Maslenitsa decoration: main attributes and decorations

Shrovetide celebrations are a time of fun and relaxation. Not all traditions of this holiday have survived from ancient times. But at least the habit of baking pancakes and arranging family gatherings or even big festivities on this day remained. And in order for the holidays to be more interesting and make a greater impression on the guests, it is worth taking care of the decoration of the courtyard and the house, as well as the correctly selected paraphernalia.

Outdoor Decoration Ideas
Traditionally, Maslenitsa was celebrated on the street. After all, you can gather more people there and enjoy winter activities. Now you can arrange such a holiday both at home and on the territory of some interesting institution.
When decorating a space on the street, you need to think through several important points at once. The first step is to make sure that music is present at the holiday. It is most convenient to install small mobile speakers. The main thing is that they are powerful. This is also important if, in addition to dancing, some kind of concert program is planned.
You can decorate the courtyard with flags. They are easy to do by hand.
It is best to use self-adhesive construction adhesive so that the flags do not get wet. For greater effect, the flags should be multi-colored.

In order to warm up a little and refresh yourself during the festivities, you can set up a table on the street with a large samovar and delicious tea. It is most convenient to use disposable dishes for pancakes, jam and other snacks.
It is on the street that you can set the attributes of Shrovetide – Madder and cart wheel. The straw effigy is the main symbol of Shrovetide. Previously, it was customary to burn it, but now the stuffed Marena can be used simply to decorate the courtyard.You can even do it yourself.

A circle or a wheel from a cart was traditionally rolled down the hills, having previously been scorched. It was believed that if it rolled to the very foot of the hill and never fell, then the family would be accompanied by good luck throughout the year. But it is also not necessary to set it on fire. You can simply decorate the wheel with ribbons, fasten it to a pole and place it in a prominent place. This attribute of Shrovetide will make the holiday more atmospheric.
If possible, you can separately arrange a photo zone for guests. So after the holiday, not only vivid emotions will remain, but also memorable photos.
The photo zone should be decorated in the Old Russian style. A painted background, wooden furniture, straw stuffed animals, antique dishes and other interesting gizmos will come in handy.

How to arrange a hall?
A hall in a house or restaurant is also important to decorate properly.
When decorating the hall for Shrovetide, bright garlands of ribbons are used. You can also make them yourself. For decoration, you can use linen or burlap. Natural materials are perfect for a festive atmosphere.
If children take part in the fun, you can ask them for help. Garlands can be made from colored paper or even candy. In the second case, the decoration at the end of the holiday will also serve as a treat. Such decor for the room can be made by tying the candies by the tails with threads or stapling them with a stapler. Another great idea is to make garlands from dryers or bagels.
Original curly gingerbread cookies, which can be easily prepared at home, are also suitable.

Decorative dolls
You can decorate the room using another Shrovetide symbol - special amulet dolls. Previously, they were made on one of the holidays, and then they were kept for a whole year as a talisman. They can be made from straw, burlap and flax.
It is very important to decorate each doll with bright ribbons and other decorative details. If guests are invited to the holiday, you can make more of these small dolls and give them to everyone present as a souvenir.
You can also make colorful posters and paper flowers, such as brightly colored sunflowers, with your own hands. Various items of Old Russian life are also suitable for decoration - balalaikas, decorative brooms, embroidered napkins or towels.

How to decorate a table?
Separately, it is worth talking about table decoration. After all, it is the festive feast that takes the whole evening, which is spent with the guests.
Tablecloth and cutlery
It is recommended to decorate the table in light colors, using white and gray colors. All this beauty will later need to be diluted with bright details - dishes, ribbons and originally decorated dishes. It is also worth using natural fabric here, for example, the same linen. Napkins or cutlery can be tied with twine or ribbons. Beads attached to them will also be useful.
You can also use an embroidered tablecloth. This will definitely make the holiday atmosphere more comfortable.

Dishes and other decor
Separately, you need to take care of the choice of dishes. For a Maslenitsa feast, a large painted samovar and dishes in the old style: cups, saucers, spoons, clay pots.
An important element of the holiday is live fire. Of course, no one will burn a stuffed Marena or set fire to a wheel in the house. But here it is quite possible to light some beautiful candles and place them on the table.

Dish decoration
A dish as simple as pancakes can also be served beautifully. This requires only imagination and a little free time. Here are some simple ideas to help make your holiday table more effective.
- Pancake bags. Each pancake needs to be filled with delicious filling. For example, mushrooms, berries or caviar. The edges of the pancake must be pulled together and secured with a toothpick or tied with green onions. Inside such a bag, a "surprise" can be hidden - a coin that will definitely bring good luck and wealth to the one who finds it.
- Openwork pancakes. You can cook such beauty without any special tools. To do this, it is enough to use a regular plastic bottle. Several holes must be made in the bottle cap. The dough is poured into a bottle cut in half and poured into a preheated frying pan in thin streams.
- Pancake cake. Such an addition to the festive table turns out to be very tasty and satisfying. The pancake cake can be garnished with fresh herbs, red or black caviar and boiled eggs.
- Delicious roses. The pancakes are simply filled and cut into three pieces. The top edges of each piece need to be fluffed slightly to make them look like rose petals. A plate with such a snack must be decorated with fresh herbs.

In addition to pancakes, on the festive table you can arrange baskets and plates with beautiful edible "birds", wafer rolls and other goodies. It is best to cook it all with your own hands.
With all these decorations and a delicious feast, Maslenitsa will be remembered by both the hosts of the holiday and its guests.

For information on how to make roses from pancakes for Shrovetide, see the next video.