Maslenitsa week: traditions by day

Shrovetide is the first spring holiday. In recent years, it has become increasingly common to celebrate Maslenitsa on a wide scale. This day for many is a real symbol of farewell to winter and welcome to the long-awaited spring. But there are those who are preparing for the holiday seriously and are not limited to one day. So, you should take a closer look at the Maslenitsa week, as well as learn about all the traditions by day.

The meaning of the days of the Narrow Shrovetide
All the peasants expected the arrival of this holiday in Russia, they carefully prepared for it, not forgetting about all existing traditions. The last decades have begun to celebrate Maslenitsa in Russia according to all the rules. It is celebrated in every city, and even more so in a village or village. Houses of culture are preparing a program, organizing theatrical performances. Areas are being prepared where people can fully celebrate the holiday, get a lot of positive emotions and positive energy. But Maslenitsa week is divided into two parts, and there are traditions of their own every day. To follow them or not - everyone decides for himself.
But in any case, this is the holiday that you should pay attention to, and know at least the main points about it.

The first three days - Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday - represent the Narrow Shrovetide. Every day has its own name and its own customs, which in ancient times were strictly followed. For example, the peasants in the first three days could perform the rituals that are prescribed by the traditions of this wonderful holiday, but at the same time they did not stop their work. After all, the peasants had an abundance of work. And just like that, no one could afford to have fun and walk.
The situation has changed little these days. Everyone must carry out their tasks, no one will quit their job, explaining to the boss that he is preparing on a large scale for the Maslenitsa meeting. But nevertheless, there is an opportunity to follow the traditions. Moreover, it is not that difficult.

This day was called "Meeting" and was meant to think over the main place and time of the celebration. Preparations were also to be made on this day. And there were a lot of things to do, and the main event was to prepare a scarecrow to be burned on a day of festivities and fun. They made it from straw. Nowadays attention is also paid to this in modern cultural institutions. As a rule, children of creative studios make it together with teachers. Here's where you can get creative. From any available materials, you can prepare a stuffed animal, dress it up, paint your face. As a rule, children like this activity and it becomes an exciting pastime. In addition, on Monday they began to bake pancakes and commemorate the dead. At the same time, the first pancake should have been given to the poor. And today this tradition is valid.
Volunteer organizations exist in every city, and baking pancakes for those in need has also become a common activity these days. Many, knowing about the needs of their neighbors, necessarily treat them to baked goods.

Its name is "Flirting". In families where there were young girls, they met potential suitors and their relatives to arrange a bridegroom. With a successful combination of circumstances, the wedding was scheduled for Krasnaya Gorka, when Great Lent ended.
And today there are absolutely no obstacles to getting to know the future groom or his parents, if the groom is already there, and it is going to the wedding. And pancakes on this day will be the best and most timely treat.

Received the name "Lakomka". And this is already a family day. The son-in-law went to his mother-in-law to taste the pancakes that she had prepared for him. And today the sons-in-law are happy to visit the bride's parents. After all, this is not only a reason to feast on mother-in-law's treats, but also to communicate with your family, to spend a pleasant time with loved ones. Moreover, such an event often turns into a warm family tea party. And for pancakes, you can prepare a lot of delicious fillings.

What do they do on Shirokaya Shrovetide?
Wide Maslenitsa already meant the beginning of the celebration. You could put your business aside and immerse yourself in fun and meeting friends. Moreover, all customs and rituals are somehow connected with pancakes. On these days, almost everyone bakes and eats pancakes, treats relatives and friends.

The harbinger of the coming of Maslenitsa. Favorite day for the kids, as the festivities have already begun. This day means that it is time to go sledging, harness horses, carry out fist fights and capture the snow fortress. Of course, such funny winter fun allows those residents who live in snowy regions to fully enjoy them. Here you can play snowballs, mold snowmen, and build ice slides. Well, those who don't have snow can choose other entertainment. Why not arrange a round dance on the seashore, and arrange a swim of walruses? It is also a very invigorating and fun event.

On Friday, "Mother-in-law's Evening" gave women the opportunity to learn all about the culinary skills of their daughters. After all, it was customary to go to visit his son-in-law for pancakes. And there, the married couple themselves figured out who to fully use their culinary abilities, the main thing is that the pancakes are tasty and the mother-in-law is happy. In ancient times, it was believed that the mother-in-law should be invited in advance, and, possibly, messengers should be sent more than once. In addition, according to ancient customs, the mother-in-law had to ensure the availability of the necessary equipment (pans and pots), as well as ingredients, in particular flour and butter.And this means that the son-in-law on Friday had to treat the mother-in-law and show every kind of affection and respect for her.
By the way, the mother-in-law could come to visit with her relatives, girlfriends and celebrate the onset of Maslenitsa with them, visiting her daughter and son-in-law.

The name "Sister's Family Gatherings" speaks for itself. The daughter-in-law invited her husband's sisters to visit, in addition, and her friends. Moreover, if the husband's sisters were unmarried, only unmarried girlfriends could be called, and vice versa. But these days, of course, you can expand the boundaries a little, simply this day can be turned into wonderful girlish gatherings, share joys and problems, just meet and talk heart to heart. There is often not enough time for such conversations, and Maslenitsa week is a great occasion.

And, perhaps, the most important day, which was named "Forgiveness Sunday". Of course, this day is especially important for believers. Church attendance is a prerequisite, prayers before Lent, commemoration of the dead with all the rituals, prayer for forgiveness. But today the tradition has found a second life. Asking each other for forgiveness has become common these days.
The main thing is that it should be sincere, from a pure heart. An excellent reason for many to make peace, to forget old grievances, to start from scratch.

Another very important moment of this day is to remember the dead, to visit the bathhouse. The result will be the burning of a scarecrow, and then you have to scatter its ashes over water or a field, saying goodbye to all bad things in this way and getting ready to meet the good. A wonderful tradition that gives each of us a chance to let go of bad thoughts, and make room for new positive moments. In addition, on this day you can burn old things, saying goodbye to everything unnecessary and bad. In this case, of course, an extremely important point must be taken into account. With all these manipulations, it is imperative to remember about all fire safety measures so that fun festivities leave positive memories and do not turn into trouble.
On this day, they not only burn a scarecrow, but also demonstrate their most diverse talents: they sing, dance, show all kinds of scenes, read poetry. They organize exhibitions of applied art. Craftswomen arrange culinary duels, offering different pastries. Men compete in strength, agility, and, of course, in eating pancakes. Fun contests and games are held for children. This is a family holiday where no one gets bored.

For the onset of good days, well-being, many these days tried to follow Russian customs, in no way deviating from them, and also listened and looked closely at everything that surrounded them. After all, the signs were also of great importance. Many, especially the elderly, believe in them now.
Here are just a few of them:
- if frost hits before Shrovetide, the summer will not be sultry and dry, but the harvest promises to be abundant;
- pancakes need to be baked these days as much as possible, not sparing the ingredients, then wealth and luck will certainly not bypass the house;
- if a lot of snow fell during Shrovetide, you should expect a rich harvest of buckwheat;
- lush, beautiful and tasty pancakes from the hostess indicate that everything will be fine in the house, prosperity, love and prosperity will be provided to all its residents;
- if you do not treat anyone to Shrovetide and invite them to pancakes, you can expect ruin and bad days;
- if you say goodbye to old things these days, new ones will certainly appear;
- if you sincerely forgive your offenders, good events and people will surely appear in your life.