Shrove Tuesday

Maslenitsa week is one of the most interesting and significant of the year. This holiday is associated with a huge number of traditions, rituals and ceremonies that are preserved and performed today. Of particular importance is the sixth day of the week, on which you can attract luck, material success and other benefits.

The Saturday of Maslenitsa, that is, the sixth day of the week, is called "Sister-wife's gatherings." The name originates from the past, when, according to tradition, on this day, the spouses prepared presents for their sister-in-law. On Saturday, families got together, it was necessary to treat relatives properly, this tradition means a desire to preserve blood ties and emphasize family mood. The invitations concerned both free and married relatives, their husbands and girlfriends.
In addition, on this day it was considered necessary to visit the father-in-law in order to rejoice for the son's family and appreciate the hospitality. The spouses were assessed on the ability to establish a home, life, household, stories about their experiences were useful on this holiday. Of course, one of the essential elements of Shrovetide Saturday is a rich table. The large number of guests was perceived as a good sign predicting a blessed, successful year without any problems.
Gatherings on Saturdays were characterized not only by visiting guests and feasts. On this day, a lot of fun, songs, dances were taken, many ceremonies and rituals were held to attract good luck, money, happiness.

The customs of Maslenitsa week have undergone changes since past years, but there are traditions that are preserved and passed on from one generation to the next. To this day, on Saturday morning, make a wish, bake pancakes, avoid negative thoughts and words, selfish actions. Among the main traditions of Shrove Tuesday are the following:
- burning a scarecrow - many spend it on the penultimate, and not on the last day of the holiday period;
- for believers on this day, a visit to the temple is mandatory, where the festive morning service is held;
- memories of the departed - many visit the graves of loved ones on this day;
- treats with pancakes - not only for guests, but also for pets, cattle;
- dances, chants, festive fun - according to legend, the more fun this day is, the happier the year will be;
- kiss of spouses - when a husband and wife demonstrate their love in public kisses at guests.

Adults on Shrovetide should have fun without hesitation. In addition to feasts, there is a scenario according to which various rituals were performed and are being performed.
- Ritual of Kolodia. The deck (that is, an ordinary stick) was dressed up as a woman, all week this mummer lived her life according to a certain scenario. She was worn around the yards in order to tie her to someone unmarried. The ransom was simple - tying ribbons, ornaments. On Saturday was the mourning of the deck.
- Matchmaking. According to custom, "women's" week was the ideal time to send in matchmakers.
- Fist fight. This rite is a thing of the past, when wall to wall men went into a fight. Today the ritual is limited to a snowball fight. The bottom line was the release of negative energy, which was given sacred meaning.
- Burning effigy. This rite is associated with traditions of a memorial or fertile nature. The scarecrow seemed to be sacrificed, thus saying goodbye to winter, meeting spring, calling for fertility.
- Shrovetide songs. They had a meaning that could be considered sacred. Songs were sung in the vast fields, groves, invoking warmth, spring, and a fruitful year.
- Festivities. Folk festivities on Saturday are held to this day. Previously, they carried a huge number of signs and superstitions. For example, the more you sled, the richer you will get your flax crop.
- Wealth rites. Appeals for material well-being, abundance on this day are considered the most successful. They carry out rituals, burning unnecessary things, as if making room for new ones.
- An original money ritual. After the festivities, it was believed that the found coin would bring happiness, good luck and a lot of money soon. You need to take the coin with you, not throw it on the street, keep it for yourself and not spend it.
It is also impossible to give it, you need to save a year, after which on Forgiveness Sunday, throw it away in the same place where you picked it up.

What can and cannot be done?
The penultimate day of the holiday period is associated with many restrictions that should be fulfilled if you want to attract positive energy into your life.
It is forbidden
- There is meat and all the products associated with it. The week is not called a cheese week for nothing, you need to replace meat with fish, caviar, dairy products. It is not for nothing that pancakes with caviar are one of the most popular Shrovetide treats.
- Quarrel, conflict. It is strictly forbidden on this day to indulge in negativity, swear. The end of the week is already associated with preparations for Great Lent, a period of the greatest humility and peace of mind. You cannot give vent to emotions, offend and take offense, get angry, get angry.
- Forget about Forgiveness Sunday. Already on Saturday, it is worth preparing and remembering everyone who needs and wants to ask for forgiveness, so as not to miss anyone on the main day.

- Clean the house. It is imperative to clean up! Moreover, cleaning should be done as efficiently as possible so that the first week of fasting is devoted to prayer and turning to God. Cleaning should not interfere with visiting the temple, doing charity work.
- Work. If this day falls on a worker, feel free to go and fulfill your duties. Labor is encouraged not only in the form of official duties, but also in the form of cooking treats, decorating the house.
If all these conditions are met, the period of Great Lent will begin with pure thoughts, a clean house and a clean soul.