Massage chair covers

A massage cape will be a good alternative to visiting a professional massage therapist. This attachment can be placed on a sofa, bed, or even a car seat. Regular treatment relieves muscle fatigue and soreness, promotes relaxation and improves well-being.

Description and purpose
Most people on the planet from time to time encounter painful sensations in the cervical spine, as well as in the lumbar region and back. An inactive lifestyle, lack of sports recreation or, on the contrary, exhausting physical activity - all this leads to insomnia, chronic fatigue, osteochondrosis and other unpleasant consequences. Massage will help to cope with these problems. However, not everyone has the time and money to go to an experienced massage therapist.
In this case, purchasing a massage cape would be a good solution. The device consists of a frame covered with natural / artificial leather, fabric or other material. A special mechanism is built inside, based on rollers, pillows or vibration motors. Massage procedures using this device will be especially relevant:
- for drivers and truck drivers;
- for office employees;
- for editors, writers and other people who spend a lot of time at the table every day.

The procedure will help anyone who experiences fatigue and soreness in the muscles of the back, as well as in the neck and lower back. Massage will be a good prevention of the development of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. It is shown to all those who want to maintain good health and tone.
The advantages of the device include the following.
- Mobility - the cape simply folds up and rolls into a roll. In this form, it takes up very little space, so you can easily take it with you on trips and travels. You can use these capes anywhere you have access to the electrical network. The most modern types of massagers can be charged even from a car cigarette lighter.
- Saving time and effort - the frantic pace of life and irregular working hours simply do not leave time for visits to the massage parlor. The advantage of the cape is that you can use it not only at home, but also at work and even while driving.
- Ergonomic - massage covers take up much less space than massage chairs. Therefore, using the equipment at home is not particularly difficult.

Indications and contraindications
The use of a massage cape has the most beneficial effect on a person.
- Soothes... Vibration relaxes and relieves tension. In this case, the effectiveness of the procedure varies depending on the intensity of the impact. So, a light vibration activates the central nervous system, and a strong one, on the contrary, has a restraining effect.
- Accelerates blood circulation. It has been proven that exposure to frequencies less than 50 Hz causes a decrease in blood pressure. The use of high-frequency waves up to 100 Hz shortens the heartbeat and causes an increase in pressure. By choosing the right intensity of exposure, you can normalize cardiovascular activity.
- Increases energy exchange. Any massage effects cause a favorable reaction from the nervous system. They improve blood supply to cells and normalize redox processes.
- Tone up... Regular use of the massage cape increases a person's performance. And besides, they have a pronounced anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect.

However, like any other medical device, massage capes have their own contraindications for use. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure in the following situations.
- With fractures of ribs and bones in the place where the impact is exerted. Even if massage is indicated for you as part of rehabilitation therapy after fractures, you still cannot use the cape. In this case, only manual study of problem areas is permissible.
- In case of violation of the integrity of the skin - open wounds, trauma, burns, dermatological problems... Any external influence on the damaged areas can aggravate the situation and cause exactly the opposite effect. In this case, it is worth temporarily suspending the use of the cape or using manual massage techniques with a point study of the damaged areas.
- With protrusion, displacement of the vertebral discs and hernia. All these cases require an individual and extremely careful approach. Any manipulation of bones, muscles and joints must be carried out under the strict supervision of a physician.
- It is undesirable to use a cape for people, who suffer from frequent drops in blood pressure.
- Vibration procedures are undesirable pregnant womenwhich can cause miscarriage.
- The list of contraindications also includes tumor processes. - both malignant and benign.

Any massage capes, depending on the features of the functions they perform, can be divided into two types - roller and vibration.
Provide a pronounced therapeutic effect, produce a deep study of the muscle tissues of the neck and spine... Capes of this type are a kind of symbiosis of a roller massager in the back area and a vibration one in the pillow. They are quite expensive, but the result from their work is very high.
Mechanical rollers are built into the back of such a cape, which are responsible for working out the back.The balls move left and right, up and down, and also rotate around their axis. As a result, the feeling is created that the procedure is performed by a professional massage therapist.

The standard device provides several massage programs - from the usual punching of muscles to acupressure on active points (shiatsu). If necessary, you can choose a specific area of influence for massage - the lower back, buttocks, shoulder blades or neck. The quality of the impact largely depends on the material from which the video is made.
- Plastic - This is the most common option for stretching tired, tense muscles.
- Silicone - more pleasant for the skin, provides delicate massage procedures.
- Jade stones - have unique healing properties. Jade has a healing effect on muscles and joints.

Many models of roller massagers include air compression cushions. Inflating one by one, they progressively put pressure on different parts of the body. It is an effective, yet gentle and delicate type of massage that has become widespread among office workers.
Most modern devices emit infrared waves... They provide deep warming up of the muscles and thereby increase the effectiveness of the massage and increase its comfort. The complex effect allows you to relieve fatigue in the shortest possible time, improve metabolism and blood microcirculation.

