Vacuum massagers: purpose and varieties

Multifunctional vacuum massagers help to cope with one of the main problems of most women - cellulite. In addition, the devices are indispensable for relaxing the whole body and relieving fatigue and muscle pain.

Description and working principle
A vacuum massager, in most cases intended for the body, not only destroys the walls of fat cells, but acts on the lymph, normalizing its microcirculation, and increasing the number of active capillaries. This, in turn, increases collagen production, which means it reduces skin laxity. Muscles under the influence of vacuum massage relax, and the production of the sebaceous glands returns to normal.
The principle of operation of this kind of gadgets is based on pumping and pumping out air into the cavity of special cans or cannulas. The resulting air cushion is soft, but effectively massages the skin of problem areas, irritating not only the epidermis, but also deeper subcutaneous fat deposits, as well as nerve endings.

Due to the vacuum, arterial blood rushes to the tissues, and the accumulated toxins are removed. All this, naturally, helps to improve cellular respiration and accelerate metabolic processes.
Regular use of vacuum massagers helps to relieve puffiness, which, in turn, creates a slimming effect... Cells that stop accumulating fluid return to their normal size, the skin is smoothed, and its imperfections are reduced before the eyes - that is, a lymphatic drainage effect occurs.

Advantages and disadvantages
One of the main advantages of vacuum massagers is considered the absence of damage to the epidermis, getting rid of edema and relaxing the body. The procedure is relatively painless - as a rule, discomfort occurs only in the first sessions. It is also worth mentioning that the results persist for quite a long time if you continue to play sports after the procedure and follow the basic principles of proper nutrition.
The undoubted benefits of gadgets are as follows:
- restoration of skin elasticity;
- reduction of cellulite;
- strengthening of blood vessels;
- getting rid of muscle pain;
- removal of excess fluid.

All this has a beneficial effect not only on appearance, but also on human health. Recently, vacuum massagers are actively used even for muscle growth on the buttocks.
The devices do not have any particular drawbacks, but home varieties often demonstrate insufficient effectiveness and, for example, fight cellulite only in combination with manual massage. There is also a fairly large number of contraindications for the use of a unit that creates a vacuum effect.
- The massager should not be used for hypertension, heart failure and blood clotting disorders.
- Experts do not recommend applying a vacuum to the skin if the patient has chronic renal diseases, varicose veins or malignant neoplasms.
- Expansion of the veins is considered the main contraindication, even in the case of home appliances.
- Of course, you shouldn't use the massager on skin prone to inflammation, wounds or cracks.
- The doctor may advise you to limit massage in the second or third trimester of pregnancy, as well as in the presence of acute infectious diseases.

All vacuum simulators on the market can be divided into homemade and professional... In addition, there are devices that are allowed to act only on the body, as well as special models designed for the face. The latter are most often a massage mask equipped with special electrical stimulators and aimed at fighting wrinkles. During the session, air is pumped in and out, thanks to which the air cushion provides a painless facial massage. There are also varieties that are suitable for specific areas: only for the legs, chest, or even the eyes.

The first group includes devices that can be used at home without professional skills. As a rule, we are talking about hand-held models that are convenient to use, and which come with several attachments. The easiest way is to use vacuum cans at home, although it will take a long time to work to achieve a visible effect.
The massage jar can be silicone, which creates a small vacuum that does not affect deep layers, or glass, in which a vacuum appears due to the use of a rubber bulb.

Rotary-vacuum can is often used by professional massage therapists.... The rubber device is low cost and easy to use, but it absorbs odors and is destroyed by massage oils. A jar with a vacuum pump allows massage on any part of the face and body. It often comes with magnetic attachments. It is not forbidden to use home massagers on an everyday basis.

Professional massage machines are usually stationary and are used by professionals for various types of procedures. The principle of operation of the device is mainly to create a lymphatic drainage effect. Hardware procedures using electric massagers allow you to achieve the effect faster. Electric models also belong to professional massagers, in which various combinations of temperature conditions and exposure to the skin with laser beams are often provided.

