Yamaguchi Head Massagers

Head massage helps relieve pain, fatigue, stress. To get a high-quality procedure, it is not at all necessary to visit a massage parlor; you can purchase a massager for use at home. Today we will talk about such devices for the head of the manufacturer Yamaguchi.

Yamaguchi devices allow you to fully massage the entire head. Regular use of the devices allows you to get rid of migraines, tension in the nape and neck, as well as relieve fatigue and irritability... They have small dimensions and relatively low weight, which allows them to be used almost anywhere. In addition, the products boast a stylish design.

These brand products can be easily adjusted to fit any head size.
Most often, gadgets run on built-in powerful batteries, so their work will not depend on the network. In addition, such products are lightweight and ergonomic, easy to operate, which greatly simplifies their use.

Next, we will take a closer look at some of the individual models of these head massagers.
Galaxy Axiom Pro. This "helmet" for head massage makes it easy to eliminate the negative effects of frequent stress, and also helps to restore vitality, fight migraines. The model combines air compression and warm-up function. The sample allows you to eliminate puffiness, bags under the eyes. The unit also helps the most delicate effect on the forehead, eyebrow area using soft air compression. The product carries out a special aerodynamic massage in the area of the temples, which allows you to instantly eliminate headaches. With the Galaxy PRO app, you can easily control your device without wires or effort.
You just need to sync your phone via Bluetooth and access the basic settings. The "helmet" can be easily adjusted in width. The upper part of the model is equipped with four massage rollers that can be adjusted in height. The power of the instance is 5 watts. The gadget is equipped with a small but convenient display, it has an automatic shutdown function. The total mass of this variety reaches 1.1 kilograms.

- Galaxy Axiom Chrome. This head massager provides complete relaxation, eliminating migraines and fatigue. A model of this type performs massage of various separate zones: temporal lobe, eyes, occipital region, parietal zone, forehead. The sample is controlled by a mobile app. The "helmet" can be easily adjusted in width and height. This device can be used at home, in the office, while traveling. It combines air compression, aerodynamic massage, warm-up function, which can eliminate fatigue, relieve migraines. The specimen, while working, has a complex effect on the eyebrow line, hair, eyes, scalp and face. The model can also promote hair growth. It significantly improves blood circulation, relieves all swelling, removes dark "bags" under the eyes.

- Galaxy Pro Chrome. This head massage pattern also helps to eliminate headaches, relaxation, and fight stress. The specimen weighs 1.1 kg. Its power reaches 5 watts. It is equipped with a convenient timer, after 15 minutes of operation, such a gadget is automatically turned off. In one set with the device itself, there is also an adapter, a charging cord and headphones for listening to various melodies during the massage. This unit allows you to separately massage the forehead, temples, eyes, parietal region. The massager can be quickly adjusted in width by rotating the red button on the device. Pressing it will easily return the product to its original position.

Review overview
Most of the buyers left positive feedback on the products of this company. Many have noticed that all models of head massagers are as comfortable to use as possible. Management is easily carried out through a mobile application. In addition, their regular use allows you to achieve a positive result, eliminate pain and migraines, normalize blood circulation and sleep, and help relieve stress at the end of the working day.

In addition, according to users, such massagers allow you to fully massage all areas. The functionality of the devices has also earned positive reviews. They provide a system for choosing the intensity of the massage, so each user can choose the most suitable option for himself.
But some consumers also made negative comments about these devices for head massage, including the fact that their cost was too high.