Back massage mats

Back massage mats are a terminological combination that means fabric, rubber, polymer or metal products. They are based on needles or plates with pointed ends made of another or similar material for exposure to human skin in a specific segment of the body. Products are distinguished by the material of manufacture, dimensions, the degree of irritation provided and the replacement of massage. By appointment, there are those that are used for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes. Considered useful gadgets, but must be handled with care.

Characteristics and types
The idea of creating such a device has been in the air for a long time - in physiotherapy, the effect on different parts of the body by all kinds of methods is widely used in order to obtain a beneficial effect. The prevalence of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, caused by the modern realities of everyday human activities (physical inactivity, sedentary lifestyle, working at a computer), led to the development of diseases of the spine, the need for massage during treatment.

However, this type of active therapy has contraindications, therefore, alternative methods were required that give a similar effect without additional risks. A massage mat for the back was developed, going through modifications and improvements - from the method of influence to the form and the basic principle of influencing the sensitive areas. It is no coincidence that the second name of such a rug is a massager for lazy people.
It is used without much effort on the part of the patient - it is enough just to lie on the mat, no pressure or vigorous movements are required from the patient.

There are several main types.
Acupuncture, made of coconut fiber or other soft filler, with small needles spaced at minimum intervals. Works by optimizing blood circulation, relieving fatigue and muscle spasms with a reflex effect on the skin.

- Applicator Kuznetsov - a medical device in 4 colors, each color has its own characteristics of impact on problem areas. For example, in yellow - sharp thorns and a magnet, orange is used only in the lumbar region by people who are immune to pain. For people of slender constitution, children at the initial stages it is best to use green - it has dull, gentle teeth, but the effect of it is not curative, but preventive.

- Lyapko carpet Is a long list of products from belting to large, quad, flip flop and seat. It works on a principle similar to Kuznetsov's applicator, but there are some nuances in the use of different types. It is believed that the therapeutic effect is achieved from the galvanic current that occurs when the needles come into contact with the cells of the skin.

- Electric floor mats - an innovative development based on modern technologies, in which massage is successfully replaced by electrodes placed at the locations of active biological points.

- Car - performed in the form of a car seat. It is designed to relieve fatigue and prevent occupational diseases for those who are constantly driving.

- Orthopedic - also a rug with needles. It can be made from a wide variety of materials (for example, silk for sensitive skin).

- Tibetan - Kuznetsov's applicator is considered to be its analog, but it is called an Ipplikator and is made of round plates equipped with thorns in the shape of a lotus. This is also a medical device, in which there can be sockets of different diameters and varying degrees of rigidity. He has contraindications, therefore, it is also necessary to use such a massage mat after consulting a doctor. Sometimes it is identified with Kuznetsov's applicator, but these are different types of back massage mats.

The offers from manufacturers are not limited to this list, but each listed form may have its own variations. Differences can be textured (backing material or needles), functional (with magnets or electricity) and operational or dimensional (for the entire back, for painful segments, for individual areas, taking into account anatomical features). A similar needle principle can be applied in shoes, for joints, cervical region, and the fight against cellulite skin lesions. There are inexpensive, up to 500 rubles, and a considerable cost, such as, for example, electric or Pranamat, the cost of which starts from 2 thousand rubles.

Popular models
Among the proposed variety from domestic and foreign manufacturers, it is difficult to single out the best, therefore, the top list has been compiled according to different principles, but the fundamental one is the demand from buyers.
The sales ranking is topped by the mat Lyapkomade of high quality rubber, with 5 metal alloy spikes (silver, iron, nickel, zinc and copper). The gap between the needles is only 7 mm. The versatility of the application is especially captivating - it can be used to treat the back, feet, joints, limbs and neck. The price is quite affordable, and the operation is longer than that of any fabric model.
Tibetan Massager Applicator from Bradex with the eloquent name "Nirvana", with several thousand massage points, complete with a pillow and a bag. It is made of safe, modern and high-quality polymer, without the use of toxic adhesives: everything is done exclusively with thermal exposure.
Kuznetsov's unique applicator - a rug with a pillow. It is made from a blend of cotton and linen.The flower-shaped stimulants optimize the back, lumbar region and neck, the pillow acts as a functional cushion under the cervical vertebrae or lower back. An additional bonus is the memory effect. After several sessions, the rug remembers the shape of the wearer's body, and this makes him especially comfortable.
Azovmed - a simple but high quality fabric-backed rug. It costs less than 300 rubles, but it works no worse than its expensive counterparts from advanced brands. The thorns, a total of 85 pieces, are strong because they are made of high-quality polymers. The model can be used not only for the back, but also for the feet and lower back.

Manufacturers are always responsive to market demands, so you can find a wide variety of products on sale - from premium offers, with gold and silver needles, to simple plastic ones. They are designed for people with different financial capabilities. But you need to buy a device to treat your pain syndromes not at the price and not at the colorful advertising, but according to medical recommendations.
Indications and contraindications
The benefits of such devices are undeniable - people with contraindications to massage can replace it without much effort, without wasting time and money. When using them, the following are noted:
easing pain;
relaxation of muscle tissue;
prevention of cramps;
optimization of blood circulation, lymph flow, metabolic processes;
acceleration of tissue regeneration, rehabilitation and recovery.

Contraindications, as well as for massage, may be different - skin lesions, rashes, chronic diseases of the skin, acquired or hereditary, oncology, hematopoiesis disorders, coagulation of liquid connective tissue. Pregnancy, fever, inflammation, or acute infectious disease can be an obstacle.
The purchase of a rug also needs to be done deliberately, having weighed all the necessary components, together with a specialist during a consultation, a physical examination and passing a hardware examination. This determines which type of rug will be most useful. The variety of species that are commercially available can be confusing, even for someone with medical knowledge.

But the success of the therapeutic or preventive measures taken depends on the correct selection.
Instructions for use
It is not difficult to use the mat for its intended purpose, each of them may have its own nuances in application, therefore, you must first consult with an orthopedist or vertebrologist... Manufacturers supply medical devices with instructions for use, but reading them is not enough. The duration of the session is determined by individual indications - the nature of the pathology, age and even physique. The duration of the daily session, the number of recommended days in the course and the intervals that need to be done between the course of treatment depend on them.

There are general guidelines for using any type of massage mat:
not earlier than an hour and a half after eating;
with empty bowels and bladder;
in a ventilated area, on a clean rug (washing or disinfection after each session);
food and drink - not earlier than half an hour after the end of the session, this interval is dictated by the need to lie down for such a time after the session in order to bring the muscular system into a relaxed state.

Correct application involves laying on a painful spot. The time is gradually increasing (starts with a 5-minute interval). In the correct position, the initial soreness quickly disappears. Positive dynamics is felt in 14-21 days. Treatments are performed in the morning to relieve pain or in the evening to relax your muscles and get a good night's sleep.