square - a bright yellow smiling sun will flaunt at the top. And from it in all directions there will be multi-colored ribbons along the entire perimeter of the square. At the bottom, the tapes should be pegged or tied to trees if they frame the clearing. Even this kind of decor already allows you to feel the holiday atmosphere.
Of course, do not forget about the bright costumes of buffoons and other characters. Beautifully decorated tables with various dishes are also attributes of the holiday.

Entertainment for the people
A rural holiday always includes folk amusements, which include all kinds of competitions, accompanied by fun and shouts of fans. These include:
- tug of war (two teams with the same number of participants pull the rope - each in its own direction);
- competition in strength (lifting weights, barbells, squats with weights, push-ups, pull-ups);
- a manifestation of dexterity and strength (you need to climb to the very top of the pillar, where the prize or certificate for its receipt will be located);
- all kinds of relay races, for example, jumping in bags, etc.

It is possible to organize contests for adults on culinary themes. To do this, tables, stoves and boilers on bonfires are installed on the square, which will allow participants to cook any dish. The celebration of Shrovetide is always accompanied by hot pancakes with all kinds of fillings. All baked goods are served hot with hot tea from a samovar.
There is a place on such a holiday for competitions on the speed of eating pancakes and pies, and other culinary dishes. You can guess with your eyes closed what kind of filling the pancake is served with. After all, there can be a great variety of fillers for pancakes: cottage cheese, berries, jam, apples, potatoes, meat, fish, caviar.

The cheerful atmosphere of the holiday attracts, first of all, children. Therefore, it is imperative to arrange a round dance with songs, dances and games.
By all means, on this day, you need to hold a competition of ditties and other folk art.
Usually, the program of such a holiday includes a theatrical performance in which Winter fights against Spring, but Spring wins in the end. The culmination is the burning of a scarecrow, as a symbol of everything old and unnecessary, all worries and troubles, thereby giving way to something new, good, bright and kind.

Script ideas
The scenario plan is usually prepared in advance by the workers of the village's cultural center. It is the creative team that will have to think over interesting moves, the theatrical holiday falls on their shoulders.
- From the very morning, the necessary props have already been placed on the square, the square is decorated with appropriate elements.
- When the holiday itself begins, the host greets the guests and then invites them to take part in the fun holiday.
- Further, representatives of the creative teams working in the club enter the stage prepared in advance and offer the audience the first part of the concert. It can be songs, poems, dances, mini-scenes.
- Then everyone is invited to take part in the games. Here the organizers choose the sequence. For example, first a pillow fight, then a bag run, then a tug-of-war.
- When the older generation has shown their courage, strength and dexterity, you can give the floor to the kids and invite them to tell poems and sing songs about winter and spring.
- After that, a mini-performance is offered to the audience's attention, in which the old woman Zima meets the girl Spring, they argue with each other, but, of course, the beauty Vesna wins. Various animals may also be present in the play, which also contribute to the general story, explaining how they are tired of the cold weather and waiting for the arrival of warmth.
- After that, Spring invites everyone to continue the holiday and burn the scarecrow prepared in advance on the square. The scarecrow is burned, everyone has a round dance. The presenters try to attract as many spectators as possible to participate in the holiday. Nobody should be left out.
- Then everyone is invited to the tables with hot pancakes. You can go to culinary competitions and give the opportunity to cooks and hostesses to showcase their talents to please the guests. Dishes can be very different. This is a holiday of generous treats, because after it comes a long fast.
- Creative teams rise to the stage and present the second part of the concert to the audience.
- The guests have refreshed themselves, and we can propose to continue the competition. The final stage will be the rewarding. These can be very different nominations: you can determine the strongest participant, the most dexterous, the most resourceful, the funniest, etc. Nobody limits the choice of nominations, everything depends on the organizers.

In the village, everyone usually knows each other, this makes the holiday in a very warm and friendly atmosphere.