Anti-wrinkle facial massagers

Over the years, facial skin loses its freshness and elasticity, requiring special care. Stress, everyday stress, natural factors - all this affects the appearance of wrinkles. To fight them, cosmetics alone are not enough. A special anti-wrinkle massager will help improve the appearance and health of your skin.

Such a device not only lifts the skin by smoothing out wrinkles, but also helps prevent age spots, acne and pore enlargement. In addition, anti-wrinkle facial massagers have the following benefits:
- correct the shape of the face, keeping the muscles in good shape;
- accelerate metabolism, making the skin look younger;
- prevent inflammation and acne;
- normalize blood circulation, allowing oxygen to penetrate the skin;
- help cleanse pores;
- even out the complexion.

Species overview
Before buying a device, many people get lost in the variety of products. After all, facial massagers differ in type, quality, functionality, method of use, etc. There is also an electric apparatus and a manual (classic) one. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the main types of installations.

They are also called mechanical. Such a tool has a comfortable grip that does not exert strong stress on the hand. Further in the structure of the massager there is a rod, on the other end of which a roller is attached. It can be smooth or embossed, with its help, massage will be carried out.

It is necessary to carry out with a rotating roller over problem areas.
The working roller of the apparatus is made of materials such as smooth thermoplastic, medical alloy, rubber, olefin elastomer.
There are massagers in which the roller is made of onyx, a stone with healing properties.

It is very convenient to use such a device for smoothing fat folds on the neck, wrinkles on the forehead, near the eyes, nose and mouth. The use of the massager gives the skin a light glow and evens out the facial features.

The name itself speaks of the principle of operation of the device. The vacuum unit sticks to the skin when sliding and detaches after 2-3 seconds. Such actions contribute to increased blood flow and oxygen supply to the skin.
Well, it helps to fight against nasolabial wrinkles.

This type of massager has a revitalizing effect. Due to this rejuvenating function, the face will quickly acquire a beautiful appearance.

In the last 3-4 years, such units have become the most popular among the fair sex. Oxygen instruments help speed up the metabolism of the skin. Also, after application, many women noticed that the face becomes soft and elastic.
It is known that through the use of the aggregate, the lymph is enriched with oxygen molecules.
After use, the skin becomes rosy and healthy.

They work with laser beams. This promotes deep penetration under the skin. After 4-5 times of application, the revitalizing effect will be noticeable, the face will look much younger.
If pigmentation has developed on the skin before, then it will soon be possible to forget about it too.
The laser massager tones the skin and evens out its color. It helps to quickly get rid of deep wrinkles on the forehead.

The process is completely painless, while the result will please you immediately.
The device is small in size, which allows you to take it with you even on a trip.
Women who underwent a similar procedure in the salon, and then independently tested the device at home, assure that the effectiveness of the massage does not differ at all. And this suggests that any woman can easily use the ultrasonic unit without much effort.

This type of massager works with electrodes. It should be noted right away that the procedure does not bring pain. On the contrary, there is a pleasant sensation in which the muscles of the face contract. As a result, they are strengthened. After a while, the skin is tightened, the face takes on a pleasant-looking, even shape.

Top brands
To look great and achieve the desired result in the near future, it is worth choosing devices that have managed to recommend themselves well among buyers. Below is a ranking of the top 5 best facial massager models.
- ReFa Carat. The Japanese device, which is loved not only by its compatriots, but also by users from a number of other countries. It is powered by a solar panel that generates microcurrents that increase blood circulation.

- Gezatone. The unit was produced in France by the company of the same name. It fights well with fat folds in the chin and neck area. In addition, the massager helps relieve emotional stress.

- WellDerma. One of the best Korean massaging devices that not only evens out wrinkles, but also relieves edema. In addition, it removes nasolabial folds with ease. It can be ordered from Korea's beauty sites.

- Welss 3 in 1 Vernal Optik. An ultrasound device that provides heat therapy. Easily removes wrinkles and bags under the eyes. The massager is small and fits into a handbag.

- US Medica Delicate Silk AF. Many users note that the result becomes noticeable even after the first application. The massage helps to tighten the skin and eliminate edema. The device can work for a long time without recharging.

Selection Tips
Before choosing a device, it is advisable to consult with a specialist. An experienced and knowledgeable person will be able to suggest which type of tool is suitable for a particular type of skin and will meet expectations. Also, the massager should be selected based on the functions that the device has to offer.
You need to know what type of power is needed for the device (if it is not manual). It is necessary to take into account the size of the wrinkle massager, because comfortable use depends on it.

It is important when choosing to take into account the maximum power, as well as the number of attachments supplied.

Application Tips
For effective use of any type of facial massager, you must adhere to the general recommendations. Before starting use at home, be sure to read the instructions. It is usually sold with the unit itself. As a last resort, you can read the rules on the Internet.

Then you need to prepare the skin. First, it is necessary to remove cosmetics from the face, if applied. After that, you should cleanse the skin, washing your face in warm water, which will help the pores to open. If, according to the instructions, it is allowed to apply the cream, then you can proceed with this.
There are types of massage in which you cannot use cosmetics.

It is desirable to start massage movements from the neck, gradually rising up. You should not rush so as not to damage the skin. Each line of movement should go horizontally, but rising slightly upward, as if tightening the skin.
The procedure should not be carried out too often: two to three times a week will be enough. During the massage, do not press too much on the face, otherwise bruising may appear. It is not recommended to spend more than two minutes on each area to be treated. This is the only way to achieve the desired effect in a short time.

After 1-2 months, the result will be noticeable. Wrinkles will be reduced and the skin will look healthy and toned. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations written in the article. It is important to consider: if a person has skin diseases or other obstacles to this procedure, then before using the massager, you should consult with a beautician.