Everything You Need to Know About Roller Massagers

It is no secret that medical services have become very expensive in recent years. Many people around the world have come to understand that it is easier to prevent health problems. The use of massagers is a preventive measure. One of the most popular products of this kind is the roller massager, which can also be used for cosmetic purposes. Read everything about what they are and how to use them in this article.

The roller massager acts on the body using vibrations that create movement of parts inside the device. Thus, the simulator has a stimulating effect on the skin. What else does the use of the device give?
Improving blood circulation. This effect is mainly used for weight loss. And it also has a beneficial effect on the joints - it improves local blood circulation in the joint tissues. Improves muscle and tissue nutrition.
The massager improves muscle tone. With an increase in tone, the general well-being also improves.
The roller massager can locally improve the condition of gouty nodes (they may even completely collapse).
May improve the mobility of a particular joint.
Great for use by aged people. Regular use of the massager can be a good prevention of joint stiffness.

The device can be used as a body massager in several cases.
Back pain.
The presence of a hernia or protrusion.
Arthritic diseases, diseases of the osteoarticular system. The massager can be used only during the period of remission. The use of devices cannot be considered a substitute for full-fledged treatment.
Regular overload.This often happens in professional athletes.
It is possible and desirable to use during the recovery period after damage.
However, most modern roller massagers are purchased to combat cellulite. Girls and women try to make their face and body skin smoother and reduce puffiness.

The modern market offers a wide range of roller massagers. Rollers in different numbers are placed in different frames and mounts. The rollers themselves can be equipped with spikes, roughness, and have different sizes (within the same massager). Let's consider the main types.

Mechanical rollers are the most widespread - they are cheap, comfortable and efficient. It is based on a simple design. Can even be used on the face. One of the most popular in this category is the versatile handheld roller back massager. Well relieves tension from the back and neck.
You won't be able to do a massage on your own, but it has a budget price - from 200 rubles. It is a frame with rollers attached to it. Similar is the magnetic massager, which is recommended for people with skin problems.

We cannot fail to mention the abacus double-sided roller foot massager. They relieve leg fatigue, improve the condition of feet with flat feet and hallux valgus. Along the way, they increase the tone of the leg muscles, start the process of neurostimulation. The metal roller massager is used to remove edema, massage the face and body. Hand massagers are convenient. They have a convenient shape in the form of mittens; there are balls (rollers) on it that rotate 360 degrees. Separately from all there is a roller massager-drum. It is a large unit with rolling rollers. It can only be used in specialized establishments.

It is a rope-rope with rollers tied on it in several rows, some models come with additional straps. Can be used for self-massage. Increases blood circulation locally and can also reduce muscle tension. Used to massage the back, shoulders. The cost of the massager starts at 400 rubles.

Obviously, such devices are powered by electricity. They are convenient in that they do not require a lot of effort, and there is also the ability to control the speed of the massage. The most common of this category is the complex compression and roller massager. Simply put, the device heats up the tissues and massages with the rollers. It is mainly intended to reduce puffiness, as it stimulates the outflow of fluid.

The main feature is the presence of magnets in the rollers. It is believed that the created magnetic field has a beneficial effect on the body - it lowers cholesterol levels, reduces the risk of blood clots, and simultaneously improves the skin.

Popular models
Consider the most popular models of similar massagers that can be found in pharmacies and not only.
The championship belongs to the massagers of the manufacturer Bradex - these are models called "Roller KZ 0240" and "Roller KZ 0485". The first is a simple little massager with a handle. Rollers are thin and square. Creates a lifting effect on the skin. The second is a foot massager with two types of rollers. Stylized under a tree.

- "Torg Lines Reflex". It is a roller massager on the handle. Roller spikes feel very much like needles. It is used everywhere - in special institutions and at home on its own. It massages various parts of the body well - increases blood circulation, relieves local swelling and improves tone.

- TianDe - roller massager for the body under the article 90152. It is a flexible platform in the form of a palm with 9 rollers that can be rotated 360 degrees.It relieves tension well, can massage deep muscle tissue.

- Yamaguchi Body 3D Roller. It is a massager on a silver handle with two rollers located on legs perpendicular to each other.
Despite its name, it is used primarily for facial massage. According to reviews, it really helps to emphasize the "corner of youth".

Some of the most popular are the models of the Japanese company Yamaguchi. Mid-range models are produced by Medica (American manufacturer), Hasun (Korean manufacturer), Anatomico (Italian manufacturer), Casada (production located in Germany).

Criterias of choice
In order to choose the right roller massager, you need to focus on several nuances.
The location of the rollers. If they are evenly spaced, then such a massager is good for warming up. Spiral-shaped rollers remove excess moisture and puffiness. The rollers located on the same plane tightly to each other massage the muscles well. Fingertip ones are good at fighting cellulite.
Roller surface. Smooth models are suitable for beginners, spiked models are designed for a tougher impact. The former relieve tension well, the latter disperse edema and improve blood circulation.
Price. You should not buy products that are too cheap - they will quickly break. There is no point in overpaying for those that are too expensive either - it is better to spend this money on a subscription to a fitness room or invest in good treatment.
Additional functions. Massagers with additional functions are needed only for the elderly or people with illnesses in serious condition. In all other cases, it is better to train on your own or go to special courses.

How to use it correctly?
The technique of using such massagers is quite simple - you just need to drive them over the area of the skin on which you want to act. This should be done not in a relaxed state, but with pressure. In general, massage can be chaotic, and a special massage scheme is needed only for the face - you need to do it along the "lines" - from the middle of the face to the edge. It is best to do the massage for more than 15 minutes a day. Before the massage, the skin should be lubricated with oil and wait 1-2 minutes for it to be slightly absorbed. The results can be seen after a month of regular training.

It must be remembered that the use of the massager is possible only with the indication of a doctor. It is he who will be able to say for sure whether the use of the massager will be beneficial, and not start undesirable processes in the body.
Instructions for the devices prohibit use in the presence of the following symptoms: abscesses on the skin, arthrosis and arthritis in the active stage, hypertension, infectious bone lesions, diabetes mellitus. It is undesirable to do massage in the presence of varicose veins. If you experience discomfort or seizures during the massage, it is imperative to stop it.

Review overview
With the regular use of roller massagers, girls and women notice a local improvement in the quality of the skin. True, the results require regular massages. It is imperative to bring the skin to redness - only in this case, you can get rid of cellulite in some areas of the skin. And also customers note that roller massagers only help to reduce the severity of the orange peel when they are done in conjunction with regular physical activity and the rejection of at least the most harmful products (alcohol, fast food). The effect of roller massagers is noticeable even on elderly skin.

From a more global perspective, it is noted that some (especially electric) massagers do relieve stress. Back and neck massages are especially relaxing. And also small massagers help (for example, two rollers fastened together) - they improve the motor skills of the hands (after fractures and injuries).