Vacuum massage cups

Cupping massage is a unique procedure that is performed for cosmetic or health purposes. The desired effect is achieved by improving blood circulation. To carry out such a procedure, special devices are required - vacuum cans. They are the same in purpose, but differ in other parameters, which must be taken into account when choosing.

What it is?
Cans have been used for centuries in Chinese alternative medicine. In order to be convinced of their effectiveness, it is enough to know the basics of physics: the liquid always rushes to where there is low pressure.
In China, the predominantly used cans were made of bamboo. A rarefied air was created inside through heating. Because of this, the jar was firmly attached to the patient's skin. Blood and lymph were immediately attracted to the treated area, which provoked an improvement in the metabolic process.
In Russia, glass jars were actively used during the Soviet era. Despite the fact that this method was never recognized by official medicine, banks were often prescribed to patients with bronchial diseases.
Massage cups are so called because they are primarily intended for massage. Outwardly, they are presented in the form of a small vessel without a lid.

Benefit and harm
Vacuum cans bring undeniable benefits to the body. It is as follows:
- improve metabolism, restore proper nutrition in tissues;
- promote the production of collagen, which makes the skin more elastic, smoothes wrinkles;
- have an anti-cellulite effect;
- remove excess moisture from the body;
- improve the condition of a person suffering from ARVI and bronchial diseases;
- relieve back pain with osteochondrosis.
But, despite the many positive aspects, banks can not be used in all cases. So, they are contraindicated in people who have benign and malignant neoplasms. Massage should not be performed in case of varicose veins, as well as in the presence of nevi and papillomas.
In order to find out whether banks are useful, in each case it is recommended to consult a doctor.
Cans for massage differ in the materials of manufacture. The principle of influence on the body remains unchanged. They are used both professionally and at home. The choice of material depends on individual preferences, as well as on the financial capabilities of the buyer.
In the days of the USSR, in order to install cans, it was first necessary to heat the air inside them. Modern glass devices do not require such manipulations, since they are equipped with a special rubber bulb, which is responsible for creating a vacuum. Alcohol is also not required for their use.
Before using such a jar, it must be thoroughly washed under running warm water. By pressing on the pear, it is necessary to release a sufficient amount of air, and then use the device, installing it on the selected area of the body.
Glass jars are sold one by one or as a whole set. In turn, they are further subdivided into three categories.
- Therapeutic. They are used only for available medical reasons. They are part of complex therapy aimed at treating osteochondrosis, radiculitis and other diseases with identical symptoms.
- Anti-cellulite - improve the condition of the skin. Used mainly on the thighs and buttocks, they have a large diameter (up to 5 cm).
- Cosmetic are used most often on the face. They have a small diameter (1 cm). Effective for improving skin condition and getting rid of wrinkles.
The advantages of glass jars are that they are easy to wash, they do not absorb odors, and they do not cause an allergic reaction on the skin. But glass is not a strong enough material, therefore, over time, chips will begin to form on the vessels, which can injure the skin. Using such banks is inconvenient and extremely unsafe.

Plastic pneumatic cans are most commonly used by professionals. The material is a special polymer that shrinks under mechanical stress and then takes on its original shape again.
Polymer cans must be installed on preheated and lubricated skin with massage oil. Typically, these cans have a circular cross-section. If they are intended to combat cellulite, then they are presented in the so-called tulip form. They are equipped with a special vacuum valve, with which you can adjust the strength of the vacuum pressure. They are recommended for people with sensitive skin and those who have bruises even from minor manipulations.

With pump
Cans with a pump differ in that they allow you to regulate the pressure created by the vacuum. First, they are installed on the treated area of the body, and then the air remaining inside is pumped out.
The pump is not installed on the tank itself, but is connected to it using a small hose. Thanks to this design, cans can be used without outside assistance.

With valve
Banks equipped with a valve are universal. With this device, you can adjust the pressure at your discretion. For more sensitive areas of the body, it can be weakened and, if necessary, increased.
The main thing is to establish a sufficient pressure force, since otherwise the procedure will be ineffective and not beneficial. Tanks with a pump and a valve are almost always equipped with additional magnets.

The cans made of rubber are soft and do not cause an allergic reaction. They are also recommended for people with sensitive skin.
The disadvantages of such reservoirs are as follows: the material itself absorbs the smell, if improperly maintained, it can resist, it tends to deform without further recovery.

Silicone cans are now the most popular option. Anyone can buy them at the pharmacy.
It is also recommended to place them on acupuncture points and fix them using a vacuum. The massager is inexpensive, suitable for treating the abdomen, thighs, buttocks and other parts of the body. Among the disadvantages: transparent silicone can turn yellow, absorb unpleasant odors. Before using such jars, it is recommended to warm up a little under a stream of warm water to make them softer and more pliable.

Separately, it should be said about electric vacuum cans. They are most often used in medical institutions because of their specificity and relatively high cost.

How to choose?
It is necessary to choose suitable banks taking into account individual wishes. First of all, you should pay attention to the material of manufacture. So, silicone or rubber reservoirs are most suitable for anti-cellulite massage. For medical purposes, it is recommended to purchase glass devices. Those with sensitive skin need to look closely at reservoirs with pressure regulators.
You should pay attention to several important nuances.
- Package. A quality product is always well packaged. Typically, such massagers are placed in plastic bags and cardboard boxes in production.
- The cans should not have any external defects, foreign odors.
- For beginners, silicone or rubber massagers are best suited.
The best can manufacturers are companies from Russia, Korea and China. You can buy Korean banks through online stores, since it is quite difficult to find them in ordinary ones.

How to use it correctly?
Instructions for use are indicated on each package of cans. They can be used for medical or cosmetic purposes. In the first case, the banks should be located directly on the treated area of the body.
They need to be placed on previously prepared skin and kept on the chest, back and other parts of the body for a strictly defined time.
For weight loss and anti-cellulite massage, the jars must be moved. Hands and feet up to the knee must be processed in lines from the bottom up. The thighs, buttocks and abdomen are massaged in a clockwise direction from the center to the outer edges.
The main thing is not to make sudden movements, and to control the strength of the vacuum pressure, so that after the procedure there are no bruises.

Review overview
On the Internet, users quite often share their opinions regarding the use of massage vacuum cans.
In most cases, they are purchased by women for the purpose of losing weight and performing anti-cellulite massage. Users note the effectiveness, low cost of the massager, and the simplicity of the procedure. However, some noticed that if the massage was performed incorrectly, small marks in the form of bruises remained on the body.