Varieties of anti-cellulite massagers and their use

Cellulite is becoming a problem for many women, and absolutely any age. Therefore, the topic of fighting this "enemy" of female beauty always remains relevant. There are currently a lot of methods of struggle, but anti-cellulite massagers occupy a leading position in this matter. Therefore, it is worth considering in more detail their varieties and rules of use.

What it is?
The anti-cellulite massager can be presented in a wide variety of variations - from a special brush with stiff bristles to a powerful apparatus that acts on the body using different programs. But in the end, each of them to a different extent affects the body in this way, which due to the impact - mechanical or electrical - improves blood circulation, all processes in the subcutaneous layer of fat proceed faster, toxins are removed, the skin becomes smoother, smoother and more elastic. As a result, extra centimeters go away, if, of course, physical activity and proper nutrition are added to the massager.
It is worth noting that these procedures will have to be carried out long enough and regularly to achieve a visible effect.

There are different types of equipment designed for professional use and home use. The prices are also very different. Therefore, there is an opportunity to both purchase a budget option and buy more expensive equipment. Each woman can choose the model that is more convenient for her to use, as well as choose the appropriate principle of influence. Everyone's skin is different, and therefore for one woman, for example, a powerful vibration massager may be suitable, while for another it will be possible to use only an apparatus with infrared radiation.
It is necessary to pay attention to one more very important point. The massager will not help to get rid of pronounced cellulite once and for all.
First of all, it is very good for use for prophylaxis and is definitely able to strengthen the skin and improve its condition, and can also serve as an additional tool in the fight against cellulite at its initial stage.

Benefit and harm
The use of any means and equipment has both advantages and disadvantages. The same can be said for anti-cellulite massagers.
Let's see what their benefits are:
- due to the fact that blood circulation improves and lymphatic drainage occurs, edema subsides;
- with regular use, these devices help fight cellulite;
- have a relaxing effect on muscles;
- together with other measures in the complex are used for weight loss;
- allow you to tighten the skin, make it smoother and more elastic.

As for harm, it can be caused only if you do not follow the rules of operation or use the device with the existing contraindications, and there are many of them:
- inflammation and various skin rashes, as well as wounds, scratches, large moles that cannot be injured;
- colds and other diseases accompanied by high fever;
- mental and nervous disorders, as well as simply emotional overexcitement;
- state of alcoholic intoxication;
- oncological diseases, varicose veins, as well as cardiovascular diseases.

There is a very wide variety of body massagers that get rid of cellulite, but they can be conditionally divided into two groups: manual and hardware.
Most often, many people use manual copies in their different designs, because this is the most budgetary home option and sometimes quite convenient. Let's consider the most commonly used options.
- Wood... It is a brush with a long wooden handle. With the help of such a device, you can do both dry massage and in the shower using gels or scrubs. For softer and more sensitive skin, choose a softer bristle. If you want a more intense impact, you should prefer a harder pile. The comfortable handle allows you to reach different areas and massage yourself. Sometimes in these varieties, the handle may be plastic. On the one hand, there are bristles on the surface, on the other - pimples.
This type of massager exfoliates the skin very well, improves blood circulation. After such a massage, the applied anti-cellulite cream works more effectively.

- Tape... Convenient option for use. It is a tape with balls. Thanks to the convenient handles, you can grip the tape from both sides and massage any area. This type will help not only in the fight against cellulite, but also relieve pain on the back and neck.
Most often it is made of wood. Balls can be plain or serrated.

- Silicone... It is a circle with the same silicone teeth. It fits comfortably on your hand, which allows you to work out different areas. It does not scratch or damage the skin, and the level of pressure depends on the strength of the hands, it is quite easy to adjust. After such a massage, a special cream can be applied to the skin, which will enhance the result.

- Rubber... There are also rubber balls with soft spikes. But rolling it over the body is not very convenient. Much more convenient is a large fitball, which is designed not only for exercise, but also for massage due to its design.
This massage ball can be used to both relax and strengthen the muscles and relieve tension throughout the body.

- Mitten... It is considered a fairly convenient option to combat the "orange peel". Such a device may have a silicone base with soft spikes; options made from coarse fabric are popular. In any case, you can massage the skin well and improve blood circulation.

