Fifth day of Maslenitsa

Festivities on the eve of Lent are distinguished by their original fun. All week, the Russian people are treated to pancakes according to the traditions of each new day. But Shrovetide on Friday is a special occasion that invites family ties to be strengthened with a dinner party at a son-in-law's home. In this way, a young relative expresses his respect for his wife's mother. He is supposed to prepare the treats for her with his own hand. In the modern world, this is rather a conditional moment, but respecting the older generation will be useful in any case.

Shrovetide is usually called the week of the spell before the onset of Great Lent. And also this period is known under the old name Cheese week (by the number of days of the week) or Meat week. In ancient times, Orthodox believers ate hearty food from the heart, rested and rejoiced before Lent.
The Maslenitsa holiday was accompanied by perky songs, noisy games, and visits.

Pancake week started on Monday. It was designated as Narrow Maslenitsa and was celebrated for three days. The next four days of the week were Shrovetide. Each day in Meat Week had its own traditions, a specific role and its own name. Therefore, the people have defined a clear schedule of who visits whom during the week, what this means, and what ceremonies are observed at the same time.

Friday is usually called mother-in-law gatherings or "mother-in-law evenings". The fifth day was traditionally spent in a close family circle with close people. Shrovetide on Friday is very different from other rituals. She is amused by the fact that the son-in-law is supposed not only to invite his mother-in-law to his house, but also to treat the honored guest with pancakes prepared with his own hand.

On this day, the wife's mother paid a return visit to her son-in-law. And he should have previously solemnly invited her to dinner. However, the invitation could have been simple. In the first case, a real feast was held in honor of the mother-in-law's arrival, in the second - family gatherings.

Traditions and customs
On the eve of "mother-in-law's evening", on Broad Thursday, the mother-in-law sent everything necessary to her son-in-law so that he could prepare pancakes: a frying pan, a bowl for kneading dough, taganoks and a ladle. And from the father-in-law, the young owner received a whole bag of flour and butter. In the morning, the son-in-law sent "messengers" for the parents of his faithful. These could be friends or children who invited relatives to visit a young family. At the party, the mother-in-law was allowed to bring any relative, girlfriends or neighbors with her.
At dinner, the son-in-law tried in every possible way to show care and respect for the mother-in-law, surrounded her with attention. And she in return shared with him good advice regarding family life. This action was accompanied by a cheerful feast, loud songs, active dancing and laughter.

The visit to the young people's home has always been a public event, the outcome of which was followed by the entire village. It was a great honor to be invited by the daughter's husband, so every mother-in-law could be proud of such an act of her son-in-law. And for him it was considered simply indecent to ignore the "mother-in-law of the evening". Such an attitude was considered shameful, could lead to eternal enmity between relatives.

On "mother-in-law's evening" it was allowed not only to have fun and treat yourself to delicious baked pancakes, but also to guess. People believed that it was on this day that a window to the future was opened in front of them. That is, you can spy on the events that are coming soon. Maslenitsa signs and fortune-telling helped to sort out personal relationships and resolve controversial situations.

In ancient times
According to ancient traditions, the person who was the boyfriend at the wedding of the young husband was supposed to entertain guests on Shrove Friday. At the end of the table event, the toastmaster was presented with a gift for their efforts. But if by this time the boyfriend himself was starting a family, they were looking for someone to replace him. It was not customary to let the celebration take its course. In the course of the evening, all the rules had to be observed and the established traditions had to be taken into account.

So, in addition to refreshments, at mother-in-law's get-togethers there was a place for the family education of married children. For the wise experience of the mother-in-law, the son-in-law, taught wisdom, answered her with words of gratitude and constantly showed her his favor, striving for mutual respect. In addition, the young owner had to convince everyone that he was handsome and dexterous. The mother-in-law prepared for him special tasks for dexterity and skills.
The son-in-law, on his own, or competing with one of the guests (more often with the father-in-law), deftly hammered nails, chopped wood, and the like.

Other amusements were also in use. What they did not do with brooms at Maslenitsa evenings: they rode on horseback, threw them at the target, wore them, putting them on their foreheads, competing for range and speed. And, of course, no cultural program was complete without chorus songs, dances and ditties. The holiday ended with a walk with sleigh rides, and the son-in-law was certainly supposed to ride next to his mother-in-law.

Traditions to celebrate Pancake Week have survived to this day, but have long since lost their sacred meaning. The rituals of meeting spring and seeing off winter are not always strictly observed. Many families do not even celebrate Maslenitsa, but bake pancakes and treat friends and acquaintances at the end of the festive week. Mass festivities are held everywhere only on the last day before Great Lent - on Forgiveness Sunday. But the real fun in the modern world begins on Friday, because Shrovetide is no longer given "official days off" since Thursday, as was customary in Russia. On the last day of the working week, people meet with relatives and arrange a real feast. In accordance with ancient traditions, at "mother-in-law's evening" men set treats on the table.Some even fry pancakes on their own.
Whenever possible, wives help their husbands, but men take on the bulk of the festive troubles.

