All about hand massagers

Many people lead healthy lives and take good care of themselves. To do this, they eat the right food, regularly visit doctors, take care of their figure, face and hair. However, they forget about their hands - and it is the appearance of the hands that is in many ways an indicator of the general condition of the body. It is on them that age spots, wrinkles and other problems appear in the first place.

general description
Just 10-15 minutes of massage a day can have a beneficial effect on the entire body. However, not everyone has the opportunity to use the services of professional massage therapists. Currently, users are offered a wide range of massagers for home use. But here, too, not everything is simple. The range of products on offer is so huge that you can get confused. Therefore, today we will talk in more detail about hand massagers.
Since ancient times, people have noticed that brush massage has a beneficial effect on the entire body. This treatment was practiced in Ancient Egypt and Ancient India, but hand massage was especially widespread in Ancient China. Elements of this practice have formed the basis of most modern hardware and manual techniques.

Acupuncture is widely used today, and this proves the high effectiveness of ancient Eastern teachings. It has been established that by influencing the active points of a person located on the hands, it is possible to improve the work of the digestive and genitourinary systems, as well as improve the condition of the musculoskeletal system. Working with active points helps to get rid of migraines, relieve stress and tension.
Today, in order to stimulate hot spots, it is not necessary to consult a Chinese medicine specialist. It will be enough to get a hand massager. Such devices have a positive effect on the state of the body, help with joint pathologies. The advantage of such devices is that they are quite compact so you can use them anywhere.
According to the method of action, such massagers are divided into electrical and mechanical, according to the mechanism of operation - into laser, vacuum, magnetic and thermal.

Regardless of the model, all massagers:
- improve the condition of the skin;
- normalize the movement of lymph and blood;
- reduce painful sensations.
As a result of regular exposure, any congestion in the tissues is eliminated, swelling decreases, muscle clamps and blocks are neutralized, and joint mobility is improved.

Indications and contraindications
A high effect is given by hand massagers for arthrosis. This is a widespread disease, and in recent years there has even been a tendency to increase it. This situation is associated with a poor environment, a sedentary lifestyle, uncomfortable working conditions and high physical stress on the body. The disease causes abrasion of the cartilage tissue. As a result, the mobility of the joints worsens, the movements are accompanied by severe discomfort. In the absence of proper therapy, the hands completely lose their motor functions. Treatment of this disease includes a set of measures - physiotherapy, gymnastics, medication and compulsory massage.
Hand massager indicated for disorders of nervous activity. The effectiveness of the procedures is associated with the stimulation of fine motor skills, which, in turn, has a beneficial effect on the work of the central nervous system. Simple monotonous movements reduce the severity of inflammatory processes, normalize the nutrition of cartilaginous articular tissues and effectively restore the hand after strokes. Massage of the hands and fingers has a pronounced healing effect in diseases of the spine, it is recommended for relieving tension and generally improving the state of the body.

However, like any other device, the massager has its own contraindications. So, any effects associated with vibration are not recommended for pregnant women, people with high blood pressure, pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, as well as for those suffering from diabetes mellitus. Massage procedures are undesirable for open wounds and unhealed injuries.
Important: in case of any chronic diseases, before using the simulator, it is necessary to enlist the recommendation of the attending physician.

Species overview
The modern industry offers a huge selection of hand massagers. They can be air-compression, lymphatic drainage and spring. On sale you can find devices with spikes, sleeves and gloves, rollers, hand-held Chinese balls and many other devices.
Electric massagers can be used in clinics, salons and at home. They are used for acupuncture effects on active points, as well as for compression massage. The most modern devices provide infrared therapy and antibacterial effects at the same time. The use of such massagers lies in their pneumatic effect, due to which blood flow accelerates and all muscle groups are worked out. Stimulating therapy is reduced to affecting the reflex points located on the palms.
Most budget models resemble mittens. Such procedures help relieve tension in muscle tissue and restore tone. Thanks to the heating function, the massager can be a good substitute for paraffin baths. The inner surface of the devices is made of metal and plastic materials with increased thermal conductivity - they reliably keep heat inside the mittens. Motors for vibration massage are provided.

