All about 3D massagers

In the 21st century, the number of beauty gadgets for personal care at home is simply amazing. Many people take these devices with great enthusiasm. Today we want to introduce you to one of them: a 3D roller massager for face and body.

Let us clarify right away that the gadget in question is different from a simple massage roller. Its feature is the presence of two rotating heads located on the sides of the handle at an angle, instead of one roller located in the middle.
Each of these heads rotates 360 degrees during the massage, thereby providing a more efficient treatment of the tissues of the face and body.

The heads resemble cut diamonds in shape, the number of facets on them reaches three hundred. This configuration was not chosen by chance: it is due to it that the lifting effect is achieved.
Let's see why this gadget is so good. During the massage, blood circulation and lymph flow are stimulated, as well as oxygenation of the skin.
Therefore, any cosmetic product applied during or after the procedure will have a much more pronounced effect.

The skin begins to produce its own collagen fibers. After completing the massage course, you will notice the following changes:
- fine and even some deeper wrinkles will disappear;
- the face oval will become clearer (V-shaped);
- thanks to lymphatic drainage, edema will go away, puffiness of the face will disappear, it will acquire beautiful contours;
- eyebrows will be raised;
- bags and dark circles under the eyes will decrease or disappear altogether;
- the skin will be smoothed, it will take on a fresh look, the complexion will improve.

By the way, the 3D roller massager can also be used to massage the neck, décolleté and double chin, to get rid of imperfections on the body (hips, arms, abdomen).With its help, you can remove the pronounced manifestations of cellulite, lose extra pounds and find beautiful body contours.

Top Models
Let's see what choice there is on the market for such beauty gadgets.
And let's start, of course, with the best - Japanese-made ReFa Carat. This silver device is equipped with two rollers and a solar battery, thanks to which it generates special microcurrents that increase blood and lymph flow, and therefore the effect of the massage. Its performance is comparable to professional devices.

- 3D Massager MS-040... A gadget from China designed for lymphatic drainage massage of the face and body. Two faceted heads glide smoothly over the skin, capturing and thoroughly washing deep tissue. As a result, the production of its own collagen and elastin is triggered, metabolic processes are improved, edema and excess volumes disappear.

- The next "guest" from the Middle Kingdom is Welss WS 3070 Ultra Shape. It is also equipped with a solar panel. The device is compact, you can easily take it with you on a trip, even if you are going somewhere in the wilderness with a tent, it does not need any recharging from the mains. During the massage procedure, the rollers rotate smoothly, imitating the actions of a professional massage therapist. The skin is not overly stressed.

- And the last gadget worthy of mention is the 3D platinum roller lifting facial massager... Country of origin - China. It is designed taking into account the slightest anatomical features of the face and therefore massage with its help is easy and pleasant. The spherical heads with triangular edges scroll and thoroughly rinse the deep tissues of the face, “expelling” all excess fluid from them. As a result, there is a very noticeable lifting, a clear oval, no puffiness, young and radiant skin with a healthy color. By the way, this massager is waterproof, which makes it possible to use it even while taking a shower or bath.

Instructions for use
But it is not enough to buy a device you like - you also need to be able to use it correctly. Consider how to use it to massage and achieve a rejuvenating effect at home.
- Moving along the massage lines and slightly pressing on the massager, walk through each of the indicated zones 5-10 times in the required sequence. Please note that we start the procedure from the bottom and gradually work towards the forehead area.
- Do not drive the massager back and forth: the direction of movement is clearly from the center to the periphery. It is in this way that it will be possible to achieve a lymphatic drainage effect and drive away all the extra "water" from the face.
- You should not put excessive pressure on the device or increase the number of "passes" along each massage line - the specified number of movements will be enough for you. The whole procedure should not take more than 10-15 minutes.
- To achieve the best and lasting effect, massage daily for 2 weeks... Then you can maintain the result by performing the procedure every other day or 2 times a week.
- The massage is done on clean skin with a pre-applied serum or other nutrient.

For information on how to use the 3D Ball Face Massager, see below.