If you want to show respect for your parents, pay tribute to the traditions of your ancestors during Pancake Week, a young couple should invite relatives to visit for pancakes. You can also visit your relatives if they do not have the opportunity to visit the daughter's family on their own. Pancakes will be a great addition to a bouquet of flowers or a sweet cake. But even without them, the meeting should turn out to be warm in a family way.

Tips for conducting
The fifth day of Maslenitsa week can be made an unforgettable holiday for the whole family. This will require quite a bit of improvisation, provisions and initiative of the son-in-law and daughter. If the host of the dinner party does not have any special culinary talents, his young wife can help with the pancakes. However, in modern times it is not necessary to do this either. Buying ready-made pancakes or ordering home delivery will be the solution to all pressing problems. All that remains is to set the table and add symbolic details to the entourage.

A stylized supper in the spirit of old Russian traditions will be an excellent surprise for the mother-in-law. Here, the emphasis from the pancakes themselves can be made on red caviar, sour cream and honey. It will be great if you can get the painted dishes, wooden utensils, a samovar. On a table covered with a linen tablecloth or an embroidered towel, bunches of bagels or bagels will colorfully accompany the pancakes. In principle, it is better to treat the mother-in-law with what she prefers most of all. Let's say the wife's mother respects sauerkraut or cottage cheese - please amuse her vanity properly. Pancakes with curd filling and crispy cabbage on the table will be more eloquent than a thousand toasts in her honor.

It is worth thinking about the words and still say something to the mother-in-law in gratitude for the upbringing of his wife or some good human qualities of a relative. It makes sense to remember interesting joint events, funny situations and funny anecdotes. And ideally, it is desirable to prepare some poetry. For example, in the form of perky ditties that can be sung after tea drinking. Such a scenario of the holiday will not allow anyone present to get bored. In addition, the wife's mother will surely remember these cozy gatherings as one of the wonderful family events. Or maybe this style of celebration will take root in the family and become traditional?

For the most active and creative, it is proposed to continue the Maslenitsa holiday in the fresh air. Moreover, a walk after a hearty dinner will be useful for everyone. If the weather permits, sledding can be arranged. Even in the absence of horses, for fun, you can harness your son-in-law and father-in-law to the cart. Once a year, you can give your mother-in-law such an honor - a ride with a breeze, giving a little attention and adrenaline. By the way, in sunny calm weather, even in frosty weather, the son-in-law can treat his mother-in-law with pancakes on the street. This scenario is suitable for owners of private houses with a separate yard. A wide table for the whole family can easily fit there. And what fragrant kebabs can be prepared for pancakes!
Lean baked goods with fried meat will satisfy your appetite on a frosty February day.

On the day of mother-in-law's gatherings, it is really worth letting her sit and exhale. The son-in-law and his wife can easily cope with the role of the host without the help of the mother. And she, in turn, let her take pride of place in a comfortable chair or chaise lounge at the head of the table. Caring for loved ones is a necessary and useful thing. Do not neglect this opportunity. On the eve of Friday gatherings, it is advisable for the invited guest to choose a menu. Then you don't have to think about what to treat your mother-in-law so that she is satisfied with the reception.

If the scenario of celebrating Maslenitsa in nature seems attractive to residents of apartment buildings, they also have a way out. A joint family trip to the countryside will unite relatives for further emotional communication and good relations. Organizing mother-in-law's gatherings is easy at any camp site in the suburbs or even in a gazebo by the reservoir. There are enough such places in any locality. And if this is not the case, then there is nothing difficult in organizing a location in nature on your own. First you need to take care of the tent - this design will save you from wind or precipitation in case of a sudden change in weather. And the set table will be safer, and the dishes will not cool down so quickly.

The attention of a son-in-law will be dear to every mother-in-law. After all, not every day they make pancakes and a feast for her. Even in the absence of the opportunity to arrange an impromptu feast on "mother-in-law's day", it is worth getting together at least for a tea party. The wise mother-in-law will appreciate the invitation. By the way, it is possible to develop in this direction at a distance. Let's say when the mother-in-law lives in another city or even a country. The Internet will help you, and you can please your mother-in-law with fresh pancakes and a bouquet of flowers after kilometers separating relatives. Shrovetide treat will seem especially tasty if the wife's mother lives abroad. Food delivery services are now ubiquitous, you don't have to bake anything. And pleasant emotions on both sides are definitely guaranteed. Moreover, all these traditions are only for the benefit of family values!

Congratulations to all on the Maslenitsa 2021!