Features of electric anti-cellulite massagers

Cellulite - this word has become a symbol of fear for many women. Some proudly report being lucky not to know him. However, the vast majority are struggling with cellulite almost every day. Cosmetological anti-cellulite procedures, which are carried out with the use of devices, have shown great efficiency. Due to their cost, they are not available to a large number of women. Nevertheless, home electrical appliances have shown the same result in the fight against cellulite. We will talk about them in the article.

Operating principle
What is called cellulite is an abnormal overgrowth of fat cells. And they, in turn, cause structural damage to the skin. The main reasons for this phenomenon are circulatory disorders of small vessels, as well as disruptions in the process of metabolism in tissues.
In general, they can be caused by both poor quality nutrition and various diseases (usually hormonal problems).

The electric anti-cellulite body massager irritates the skin. As a rule, he acts on them in a physical way. Thus, the vessels in the skin "wake up". The process of "revitalizing" the skin begins, that is:
she begins to be saturated with oxygen, her tone rises;
the fluid that is the cause of the puffiness goes away;
toxins that could accumulate in the skin are "washed out";
the skin acquires a healthy light or even pink color (the effect of gray or earthy skin goes away);
enhanced healing of stretch marks and even scars begins (the effect is not too obvious, but nevertheless it is present);
fat cells become softer and may even begin to dissolve;
the skin becomes smoother and more pleasant to the touch.

There are several types of anti-cellulite devices, which differ in the method of their effect on the skin.
- Pneumatic massagers. Such products work by using air pressure. They inflate and compress the skin.

- Infrared models. Creates infrared rays of light. Thanks to them, the skin is warmed up on all layers. At the same time, a high-quality massager, as a rule, does not heat up even after prolonged use.

- Ultrasonic massagers. Ultrasound is used for massage.

- Myostimulants... Such massagers work thanks to low frequency currents.
Devices with too low frequency should not be purchased - they are often useless.

- Vacuum massagers. They work on the principle of vacuum cans. Equipped with a pump. They are considered one of the simplest and most effective.

Indications and contraindications
Here are the reasons why you should buy such a device.
If you want to reduce cellulite, as well as prevent varicose veins, then it is recommended to use a pneumatic massager.
Myostimulants are indicated in the treatment of arthritis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system. They also help to recover from injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
It is worth mentioning that the devices can affect the cellulite of 1-3 degrees. In the presence of the 4th degree, it is already useless to do massage.
It is not uncommon for anti-cellulite massagers to be purchased to combat edema. With age, the intensity of edema increases. This is especially true for working women.
For people who are overweight, using an anti-cellulite massager can be a starting point. Some of the swelling may go away and, most likely, there will be motivation to continue working on their bodies.

But there are also contraindications.
Certain types of massagers cannot be used if you have a number of medical conditions. Such, for example, is an ultrasonic massager. It can only be used as directed by a doctor.
Do not massage skin surfaces that have various injuries.
It is not necessary to use the device in the presence of oncology, autoimmune diseases.
Doctors do not recommend using it for varicose veins, but some girls and women try massage. In general, there is an improvement in the quality of the skin and even a decrease in varicose veins. However, if in doubt, it is better to refuse. The buyer takes responsibility for himself.

Top Models
Below is a small rating of the most popular massagers for cellulite.
- Gezatone VACU Expert. This electric massager is both roller and vacuum. Comes with several vacuum tips. Thanks to them, you can massage both the buttocks and the double chin area. Well "drives away" swelling, noticeably improves the quality of the skin after just a few sessions.

- Another leader of the same manufacturer is Gezatone RF + Cavitation Bio Sonic 1130... Designed for body shaping - just like all massagers, it distributes and forces fat cells to dissolve. It has several functions - ultrasonic exposure, lifting, infrared exposure. Ultrasound destroys fat cells, the lifting effect tightens the skin and reduces flabbiness, infrared rays even out the epidermis. During sessions of use, you can turn on both all three modes, and two, or use one function. Reduces volume, fights stretch marks. After using the device, the manufacturer does not recommend sunbathing, and you should also refrain from visiting public bathing places.

- US Medica Ultra Slim. A small device with a strap, looks like a manual mechanical roller massager. However, it is electrical. It is mainly intended for the local improvement of blood circulation. In addition, it relaxes well and relieves muscle tension.

- Celluless MD. It is a vacuum massager, has a small size and a comfortable handle. Effectively relieves swelling and improves blood circulation. Operates only on mains power, sometimes the noise from the device can be annoying.

- Family 135 P - floor belt vibrating massager. It is a complete installation. Equipped with a control system - using the program, you can set individual massage modes. It has about 20 types of different programs, differing in load levels. Adjustable for height and weight. Has a pleasant appearance, as well as a handrail for support during sessions.

Selection Tips
Sometimes it is not easy to choose the right massager among the huge assortment of the modern anti-cellulite massager market. Focusing on the following criteria can help you make the right choice.
- Manufacturer... It is best to opt for products from a well-known manufacturer. It has been noticed that even the simplest and cheapest massagers of a good manufacturer are distinguished by their quality and durability.
Another advantage of buying branded products is the warranty and free service of the product.

- The presence of replaceable nozzles. For beginners, it is recommended to purchase a device with one nozzle. As a rule, most of the customers with long experience of use have a favorite attachment, using others very rarely.

- Device type... Massagers can be manual, in the form of a vibration belt, and represent a full-fledged apparatus with a stand and belts. The most convenient are manual massagers, both in terms of use and cost. However, exercise massagers have shown great efficiency in the fight against cellulite. In this article, we talk more about hand-held models.

- Target... To combat cellulite, vacuum models are best suited, and roller models to “drive away” edema. Infrared massagers are more suitable for less youthful skin. The rest is a matter of taste and financial capabilities.

Using the simulator is quite simple - you need to press it against the problem area and turn it on. The massager will do all the work for you. During operation of the device, it is necessary to move it with smooth movements throughout the entire problem area. Circular movements are considered the most effective. Better to move from bottom to top. And also you can not massage the inner thigh and armpits - it is better to massage these places with your hands. Such sessions should be started from 15 minutes, and then the duration should be increased.

The pre-treated surface should be greased with a fat cream or oil and wait 1-2 minutes for it to be absorbed. You do not need to massage every day - it is better every other day (the skin should recover). Redness of the skin is considered a good sign - active blood circulation starts in the problem area... A burning sensation or extremely unpleasant sensations are a bad sign, in which case you need to urgently stop exposure.
After the massage, it is recommended to take a contrast shower and do an additional manual massage. This will speed up the process.

Despite all the benefits of anti-cellulite massage at home, you cannot rely on it alone on the path to smooth skin. It is imperative to combine massage with at least daily walking (if sport is not available) and proper nutrition... And also the results will appear if there is a full and high-quality sleep. You don't have to count on something good if the body is under stress.
Of course, you must not use the device under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and you must not give it to children.