- Roller... It is made from a variety of materials and has a different shape. The roller can be made of wood, silicone, rubber, plastic. There is always a comfortable handle, while the roller rotates freely. Such a mechanical massager is easy to use.

- Vacuum cans. They have been popular for a long time and do not give up their positions. I come in rubber and glass. The suction cup usually grips a certain area of the body well. With this massage, a special oil or cream is most often used, which contributes to the easy sliding of the cans. Such massage can be done independently, but it is much more convenient if it is done by a specialist, which allows you to cover different areas, including hard-to-reach ones.

Hand tools are sometimes very convenient and quite easy to use. However, many girls prefer a professional approach. In such cases, they go to a beauty salon or choose a more powerful device.
Today there are a large number of options with different principles of influence, but with one goal - to improve the quality of the skin.
- Electric... Such a device can have one attachment or several different ones. The principle of operation is simple. The rapidly rotating element has an intense effect on the skin, thereby improving blood circulation and cellular metabolism, including the fat layer. The intensity level is adjustable. As a rule, such massagers have 2-3 modes, which allows you to adjust the device in accordance with your skin parameters.
It is more convenient to use such a device, since you do not need to make any special efforts. It is enough to hold it in your hand and easily drive it over the surface of the problem area.

- Vibrating massager... It has an impact on problem areas with the help of various vibrations. This option can be represented by a belt with several modes or a stationary view, which has a stand and a tape that is worn on the body. The belt in this case is a convenient option, since it often allows you to go about your business, while the belt will work by itself. There are several modes that you can change.
Vibrating simulator is a more powerful device and allows you to work out different muscle groups.

- Percussion pistol, rather, it is not intended to combat cellulite, but to improve overall well-being. It relaxes muscles, relieves tension and pain. It works in conjunction with training. So, after a good intense workout, it will release muscle tension and allow you to relax. That is, we can say that to some extent it helps to cope with excess weight, but only as an auxiliary element used after training.

- Ultrasonic... Feels like it does not manifest itself in any way, and you might think that there is no effect. But ultrasound is actively used in cosmetology and medicine, in the fight against cellulite it is also applicable. There are more powerful devices in beauty salons, but recently there are more and more models that are perfectly used at home and help to tighten the skin and improve its appearance. Such devices are used with a special conductive gel.

- Vacuum... Such models work on the principle of cans, but are more powerful. The vacuum is created with the help of a special device; special efforts on the part of a person are not required. There are both professional and more compact models for home use.

- Infrared... Feels like it is completely painless, its effect is difficult to feel. But special radiation, leaving the skin surface temperature unchanged, penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, thereby improving the metabolic process, which contributes to the alignment and tightening of the skin.

- Hydromassage... It is an excellent helper in the fight against cellulite, but more powerful options are available in specialized institutions.Smaller options for home use can also be purchased, but the effect will not be as effective. They are installed in the bath.
Nevertheless, the benefits of such equipment are obvious. It is not only a fight against cellulite, but relaxation and relaxation.

- Myostimulator... Another popular device to help you lose weight and even out your skin. Muscles contract and work under the influence of special currents. In this case, the intensity of the impact can be different. Usually the device has several modes. More powerful equipment, which gives the effect faster, is installed in massage parlors.
Muscle stimulants for home use are available in different forms, the most popular are belts, they are well attached and even allow you to do other things while using them.

Popular models
To understand which unit is the best and most effective, it is worth considering several models that are in the greatest demand, good reviews on the Internet. We offer an approximate rating of various funds.
- LigaLiz Massage Brush designed for dry massage, it contains natural boar bristles, the handle is made of high-quality wood. The brush is comfortable to hold in the hand for comfortable work. The flexible elements integrated into the brush allow for even better treatment of problem areas. The brush comes with a cover, which allows you to store it properly and take it with you on trips. The price of such a brush can vary from 500 to 1500 rubles.

- "Miracle banks" - a very budget option that can be purchased within 150-250 rubles, it all depends on the store. Massage with this device improves blood circulation, due to which the skin is saturated with oxygen and nutrients. Convenient compact set easily fits into any bag and comes in handy when traveling. The diameter of the can is 3.5 cm.

