Description and selection of electric facial massagers

Facial skin care is of particular interest for women of all ages. In addition to cosmetics, proper massage of this delicate area has always been effective. With the help of competent facial massaging, you can preserve the health and elasticity of the skin for a longer time, avoid radical and risky methods of rejuvenation. Maintaining muscle tone and relaxing effect after a hard day can be regularly achieved with a simple device - an electric massager. On the modern market, there is a wide range of models designed for the face.

Various types of electric facial massagers are used to perform all kinds of this procedure.... With their help, you can do an anti-aging and relaxing skin massage. The same device can be used to work on a facelift and pore cleansing, as the gadgets are sold with different attachments and heads. The power source of the devices is most often a charging battery, and a wide variety of products on sale makes it possible to choose the most suitable one in terms of properties and price.

The benefits of household massagers for the face and chin are expressed in visible results, including:
- reduction and smoothing of wrinkles, as well as prevention of the appearance of new ones;
- regulation of the sebaceous glands, restoration of normal metabolic processes in problem skin;
- increased muscle tone, the appearance of more expressive contours on the cheekbones and facial contours;
- skin pores are cleansed and begin to breathe better;
- the complexion improves, pigmentation spots disappear;
- improves blood flow in the subcutaneous vessels, and cells are more quickly enriched with oxygen.

When purchasing a device for home use, you can use it at any convenient time, regardless of the opening hours of beauty salons or massage parlors.
What are they?
Modern technologies offer several types of electric massagers based on different principles of action.... The user has plenty to choose from exactly the one that can bring him maximum benefit and comfort in the process of facial massage. Expensive and infrequent procedures in salons can be successfully replaced with regular cosmetic procedures in a comfortable home environment, saving money and time.

The purchase of an electric muscle stimulator and the constant use of this device for lifting in the face and neck area will help to avoid premature plastic surgery and the introduction of Botox. The electric device is rechargeable and comes with a variety of attachments to improve circulation, gently massage, soothe skin and smooth wrinkles. The effect of the work of this cosmetic device becomes noticeable after the first few procedures.

The work of massagers based on the properties of ultrasound to squeeze and release areas of the skin contributes to its smoothing. Ultrasonic electric gadgets with silicone tips even out wrinkles and bumps, remove noticeable skin defects. They successfully fight wrinkles and tighten age-related stretch marks along the face contour line.
Impulse massagers act on the skin of the face with electrical stimulation, which is created by a small voltage. Such a device cleans well problem young skin and stimulates metabolic processes in it. Short impulses occur due to the supply of a weak current and are absolutely safe for use in a home environment.

Electrical laser devices have a gentle wave effect on the skin... With their help, you can level problem areas and remove excess subcutaneous fat. Exposure to this type of gadgets on the face promotes the natural production of collagen, which is responsible for the firmness and freshness of the skin.
Ionic massagers work in two modes. Including the first, the consumer can cleanse the skin by exposing it to positively charged particles - ions.
When you switch to the second mode, you can make a high-quality massage with the application of a nourishing cream, which is better absorbed and absorbed by the skin due to the ionic effect.

One of the most popular facial massagers is a vacuum device that helps smooth wrinkles and perfectly cleanses the skin. With regular massaging of the face with the help of this type of gadgets, its effect becomes noticeable - a tightening of the contour, improvement, a change in the quality and color of the skin.

Popular models
In addition to the already familiar and well-proven types of massagers, new products constantly appear on the market. In the past few years, using customer reviews, we can single out several of the best devices, the rating of which is the most stable in several main indicators. Among them, you can pay attention to the following models.

Gezaton Super Wet Clener - with an almost silent operation of this device, it perfectly cleans the pores by vacuum action on the skin of the face. After regular use of the gadget, consumers notice the appearance of softness and smoothness of the skin, a change in its color for the better. A high-quality and inexpensive device is waterproof, which makes it possible to combine facial massage with the adoption of water procedures.

Gezaton Biolift4 BT 201S - is a versatile facial skin care device. The set includes 4 different attachments, with which you can clean pores, smooth wrinkles, remove excess fat layers and get rid of puffiness. Many women rate this massager as an indispensable device for solving frequent skin problems.

Beurer FCE90 - The compact device fits easily into a purse and is the most effective representative of the line of ionic beauty gadgets for smoothing wrinkles on the face. This type of massager helps to enrich skin cells with oxygen, enhance metabolic processes and improve its general condition.

Medocflore S115 - small format electric device effectively cope with smoothing wrinkles and stimulating regenerative processes in the subcutaneous cell layer. Buyers are also attracted by the budget price and the water resistance of the case.

Massager LLM126 - You can complete a small overview with this multifunctional and high-quality device with a wireless autonomous power supply. The set includes 4 different attachments for cleansing and massaging the skin. Among them are a brush for deep cleansing of skin pores, a polishing brush to remove dead particles and a sponge for penetrating moisturizing. The handle slides out comfortably when needed, and the massage effect is gentle without irritating the skin.

Selection Tips
To determine the choice of an electric gadget with which massage is done at home, it is necessary to outline the main individual problems that it will help to solve.
In addition to an affordable price, buyers are often attracted by the manufacturer's brand, but this indicator is not decisive for obtaining a quick effect in improving the skin of the face.

When choosing a suitable gadget, you should pay attention to the absence of sharp edges that can cause injury, to the presence of a timer that automatically adjusts the time of the procedure.
The parameters of autonomous power supply are also important, which will allow you to do massage using the device on the beach or during a break at work.

How to use it correctly?
Electrical devices do most of the work themselves, the consumer only has to put the desired attachment, press a button and get a comfortable, relaxing facial massage within a few minutes. With a simple device, you can significantly expand your skin and smooth muscle care options.