All about massagers for the head "Goosebump"

The head massager "Goosebump" is familiar to very many. Its use allows you to quickly relieve nervous tension, improve well-being, and normalize sleep. About what the device is, who invented it, as well as its advantages and disadvantages, and will be discussed.

What it is?
Manual antistress "Goosebump" can be called one of the varieties of popular and affordable massagers. The capillary point device has a rather simple design, which affects its cost. When interacting with the skin, the device helps to stimulate blood circulation, while exerting a positive effect on the hair follicles. Thanks to such a device, you can relieve headaches, tone up, and relax.... This happens due to the touch of the legs of the device to the head.
This device is also popularly called "Spider", but there is another name - "Shiatsu fingers".

The apparatus is a structure in the form of a cylindrical handle with arcuate branches at one end. Outwardly elongated bifurcations create a dome shape.
Such massagers are a structure that consists of the following components.
- Working part... It is based on thin legs (10-12 pieces) attached to the handle.
- Itself lever has a special anti-slip coating.
- The main material used for this product is steel High Quality.
- There are latex "fingers" on the legs of the device. Their touch will give pleasant sensations during the session.

By its action, the device is similar to the oriental Shiatsu technique, the main purpose of which is to relieve headaches, nervous tension, and improve the general condition. By pressing on the meridians in certain places, the channels are balanced, they are brought into the proper state, a surge of strength is carried out, energy appears.
This therapy helps the body achieve balance by diagnosing weak and strong channels.

History of origin
Back in the 6th century BC. NS. a medical institute opened in China, where students studied massage as a compulsory specialty. This technique at that time was quite varied and no less complex. The manipulations included stroking, rubbing, as well as tapping, squeezing, pressing, and kneading.
In the process of work, the craftsmen used not only fingers, but also elbows, hands and even nails.

After a long time, other, more effective devices for the body and head, creating optimal pressure, began to appear. The scalp massages by applying pressure and the general movement of stroking the head. Stimulating the scalp can lead to both toning and relaxation of the body.
Similar techniques have long been used in oriental medicine to relieve pain. The techniques are based on philosophical teachings about the movement of energy that circulates along the meridian channels located on the head. Shiatsu massage technique is translated from Japanese as “press with your fingers”.

According to Shiatsu, the head of any person is covered with invisible meridians with circulating energy.

These meridians were photographed by the Kirlian method, which proved their existence.

Violation of this flow leads to headaches, feelings of fatigue, apathy, insomnia and other sleep disorders.
This version of the massager is made according to the teachings of ancient healers and the development of modern scientists. The device cannot be considered a new invention, since such devices were actively used by the healers of the East.

Benefit and harm
The benefits of such a device are undeniable. The "Spider" massager is recommended for people who spend most of their time at a computer or TV... It is also useful for people who move a little and do not take frequent walks. The product is also shown for those who have migraines, sleep problems.

In addition, the device will help:
- relieve muscle and nervous tension, fatigue, relax the muscles of the head and body, as well as the neck and face;
- relieve pain in the head, relieve other unpleasant sensations;
- normalize blood pressure;
- improve cerebral circulation;
- reduce hair loss, accelerate hair growth and get rid of dandruff.
"Goosebump" cannot be called a remedy that can completely cure a person, but it is quite capable of relieving symptoms, eliminating local pain, and relieving stress and fatigue.

As for the harm from a capillary device, it can only be inflicted if a low-quality product was chosen for the procedure. With the appearance of a good product on the market, many manufacturers began to produce analogs, their quality is much lower than the original products. The same applies to the Goosebump massager. To reduce the cost, manufacturers often start using lower quality raw materials, which negatively affects the final result.
The original product is made of high quality steel, the ends of the "fingers" have soft latex lining. The most common problem with cheap analogs is head scratching, since the surface of the "fingers" is not soft, but rather hard, which leads to discomfort in contact with the skin.

In addition, damage from the device can be caused if contraindications are not observed. Do not use the product when:
- the presence of open wounds on the head in the form of crusts, scabs;
- improper work of the sebaceous glands;
- head trauma, especially concussion.

Before using the device, it is necessary to study the attached instructions and use it in accordance with the instructions.

How to use it correctly?
By acting on certain points on the head, you can significantly improve your well-being, relieve tension... When you press on the relaxation points, the whole body is relaxed. To relieve fatigue, pressure on the points located at the back of the head, as well as in the hollow behind the ear, will help. Such manipulations can relieve tension in the shoulder girdle and neck. You can do the massage yourself or ask family members to do this procedure.
Touching the device to the head leads to the appearance of a feeling of running goose bumps on the head, and often all over the body. It is because of this that the device received the name "Goosebump".

As a result:
- muscle relaxation occurs;
- headaches decrease, the feeling of fatigue disappears: both physical and emotional;
- the severity of negative perceptions of the surrounding world is gradually decreasing;
- sleep improves, insomnia passes;
- hair becomes stronger, healthier and more radiant.

This procedure is very pleasant and enjoyable. Before performing the procedure, you need to find a comfortable place, sit down and try to relax and calm down. It is important to monitor your breathing: it should be deep and slow. It is necessary to choose exactly the rhythm that will allow you to feel complete relaxation.
When using the device, it is not recommended to press hard on the head, otherwise, instead of pleasant sensations, it may bring some discomfort, and after all, its benefit lies precisely in relaxation and calming. During the massage, soreness may occur in some places. These areas are the places where fatigue has accumulated, so they require more careful study.

Now let's look at the instructions for use.
- You need to sit in a comfortable place and let your hair down.
- Relax, regulate your breathing.
- It is necessary to take the massager by the handle and bring it to the head. The tips of the device are brought to the top of the head and pressed on the unit, then raised.
- Movements are performed starting from the top of the head. They continue until they cover the surface of the entire head. The intensity needs to be adjusted.
- At first, the movements are performed slowly, then their speed increases. After increasing the speed, the movements are again made unhurried.
- The duration of this procedure varies from 3 to 7 minutes. If desired, you can extend the session, its duration depends on individual feelings. The appearance of goose bumps on the head or body indicates that the procedure is being carried out correctly.
- After completing the manipulations, it is recommended to relax while sitting for a few minutes, while closing your eyes. This will give the body an opportunity not only to rest, but also to adapt to the sensations received, to consolidate the result.

To use the device "Goosebump" does not require special skills and abilities, as well as preparation. Anyone can use it. Manipulations are carried out without a certain frequency, massage is done when a need arises or if you want to relax.
With regular pain, stress or insomnia, it is advisable to carry out a course of manipulations of 10-14 days.
The best time for the procedure is the evening.
Massage before bed. Massaging other parts of the body, such as shoulders, elbows, and knees, can improve blood flow and relieve soreness.

To get only positive emotions and the desired result from the procedure, it is necessary to purchase the device in places selling original products.
These include:
- retail outlets that sell medical products and equipment;
- pharmacies;
- online stores selling similar products.
The purchase of goods from an unverified seller is fraught with the purchase of a fake, which will not bring any benefit and will not allow you to get the desired effect, can quickly fail.