- Roller massager GES it is used in conjunction with anti-cellulite creams and promotes their better absorption, which means it has an improved effect. The model is very easy to use and is quite compact. The cost of such a device can vary from 500 to 1000 rubles.

- "Body sculptor" Gezatone will be a good helper in the fight against "orange peel" and volume reduction. The device has a built-in infrared block, which only enhances the effect. In addition, there are several attachments, which allows you to do peeling, deep anti-cellulite massage of specific areas and relaxing the whole body. The cost of this option is approximately equal to 1900-2300 rubles.

- Muscle stimulator Shopping Zone will help those who do not want to waste time on classes. Electrical impulses cause the muscles to contract. Several operating modes will allow you to choose the appropriate option. Such a device can cost from 600 to 4000 rubles. It all depends on its power and the number of modes.

- Massager CM-50 Baurer - a great option for working out different parts of the body, massage will stimulate blood circulation, help to cope with the "orange peel" in the thighs, buttocks. You can also release tension from tired muscles after exercise.

How to choose?
In such a large assortment, it is sometimes difficult to navigate which device to choose for the house. You need to focus, first of all, on your budget and on the problems to be solved.
You can start, for example, with a massage brush, choosing the best bristle stiffness for yourself. But you need to take into account that for this you will have to spend some time and work with your hands. Great for thighs, buttocks and legs. The long handle will allow you to reach all of these areas.
An addition to this method will be good and vacuum cans, you just have to get used to using them.

If you want more intense exposure, it is better to stock up on an electric or vibration massager, this will allow you not to spend a lot of effort, the device will do everything for you.And it helps to cope with cellulite faster.
If at the same time you want to do additional things, a belt with the effect of myostimulation or vibration effect would be a good option.
But in most cases, to make a serious attack on cellulite, you can try several options at once and alternate them. For example, it can be a brush, cans and a vibrating massager. You will have to devote time to this, but the procedures should be regular.

Provided that you want to get more relaxation and relieve muscle tension, you can prefer a percussion or hydromassage.
It is worth focusing on your needs, the rhythm of life, the availability of free time.
Your own health will be a very important point when choosing. Contraindications, if any, cannot be ignored. You should definitely consult a doctor so as not to harm yourself.

How to use?
The rules for using any massager at home are simple. Today, any equipment is accompanied by instructions, including in Russian, which describes in detail how to do massage, a diagram must be drawn where all massage lines are indicated.
Since all massagers have different types of effects, it is very difficult to tell in detail about each one. Each device has its own nuances, therefore it will be correct to focus on the specific instructions attached to the device.

But the basic principles are easy to learn.
- Using a mechanical massager, gently perform circular movements in the abdomen, buttocks and thighs, on the legs you should move from bottom to top. In no case should you rub your skin pointlessly using chaotic movements.
- It is best to take a hot bath or shower before the massage., cleanse the skin with a scrub, so it can be even better prepared for the session.
- If vacuum massage is performed, then be sure to use a cream.
- When using a massage belt, you need fasten it well at the waist or another problem area and set the required mode and timer.
- For infrared options, you need to use special glasses, protective eyes, and a special gel. The same composition will be needed when using ultrasound options.
- All sessions should be started with the minimum timestarting at 5 minutes and gradually increasing the time. If, for example, the study of each zone is used manually with a brush or mitten, then at first you can give each zone from 3 to 5 minutes during the first three procedures, and then increase this time to 7 minutes.
- As for devices with the effect of myostimulation, infrared radiation or using currents, there is usually timer is set, which allows you to control the process.
- At first, you should not get carried away with procedures, it is enough 2-3 times a week. But regularity is also important. If you do a massage once a month, then the effect will definitely not be. Here you need to be patient and devote enough time to it.

Despite the fact that the manufacturers of their gadgets promise one hundred percent success, one must remember that with the help of only one massager, it will not be possible to globally solve the problem of losing weight and eliminating the "orange peel".
It is worth connecting both physical activity and balanced nutrition, walking, do not forget about the drinking regimen (you need to drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day). And then the chances of coping with the hated problem will be much greater.