Everything you need to know about hand massagers

Manual body massagers have a wide range of applications. They are useful for pain in the neck and back, in the fight against cellulite and, if desired, to heal the skin. However, in order for the device to achieve its goal, it is necessary to correctly approach the choice of the model. That's why it is worth considering the types of hand massagers, indications for their use, as well as the features of products from leading manufacturers.

The manual massager is a device that makes a worthy alternative to the beautician's office. With its help, you can carry out procedures in a convenient place, adjusting only to your schedule. The device can be made in the form:
- hand-held device;
- footrests;
- air cushion;
- heating pads;
- capes;
- belts.

Some of the devices presented are used for full body massage. Others are created to work out its individual zones. Devices are often assigned to people to solve problems with the musculoskeletal system or to shape the body.
In the first case, massage relaxes muscles, fights salt deposits and relieves pain. Along the way, the restoration of tissue regeneration is observed, partly due to the deeper penetration of medicinal compounds into the skin. Therefore, the procedure is necessary to recover from injuries.

The slimming effect is achieved in several ways. Mechanical action on problem areas contributes to the breakdown of fatty deposits. And improving metabolism, getting rid of toxins accelerates getting rid of excess weight.
Home massage has a beneficial effect on the emotional state. The procedure effectively relieves fatigue and lethargy.
Stimulating the body's defenses leads to strengthening the immune system. As a result, a person receives a surge of new strength and greater protection against infectious diseases.

Indications and contraindications
Hand massagers are useful for:
- relieving fatigue, stress or depression;
- improving the appearance and color of the skin;
- normalization of muscle tone;
- increasing resistance in the body;
- stabilizing blood pressure;
- solutions to the problem of body fat and excess weight.

When deciding to massage yourself using portable devices, you should consult your doctor. However, the procedure will have to be abandoned if there are skin diseases and open wounds, if a person suffers from varicose veins, vascular disorders, osteoporosis and diseases that cause fragility of bones.
Contraindications to massage also include autoimmune and oncological diseases, pregnancy and lactation, the presence of inflammatory processes, an exacerbated state of existing chronic pathologies.

Manual massagers are divided into mechanical and electrical. The first group of adaptation is simpler and more budgetary. No need for a power source allows you to use them anywhere. Mechanical devices are divided into the following types.
- Ball-point. Massage balls are usually made of plastic or rubber. Depending on the diameter, they are used to work out the hands or the whole body. The simple design is beneficial for muscles, skin and nervous system. Many exercises are performed with massage balls that help relieve pain, develop fine motor skills, and activate the functions of internal organs and the whole body.
- Vacuum, including medical cans. Their body is made of plastic or glass. The vacuum, created by heating or squeezing, captures and tightens a small area of the skin. This provides a massage effect that relieves neck and back pain and improves blood flow.
- Roller. In this case, the structure is equipped with wooden, roller or silicone movable elements. The massage is done by rolling them on the surface. The presence of notches, fingers or thorns enhances the effect.
- Needle-like. Such devices are often made in the form of a rug, a roller massager with needles or hammers.

Many professional models of massagers are powered by electricity (battery or mains). According to the principle of action, they are divided into such options.
- Ultrasonic, affecting the body by the force of wave vibrations. So it is possible to cope with osteochondrosis, radiculitis and cellulite.
- Vibrating massagers combining vibration with infrared radiation. Their action is also aimed at relieving pain in different parts of the spine and correcting the figure.
- Myostimulantsworking on problem areas by means of low-frequency exposure to current.

This helps to increase muscle tone, improve the supply of nutrients to tissues, and eliminate pain.
Universal models differ in a complete set, which includes several attachments. This significantly expands the range of their capabilities.

By material
Designs are:
- wooden;
- plastic;
- plastic;
- silicone;
- jade.

Experts consider massagers made from natural materials to be more useful. However, the fragility of bones or other features of the body become a reason to give preference to an analogue made from synthetic, but softer materials.
To size
Devices can be compact. Then they fit easily in the hand. Other designs are equipped with a long handle. This allows you to independently work out those parts of the body where it is difficult to reach with your hand.

By appointment
In addition to universal devices designed for full body massage, there are models aimed at working out its individual areas:
- foot structures are often made in the form of a tub divided into parts with movable rollers;
- facial models are compact and adapt to more delicate skin;
- back massagers are usually equipped with a long handle, which helps to work out hard-to-reach areas;
- hand options are adapted for limb procedures.

Therefore, before choosing a massager, you need to assess your needs. This will help you buy a model that meets all the criteria.
Popular brands
The top of the best manufacturers of hand held massagers include the following.
- Gess, one of the leading German brands. The company is engaged in the production of anti-cellulite massagers, belts, capes and facial devices. The procedures performed with these devices are simple, comfortable and effective. The reliability of the products corresponds to the declared service life.

- Breo, a brand of Singaporean origin. He specializes in the production of devices using acupuncture techniques. Their use has a positive effect on oxygen saturation, vascular tone, visual acuity, sleep and brain function. Along the way, there is a cosmetic effect. Wrinkles are reduced, puffiness and dark circles under the eyes are eliminated.

- Beuer is a German company. They specialize in the production of devices that target problem areas of the body. Thanks to this, the devices are small in weight and size.

- Gezatone is a Chinese brand, which stands out against the background of competitors with a wide range, ease of use of products and affordable prices. The action of the devices produced by the company is aimed at stimulating regenerative and metabolic processes, fighting cellulite, improving the color and condition of the skin, and shaping the figure.

- Nomedics specializes in body and back massagers. Their action is based on the principles of oriental massage and acupuncture. The devices produced by the company are compact and convenient. And battery operation allows them to be used in places where an electrical outlet is not available.

- iRest is a world renowned manufacturer. Users especially appreciate the mini massager, which relaxes the body and improves blood circulation. The manufacturer gives a 1-3 year warranty for all products.

The reputation of the manufacturer is an important factor in choosing a hand held massager. The operation of the device and its service life depend on this.
How to use it correctly?
When planning to do massage at home, the following points should be considered.
- Take care of the cleanliness of the skin. It is recommended to take a shower before the procedure, and also to treat the body with a scrub.
- Lubricate the treated areas with cream. Especially if you plan to use mechanical devices. This will ensure better sliding and warming up of the muscles. When buying electrical appliances, it should be borne in mind that you need to purchase gels-conductors for them.
- Provide maximum muscle relaxation.
- Consider the direction of massage movements (from the periphery to the center, from the foot to the knees, from the knees to the hips, from the neck to the back, from the back to the groin). In this case, exposure to the lymph nodes should be avoided.
- Control the pressure using mechanical devices. Otherwise, bruises will remain on the body.
- Adhere to the algorithm of the procedure. First, massage is done on large areas of the body with a gradual transition to smaller ones.
- Start the massage with gentle and flowing movements. The pressure should be increased gradually.

To summarize: manual massagers, which have become more accessible in recent years, are aimed at conducting procedures at home, the quality of which is equivalent to the services of a master beautician. The devices are useful for the prevention and treatment of a number of diseases, the fight against excess weight and general strengthening of the body. It is important to take into account the existing limitations in their use.

Devices vary in design, power source, body exposure, size, and manufacturer. Therefore, before buying, you should decide on your desires, highlight the list of requirements for the massager. And after purchase, it is important to use the device in accordance with the instructions. Then the massager will serve for a long time and will fulfill its functions with dignity.