Popular models
The range of vacuum massagers is very extensive.
- For example, Vacu Expert of the French brand Gezatone is often purchased for home use. The beauty gadget is suitable for affecting the body, face and décolleté. The vacuum roller unit can process leather in two ways. The vacuum one is provided with several caps of different diameters, and the mechanical one - with miniature rollers. The massager has a built-in rechargeable battery that lasts about 5 hours without recharging. The device comes with 3 replaceable vacuum cones of different diameters, 2 roller nozzles and an additional device for complex massage. The device fits comfortably in the hand, and the location of the buttons allows you to switch them without interrupting the procedure.

- Professional vacuum massager Starvac S'One, effectively combating cellulite, it is used not only in cosmetology, but also in physiotherapy, sports medicine and other areas. In principle, it is not prohibited to use it at home. With the help of the gadget, you can carry out a vacuum massage in the area of the pectoral muscles and face, making the skin more taut, lifting the corners of the lips and removing bags under the eyes. By changing the attachments, it will be possible to start a vacuum-roller massage of the body, aimed at correcting the figure.

- Professional Chinese BRADEX KZ 0549 Relax & Tone has a heating function: infrared radiation is activated by pressing a button. The massager has 6 working modes, and a special filter is built into the body to prevent oil from getting inside. Low cost, ease of use and noticeable efficiency of use ensure the popularity of this model. The massager can be used for different places: buttocks, thighs, legs and arms. The device, powered by a battery in three modes, has a beneficial effect on skin turgor, relieves muscle spasms.

- Women often choose Drenalift by Gezatone to restore firmness to the face, and men - a pneumatic vacuum apparatus for the treatment of intimate problems. Philips Celesse HP 5215, which removes cellulite, and models with the ability to cool the skin receive good reviews.

How to choose?
Choosing a vacuum handheld device or an electric massager, you need to decide for what purpose it will be used, that is, what problems it will have to eliminate and on what parts of the body it will be used. For example, to maintain optimal skin condition, subject to regular physical activity and proper nutrition, you can do with silicone cans, and it is better to deal with puffiness on the face under the supervision of a specialist using a professional facial apparatus.

Also, during the selection, the contraindications indicated in the instructions for a particular device must be taken into account.
How to use it correctly?
You should always massage with a vacuum device according to the instructions, which may differ for different devices. However, some areas of the body are always prohibited. The vacuum should not be applied to the groin, inner thigh, inner parts of the knee and elbow bends, as well as the lymph nodes. It is equally important to avoid the kidney and heart areas during the massage.

Before starting the procedure, it is recommended to take a warm shower or bath to open the pores and enhance the further effect of the device. A body scrub is also suitable for this purpose.
Massaging is carried out in accordance with the lines of movement of the lymph, that is, from the ankles to the knees, from the hands to the shoulders and from the knees to the thighs. The abdomen is processed clockwise. Each problem area is processed no more than a quarter of an hour. The first sessions should be carried out even less - about 5 minutes, so as not to provoke bruises or even bruising.

The course of procedures usually consists of 15 sessions with obligatory one-day breaks... You can repeat the course a month later to consolidate the result. It is also recommended to follow a drinking regimen during the course in order to accelerate the elimination of fats and toxins split by the massager. After the vacuum massage, a shower is taken, ideally a contrast shower. If the procedure was carried out in order to get rid of the "orange peel", then additionally it is worth treating the problem areas with an anti-cellulite cream.

Review overview
There are a huge number of varieties and models of vacuum massagers, and therefore there are different reviews about them, but in general it is quite difficult to detect any negative.
Most users note the painful effect of the application in the first sessions, as well as the need for a long and hard work, but admit that the results do appear. Cellulite does not always disappear, but the skin still becomes smoother and more elastic. Among the pluses it is noted minimal skin trauma and no bruising both for home use and in the salon from a good master. Another positive point is enhancement of the effect of cosmetic products applied after the procedure.