Quartz or Jade - Which Facial Massager is Best?

The properties of minerals and their effect on humans have been known since ancient times. The stones are able to improve health, restore strength, and they also have a beneficial effect on the structure of the skin of the face and neck. Massage with minerals tightens, smoothes the skin, restores blood flow, makes it radiant, velvety. In the article, we will consider which facial massager is better - quartz or jade.

Comparison of properties
Both stones - quartz and jade - have miraculous properties and are great for massage. The massagers are produced in the form of rotating rollers connected with a convenient handle. The shape of the rollers provides maximum coverage of the massaged area. There are two types of rollers available. A small roller is used to influence the areas around the eyelids and nose. A large oval roller is used to massage the face, neck and décolleté.
The quartz massager has a delicate pink or white color. There are light, dark shades. The weight of the roller is significantly greater than the jade counterpart. The surface is smooth and resembles a glassy texture. Keeps cool for a long time in contact with skin. The mineral contains silicon, iron, magnesium, sodium.
The jade massager has a greenish tint. There are rich emerald tones, as well as muted olive tones. Has a lighter weight. The surface is smooth, soft, delicate. It gets warm quickly on contact with skin. The mineral contains iron, calcium, magnesium.
The differences between the two minerals are in appearance, composition, structure. However, they are equally useful as a facial massager with a similar effect.

How do they differ in energy strength?
The secret of the energetic effect of stones lies in the individual vibration frequency. The high vibration frequency has a positive effect on human energy, restoring it. Both stones have an equally beneficial effect on the structure of the skin. The difference lies in the areas where the impact is most intense.
Quartz has an active effect on the cardiovascular system, on the movement of blood flow. With the improvement of blood circulation, the blood is effectively purified from toxic substances that accelerate the aging process. The mineral has a calming effect. Promotes relaxation of the facial muscles, thereby preventing the appearance of premature wrinkles. Puffiness disappears after the procedure.
Jade is responsible for the nervous system, providing a calming effect, restores strength, elasticity of the skin, smoothes fine wrinkles. And also the mineral helps to remove toxic substances from skin cells, preventing the appearance of age-related wrinkles. The massager improves blood microcirculation, which increases the collagen content in cells, accelerates the healing process, and relieves swelling.

It should be noted that there are contraindications when using these massagers, for example:
- exacerbation of skin diseases;
- purulent processes.
Therefore, before the procedure, you must consult with a specialist. This will help avoid discomfort or negative effects on your skin condition.
To obtain the desired effect, the regularity of the procedure is important, as well as the use of the correct facial massage technique. Rollers' movements should be directed from the center to the periphery. The skin of the face must be clean.

What is the best choice?
Many people choose stones based on their zodiac sign. but in this case, they are used in preventive cosmetic procedures for the face, so attention should be paid to other characteristics.
The mineral composition of the stones is very similar. Everywhere there are useful components that the body needs. But so far there is no scientific confirmation that these components get inside the skin structure during the procedure. The roller massager has a simple structure, regardless of the type of stone, the movements during massage are identical.

It is believed that stones are chosen intuitively. That is, it is better to choose the mineral to which the soul lies.
It is also important to test your sensations when the surface of the mineral comes into contact with the skin. It is not recommended to choose a stone that causes discomfort. In any case, both quartz and jade deserve attention. Their miraculous properties have been proven and approved by many professionals in the field of cosmetology.
To obtain the desired effect, it is necessary to purchase natural stones in specialized, proven places. Otherwise there is a high risk of buying a fake, which will not be useful.

And yet ... Of course, intuition will tell, but I, for example, like both stones. Quartz is softer and colder. Jade is a warm stone. First I chose quartz and later jade. Perhaps I wanted coolness in summer and warm in winter.