All about wooden massagers

Wooden massagers are ideal devices for relaxing the body. They allow you to maintain the health of the body and are indispensable helpers after a hard day's work.
Indications and contraindications
Prevention and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, metabolic and circulatory systems in the presence of obstacles to conducting ordinary massage sessions can be carried out independently, with special devices. Medical device manufacturers offer massagers that work with electrical and ultrasonic pulses, magnets and vacuum. Each segment has its own adherents and fans, but the wooden massager is always out of competition.
Environmentally friendly, made of breathable natural material that does not cause any side reactions, such devices are extremely easy to use. They don't require any special skills. You can work with them only after studying the detailed instructions. These are the most obvious bonuses a patient receives.

The use of such a simple device is recommended:
- with physical inactivity, lack of physical activity, sedentary work of any kind (here it is appropriate to mention the car seat mats, which can be successfully used in other jobs where you have to constantly sit;
- to combat cellulite (massage of the thighs and buttocks, the fleshy part of the hands);
- to relieve stress and its consequences from the body: headaches, congestion, insomnia and increased fatigue;
- if necessary, the prevention of diseases inevitable with the onset of a certain age, degradation of systems and processes occurring in them;
- after active workouts, when it is necessary to get rid of lactic acid accumulating in muscle tissues.
But it is worth remembering that even the most complex massager will not be useful if it is not backed up with regular exercise and a healthy diet. Constant use will help get rid of fat accumulation, and back and muscle pain, and from the "orange peel" on the buttocks and thighs.

It may seem that a wooden device is completely harmless, and it can be used by anyone who intends to optimize their well-being and appearance. However, it has serious contraindications for use. These include:
- endocrine pathologies;
- oncology;
- tuberculosis;
- any chronic disease in the acute stage;
- infections and skin pathologies;
- vertebral hernia;
- diseases of the circulatory system.
Therefore, you need to start with such activities only with medical approval. The need to first consult a doctor is also mandatory for women during lactation or pregnancy.

Multifaceted use assumes a variety of existing types of wood massagers, designed for a specific purpose or universal. Manual is chosen after deciding what kind of massage is required: preventive or therapeutic, intensive, designed for long-term action.
This could be:
- a tape in which movable balls are mounted, which allow for body massage;
- roller rotating on the axis;
- the device is smooth or with spikes, with a handle and a roller massager, which does not give the same freedom of movement as a belt massager, but is indispensable for massaging certain areas;
- rolling pin or special device designed by a specialist, patented and marketed as a medical device.
Even a brief description of each product will allow you to understand its purpose. The price of such a massager is completely democratic, but the main factors in choosing are not the cost and individual preferences, but the urgent need and medical recommendations (the absence of contraindications to this type of massage is the best recommendation). With this simple fixture made from environmentally friendly material, you can make great strides.

These are massagers made of wooden rollers or beads, which are fastened with a strong elastic cord and equipped with handles at the ends. Such a seemingly simple design allows for independent massage of the back, limbs, sides and hips, and the neck area. It all depends on which part of the body needs correction.
The purchase of a tape with smooth balls or rollers allows you to prevent the appearance of fatty deposits, cellulite, and joint diseases. More results can be achieved with considerable effort. If there are no contraindications, you can purchase a device in which the rollers or beads are equipped with spikes or stiffeners. Working out with such a massager will give the expected result faster, but also subject to regular use.

This is a general name for fixtures in which parts, also rotating, are attached to a handle. The coverage area, as well as the reach of a certain zone in them, is smaller, but the result from pressure will be faster. The movement of the rotating part is carried out in the horizontal and vertical directions. The person regulates the strength of the pressure. For specific purposes, you can choose one of the many types:
- universal, with a roller on the handle, smooth;
- consisting of several rollers on one handle;
- smooth, carved or spiked.
Such a massager can limit the ability to treat all areas of the spine or areas of the back, however, longitudinal and transverse movements in conjunction with the regulation of the pressure force are the undoubted advantages of the roller device over all the others.

Previously, they were used only by motorists who have to spend a lot of time on the road. Hence the occupational diseases of the spine and the musculoskeletal system in general. Now they are used on both computer and home chairs. The disadvantage of such a cape is that it only massages when a person moves. If he just sits in a chair or on a chair, the effect of it is minimal.

Massage shoes
It can be not only made of wood, but slippers made of this natural material, initially increasing pain in the feet, remove all negative sensations after three days. They work on the principle of pressure and optimize blood flow. Thus, fatigue is removed, a person begins to move more easily.

How to choose?
The main selection criterion is safety, hence all the urgent advice about consulting a doctor. For various pathologies, it is better to stop at wooden massagers with a smooth surface. But in the assortment of manufacturers, you can also find more productive devices equipped with discs, spikes, teeth, balls and rollers of different sizes. The scope of application matters: for a bath, they choose designs without paint and varnish, the same should be done when buying capes.
When choosing, you should consider your own priorities and areas that need to be processed. You can buy a rocker, stand, gurney or comb, foot mat, or utility tape.

How to use it correctly?
The deceptive ease of the procedure does not mean that the massage can be carried out with any device you like, chaotically, occasionally, without a certain sequence of movements. Consider performing an independent massage using the belt construction of the massager. To complete it, you need to carry out the following sequence of actions.
- Massage actions are carried out along the spinal column, alternately changing hands.
- The massager is placed over the tailbone (in the lumbar region). Movements must be left and right. Gradually, the zone of massage movements is shifted upward, reaching the middle of the back. Then they make a similar return to the starting point.
- Massage the neck area, gradually shifting to the area of the shoulder blades. During the massage, the head is tilted in different directions. 1-2 minutes is enough.
- To massage the thighs, you need to bend your leg at the knee. Massage movements should be gradually directed upward. The legs should be massaged alternately.
For recommendations and complexes of movements, it is better to consult a doctor: a physiotherapist or a rehabilitation therapist. After studying the history, physical examination and verbal questioning, he will prompt not only the correct sequence of movements, but also the type of device that needs to be purchased. It is advised to give preference to devices made of juniper, cedar, birch or oak. Sandal massagers work great, but they are expensive, unlike simpler types of wood.