Facial massagers from WellDerma

WellDerma facial massagers managed to conquer the countries of Asia, and now the fashion for them has reached Eastern Europe. The instructions attached to each device make it easy to understand its use - this is confirmed by customer reviews.
The description of the roller version, the model in the form of a "fish" and the Face Lifting Roller with vibration mode on batteries with characteristics and important details will help to understand the range of the brand's products.

The creator of WellDerma facial massagers is the Korean brand Pamtek Cosmetic Co Ltd, also known for its series of skin care cosmetics based on natural ingredients. This brand regularly brings interesting new products to the market. The company started the production of massagers thanks to the requests of customers who wanted to receive salon care at home. Such accessories quickly gained popularity.
Among the main useful properties that home massagers have, several factors can be distinguished.
- Normalization of blood circulation. It promotes tissue renewal, allows you to quickly achieve the lifting effect. The face takes on a healthy, radiant appearance.
- Muscle relaxation... It helps to fight the formation of creases, deep expression lines. Regular massage helps to improve tissue elasticity, has a beneficial effect on restoring the clarity of the facial contours.
- Lymphatic drainage... It is in the fight against edema, fluid stagnation in tissues that massagers show their best qualities. Correctly performed procedure visually makes the face more sculpted, helps to tighten the oval of the face.
- Deep penetration of cosmetics... Massage activates metabolic processes in tissues.If you combine it with the use of deep penetration medicinal cosmetics, the result will be even more noticeable.
The need for a facial massager does not arise at a young age. After 25-35 years, collagen production gradually decreases, the skin becomes thinner, loses its elasticity. With the help of regular massage exposure, you can, if not turn back the clock, then at least slow down age-related changes.

Model characteristics
In order to understand the WellDerma product range, it is worthwhile to study it in more detail. The company produces both products that imply a roller effect on the surface of the skin, and versions with batteries, with additional vibration. Popular models include several products.
- WellDerma Face Lifting Dark Silver Roller. Basic model with a lifting effect. The roller massager has a laconic design. Platinum-coated embossed worktops are hypoallergenic. The working out of the skin and muscles of the face occurs intensively, but carefully, without injury or painful sensations.

- WellDerma Face Lifting Vibrating Roller. Model with vibration mode, battery operated. The ergonomic grip does not slip in the palm of your hand. The vibration effect is delicate, but quite active. The massager is suitable for working out the muscles of the face, neck and other parts of the body, helps to achieve relaxation, and improves blood circulation.

- WellDerma Face Lift Pad. The legendary "fish" for facelift, looks impressive in its shiny metallic finish. The massager combines 2 devices - a roller with edges and a gouache plate. It is best to work them out on the forehead and cheekbones. The roller element is suitable for use in acupuncture or for treating areas with deep mimic wrinkles.

- WellDerma Cleansing Fish... Cleansing double-sided massager for removing keratinized particles from the skin of the face, lifting massage. Zinc alloy base with medical grade silicone pads. Vibration mode helps fight acne and reduces sebum production. The device is compatible with cleansing gels and foams, is waterproof, hermetically sealed, and supports changing vibration modes.
The WellDerma product line is not too wide, but it is absolutely indispensable for self-facelift. Having chosen the right anti-aging care, it is worth taking care of a massager, which will enhance its effect on the skin of the face.

How to use it correctly?
Having seen a mechanical roller for the first time, it is quite difficult to understand exactly how you can use it. Detailed instructions for use will help you to understand all the intricacies of this process.
- Skin preparation. The selected care product is applied to the massage lines of the face. You can use a cream, serum, or cosmetic oil.
- Apply the rollers to the skin. Start moving from the chin up, from the central areas to the sides. It is better to adhere to generally accepted massage practices, to guide the working surface of the instrument along lines corresponding to the anatomical structure of the face.
- At the end of the procedure, clean the massager. Traces of cosmetics are completely removed from it. You can additionally disinfect surfaces with a medical antiseptic. Do not immerse the equipment in hot water, soak it for a long time. After drying, the clean massager is put into a branded cover.

It is imperative to do massage with a mechanical or vibration roller regularly. It will be enough to devote 10-15 minutes to the skin daily to see a real result. When using a model in the shape of a fish, the scope of use of a cosmetic device expands.
It can be used in Ayurvedic and acupuncture practices by enhancing the effects of oils and microcurrents in the skin.

Review overview
WellDerma brand massagers managed to collect a lot of enthusiastic reviews from customers with a variety of skin types and age-related changes. The company's products are praised for their high quality and ergonomics of shapes, hypoallergenicity of metal alloys, and ease of maintenance. It is noted that a pronounced lifting effect can be noticed after 1-2 weeks of using the device. The roller massager glides well on the skin, and the "fish" helps to restore the former contours of the face. Customers especially highlight the high efficiency of the device in the fight against edema.
The disadvantages of a South Korean invention are difficult to detect. Some dissatisfaction is caused by the need to strictly limit the use of WellDerma massagers in the development of inflammation on the skin, as well as during acute respiratory diseases, with irritation and redness of the face.
And also some customers point to the difficulty of covering the frontal zone during the massage.