The vibrating device is mainly used as a professional measure for people with an inactive lifestyle. The work of the device is reduced to the transmission of wave vibrations of different frequencies and amplitudes to the massaged surface through an electric motor. If we compare the effectiveness of roller and vibration massagers, then the former will be more effective. However, when choosing the optimal solution, the peculiarities of the application also play an important role. Therefore, other factors should be considered.
The ability to use while driving. Every car is a source of increased danger, so every device inside the car must meet basic safety requirements. With regard to roller mechanisms, this is most often impossible, since the moving balls protrude from the backrest - this creates noticeable discomfort for the driver, and with sharp braking it can even become a source of injury. Vibrating models are flat and almost merge with the car seat.

The ability to charge from a car cigarette lighter... The overwhelming majority of roller massagers operate from a 100-240 V power supply. Vibrating massage devices can be charged from a 12V alternating current network - this corresponds to the on-board parameters of a car. Ventilation option. Many vibrating cushions have a cooling function. If it is hot inside the car, you can activate cooling and enjoy the massage. In a few minutes, light freshness will envelop the body, bring coolness and vigor. Roller devices do not have such an opportunity.
Mobility... Vibrating capes are very flexible designs. They can be rolled and transported in a car, so they are more mobile than roller-based designs. Possibility of placing on a horizontal base. This is another advantage of the vibrocap, which roller mechanisms cannot boast of.
The vibro-massage device can be easily folded on any horizontal surface, so it is in demand for the prevention of bedsores in bedridden patients.

Rating of the best models
We invite you to get acquainted with the rating of universal massage capes included in the TOP according to user reviews. The effects of the procedures are noticeable from the first minutes of exposure. Depending on the specific purpose of the massager and the selected program, a person immediately begins to feel activity or relaxation.
Beurer MG 295
It is a construction covered with artificial leather, soft and tactilely pleasant. The massager effectively works on the back, cervical and lumbar areas. There are 11 operating modes, 3 speed switching modes, as well as thermal infrared exposure. Depending on the set program, the roller mechanism can perform stroking movements or vibrate, intensively massaging the skin and relaxing the muscles. Allows you to perform 3D massage, alternately working through the problem area, centimeter by centimeter.
Ideal for procedures at home, in the work office and anywhere else with access to an electrical network. In appearance, the cape resembles a car seat, but due to the lack of a cigarette lighter connector in a car, it is not used. A special hanger is included for economical storage. There is a remote control.

Yamaguchi Yamato
One of the most expensive premium cape. High cost due to the use of unique SWING technology... During the procedure, 4 rollers simultaneously act on the body at once. In this case, the user can change their location and customize the work. Muscle training is performed through three actions - tingling, roller technology and shiatsu point action.
The possibility of self-regulation of the intensity of massaging is provided. By default, a session lasts 15 minutes. In parallel with the back, vibration works out the hips. The only drawback of such a device is that it is not designed for overly tall people. If a person with a large stature sits high, then the neck will not be worked out. And if he sits too low, the cape will not cover the lower back.

Medisana MCN
One of the most common models among all home massage lovers. Allows you to effectively puncture problem areas - from the shoulders to the lower back. Each user has the ability to independently regulate the intensity of exposure, the possibility of infrared heating of areas with chronic pain is provided.
For maximum convenience, the massage cape has a protruding block that covers the neck and kneads it vigorously. The only drawback is that owners of a full neck cannot use this device. By default, the massage cover works for 15 minutes and then turns off automatically.
Suitable for home and office use, but for a car it is better to stay on other options.

Gezatone AMG399
A cape with a combined effect of rollers, vibration and heat. Can be placed on an armchair, chair and sofa... There are 16 speed modes. In the process of exposure, the rollers move smoothly along the back without causing discomfort. The power is low - only 30 watts. The set includes a remote control. The manufacturer gives a 12-month warranty for its cape.

Selection Tips
- Any massage capes can be passive and active. Passive ones are wooden balls and barrels strung on threads. Similar designs are often found on truck driver's seats. They exert their effect due to the movement of the human body - this allows for easy puncturing of the skin and upper layers of muscles. Active massagers are more effective. They are powered by an electrical network. Depending on the cost and availability of massaging elements, different types of effects can be produced. When buying, you should pay attention to the following following criteria.
- The presence of heating. It can be evenly distributed over the entire surface of the cape or be spot-on for individual zones. Using this option allows you to eliminate painful sensations due to deep heating. However, any procedures associated with heat exposure have contraindications.Therefore, before purchasing such a cape, you should seek the advice of your doctor.
- The number of programs, the ability to adjust the intensity parameters. This is important so that users can independently set the force of the impact of massage mechanisms on the body, taking into account their anatomical features. Some people's skin is thin, and any deep exposure will cause bruising. In others, the skin, on the other hand, is thickened, so it has to be kneaded more. It is very important to find an individual solution.
- Timer... In order not to overdo it and increase the safety of the procedure, manufacturers equip their massage capes with a timer - it allows the device to be turned off after 15-20 minutes and thereby prevents unwanted effects from massage effects.

Review overview
Reviews of massage capes are generally positive. They effectively relax and relieve muscle tension. They help to reduce the discomfort from prolonged stay in one position - at the table or while driving. At the same time, the capes are inexpensive, and they serve for a long time. The most popular among buyers are Japanese massagers, as well as capes made in Germany.
At the same time, the cape cannot replace 100% manual massage. Only an experienced specialist can work out the main problem areas as efficiently as possible. Therefore, the device is used mainly as a preventive measure that prevents the development of diseases associated with a sedentary lifestyle.