A separate type of electric massager is a device that simulates hot compresses... They use infrared therapy. This massager is a set of finger and wrist cuffs. When struck by an electrical impulse, the muscles involuntarily contract, due to which spasms and numbness are neutralized, the movement of blood is accelerated - this prevents atrophy.
Electric massagers have their own contraindications. These include pregnancy, the presence of a pacemaker, acute skin disease and mechanical damage to the skin. Care should be taken when using sleeping pills and alcoholic beverages.
Consultation of the attending physician is required when taking pain relievers and sedatives.

Mechanical massagers are produced in the form of pillows, balls and gloves. They are made from a wide variety of materials - synthetic and natural. The surface can be smooth or rough, ribbed, studded or embossed. Wooden massagers have proven themselves very well. They effectively knead the hands and palms, give a good effect in the treatment of arthritis, as well as in arthrosis of the fingers. Wooden balls are indicated for persons suffering from poor circulation in the extremities, such people often complain of cold fingers.
The ball-massager is easy to use. Its regular use contributes to the normalization of tissue metabolism, improves joint mobility and optimizes blood circulation. If the device has a rough surface, then a peeling effect is performed. Thanks to this, the pores are opened, all keratinized skin particles are removed. Another common model is spiked balls. They are made from wood or silicone. They are indicated after injuries and surgeries, as they restore receptor sensitivity and develop fine motor skills.

Among the most popular types of massagers are also distinguished model with a retainer. It is a silicone ball with a finger ring. The ring is put on the finger, and then the ball is squeezed with a hand. Such a simulator is in demand for the prevention of arthritis, arthrosis, neuritis, hypotension and contracture. Expanders are distinguished by their high efficiency. They help to increase muscle tone, strengthen and normalize joint mobility.
Regularly performing the procedure improves finger motor skills and hand sensitivity - this prevents contracture after injury. The tweezers massager is made, as the name suggests, in the form of tweezers. The coils are located on the back side. The tweezers are put on the fingers in such a way that during the movement of the coil they massage the skin. Using this massager increases muscle tone and normalizes tissue blood supply.

Popular brands
The leader in the production of manual massagers in Russia is the company "Torg Line". They supply su-jok balls and finger rings to the market. Su-jok is a spiked ball invented in Korea. It is designed according to the teaching of acupuncture points. A large number of nerve endings and points are located on the palms of a person, which are a projection of the spine and internal organs. Their elaboration activates the diseased zone, and in addition, normalizes the work of the whole organism as a whole. Su-jok is used as part of rehabilitation therapy after operations and injuries.
A good effect is given by hand massage with finger rings. They are used to treat migraines, chest pains, neurosis, low and high blood pressure. Working out the ring and middle fingers helps with headaches, relieves fatigue. To normalize the work of the cardiovascular system, it is necessary to influence the little fingers.

Among the electrical models, according to users, the greatest effect is given by the devices of the Chinese brand. Xiaomi and Korean Handle... Products are distinguished in the budget segment Vitek.
In addition, the rating includes products from companies Galaxy, Nozomi, GESS, CS Medica, Beurer as well as VictoryFit and Yamaguchi.

Nuances of choice
Hands are the part of the body that is most susceptible to external influences from environmental factors. In shops and pharmacies, you can find a wide range of all kinds of massage accessories.
They differ in the principle of operation, shape, features of operation, material of manufacture and price. To choose a hand massager, it is necessary to determine in advance the purpose of the impact and the expected result.

If you need prevention of diseases, as well as exercises to improve concentration and relieve stress, various devices made from natural materials will be the best choice.
If there is a medical indication, vacuum-powered electrical appliances are a good solution. To train the joint tissue, it is better to give preference to needle-shaped wooden balls. An expander is suitable for strengthening ligaments, developing mobility and endurance.

The use of hand and finger massagers helps to cope with many ailments, restores joint mobility, accelerates tissue regeneration after surgery and stimulates fine motor skills. The hand massager has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain, promotes emotional endurance, improves concentration and short-term memory.
A special effect is provided by the combined use of a finger massager with a light foot massage and special gymnastics - this allows you to multiply the effectiveness of procedures and achieve quick results.