Description and application of massage hemispheres

In an effort to be healthy and physically developed, a person constantly creates new simulators, massagers and devices that help to achieve this goal. Work on your body begins from childhood and ends at a fairly respectable age, so it is difficult to find the best equipment for everyone. One of the types of equipment that can be simultaneously used as a massager and sports equipment for people of any age category is a massage hemisphere.

What it is?
A massage hemisphere is a platform that can have different heights and dimensions, but its shape is a common factor. Thanks to one flat part, and the second semicircular, you can perform a number of balance exercises, which are very important for good coordination and orientation in space. Due to the fact that the balancing platform can be made of different materials - plastic, vinyl and rubber, it is possible to carry out different loads and get different effects from its use.

Such a massager can have different appearance depending on the purpose. There are smooth, needle-like and embossed options. The smooth version can only be used for balance training in children and adults, for rehabilitation after injuries and operations. The needle platform can perform, in addition to the above, also a massage function.

This effect is very useful for training with children to influence the formation of the foot, counteract flat feet, improve blood circulation, and strengthen the entire body. Embossed balancers have the same result, their choice is carried out depending on the tasks.

The most popular are small hemispheres, the diameter of which is 16 cm and the height is 7 cm. They are used both in gyms and in training with children, as well as at home, for self-massage or additional development of babies. There are also large varieties, but they have a higher cost and take up much more space, which can cause some inconvenience if you need to store a large number of such hemispheres.

Indications and contraindications
From the first days of using massage hemispheres, they have shown their consistency and effectiveness. This equipment immediately gained popularity and does not lose it to this day. The positive aspects include:
work on developing balance, which is directly related to the activity of the cerebellum, therefore, improves the quality of speech, mental and mental activity;
improved dexterity, the ability to stay on an uneven surface;
creating a beautiful posture, fixing problems, if any;
massage and workout of feet, which allows you to prevent the development of clubfoot and flat feet, to correct these problems, if any;
improved blood circulation the whole organism;
work of the muscles of the trunk and upper limbs in the process of training on the balance bar;
strength development, endurance, dexterity, perseverance.

Indications for the use of massage hemispheres may include the following problems:
sedentary lifestyle;
being overweight;
scoliosis, osteochondrosis and other curvature of the spine;
flat feet, clubfoot, and similar foot problems;
rehabilitation after injuries and operations;
poor coordination, weak vestibular apparatus.

The benefits of using such platforms are very high, with regular exercise for 10-15 minutes, you can relieve fatigue, activate blood flow, work out the muscles of the feet, involve the whole body in the work, spending time with benefit.

In addition to indications, there are several contraindications that are important to know when planning to work with a massage platform. You cannot use the balancer for problems such as:
cardiovascular diseases;
It is possible and necessary to use the "hedgehog" massager with thorns from an early age. The main thing is to use the platform correctly, choosing feasible and interesting exercises.

How to use?
In order for classes on massage hemispheres to bring the maximum effect, it is worth adhering to certain rules.
It is best to train barefoot, so that the feet are in maximum contact with the spikes for a deep massage effect.
Hemispheres can be used as stopsby placing hands or feet on them during push-ups or planks, which stabilizes the position of the body and gives it a lot of load.
To work the muscles of the pelvic floor, you can put balancers under your feet, sitting on your back, with your legs bent. When lifting the pelvis, an increased load on the muscles will be carried out, which will allow the body to tone up faster.
Squats and lunges on the balance bar give a good effect.... Due to the need to keep the body in an upright position, the muscles of the whole body are included in the work, which significantly increases the effectiveness of the workout.
Maintaining balance while standing on one leg. A visually simple exercise that can be difficult for a beginner. Learning to balance on uneven and unstable surfaces will require dexterity, concentration, and whole-body work.
Work on a balance bar while sitting, in which the load is on the muscles of the press, back and legs. Due to the deviation of the body back and the abduction of the raised bent legs in the opposite direction, it is possible to involve a large array of muscles in vigorous activity, while not performing too heavy manipulations.

For children, you can make games using balancers:
to stand on a balancer and keep balance, and whoever jumped - lost;
spread out the platforms in a chaotic manner and measure the time during which the children will cover the distance, jumping from one balance beam to another;
use massage machines in team competitions.

Thanks to a small, but very convenient and functional simulator, you can help children and adults get rid of any problems, spend energy usefully and have fun with like-minded people.