All about vacuum facial massagers

A vacuum facial massager is a fairly popular device that allows you to keep your skin toned at home, get rid of swelling and stagnation of lymphatic fluid. By stimulating blood circulation in local areas, an impressive lifting effect can be achieved.
Vacu Expert and other models of such devices are simple: figuring out how to use a manual silicone massager is not difficult, but choosing the right option can be a little more difficult than the buyer expects.

What it is?
Many women are considering home treatments as an alternative to salon care. In some cases, this choice bears good fruit. A vacuum facial massager is an analogue of cans for medical treatment familiar to everyone from childhood. The hollow container attaches to the skin, creating an airless space underneath. Blood rushes to the affected area more actively due to the pressure drop.
As a result, the skin is saturated with oxygen. In its cells, a more active production of collagen begins, the cells of the dermis rejuvenate, and elasticity increases. With regular use of vacuum massage, you can easily achieve a reduction in fine mimic wrinkles, smooth nasolabial folds, and remove excess moisture.

Also, massage using a vacuum component makes it possible to:
- relax facial muscles;
- normalize the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands;
- reduce open pores;
- improve complexion.
A hand-made vacuum facial massager looks like a set of cans made of glass, medical grade silicone or rubber. There are also hardware-type models in which you can adjust the pressure level, exert a pulsating effect on the skin.

Top Models
For manual processing of leather at home, you can equally successfully use a silicone and glass set of jars, and a modern apparatus with adjustable exposure level. Among the most relevant models in this category are the following solutions.
- Gezatone Vacu Expert. Compact device for vacuum massage with several replaceable bowls of different diameters. The model has an additional roller block for a deeper study of problem areas. The device is suitable for exposure to the skin of the face and body, has a lymphatic drainage effect.

- US Medica Delicate Silk AF. Stylish, battery-powered device with a convenient power button. The soft pulsating effect in combination with vacuum does not injure the skin, it is suitable for working out the area around the eyes. Hypoallergenic plastic and silicone are used as materials.

- Gezatone Super Wet Cleaner... A device with replaceable attachments for massage, peeling, face cleansing. The main working platform is round, and replaceable elements are attached to it. The kit includes a reservoir for a cosmetic product and a dispenser for applying it. The French brand has taken care of the silent operation of the device, but there may be problems with cleaning it.

- Luazon LMZ-050... Vacuum massager housed in a stylish metallic pink case. The set includes 4 nozzles, replaceable filters and rings. The rechargeable device is suitable not only for massage effects, but also for cleansing the skin from acne, comedones, narrowing pores.

- Gezatone Vacu Beauty. A universal vacuum massager for face and body, the bell tip looks more like ordinary cups. It copes well with edema, helps to sharpen the oval of the face. Replaceable nozzles have different diameters.
These are the main models on the market that deserve attention. It is worth considering that sets of cans for self-massage are freely sold in pharmacies. They differ only in materials and color.

Selection Tips
The first and foremost rule when buying any medical device is its choice in pharmacy chains. This is where you can find high quality certified products that are safe for home use. Also, when choosing a manual vacuum facial massager, the main attention should be paid to the material from which it is made.
Each option has its own characteristics.
- Silicone... Focused on salon and home use, safe and hypoallergenic. Such cans for vacuum massage are not afraid of transportation, have a long service life, are sealed, and easily slide on the skin. They have no restrictions on the choice of the area to be massaged.
- Glass... These massagers are complemented by a rubber pump for evacuating air and regulating pressure. They are easy to maintain sterile. Banks are easy to install, suitable for use on hardened and thick skin. Their only drawback is the fragility of glass under shock loads.
- Rubber... Such options are more rigid than silicone ones. They provide more intense pressure on the skin, the effect of the application is pronounced.

Devices for vacuum massage are more expensive than cans, but they make it possible to make the effect on the skin more varied, taking into account the varying degrees of sensitivity of individual zones. When choosing them, you need to give preference to products from well-known companies that have a full manufacturer's warranty.
The device should be checked for serviceability, make sure that it will not be difficult to turn it on.

How to use it correctly?
The use of a vacuum massager begins with cleansing the skin of the face. It is freed from cosmetics, accumulated impurities, then rinsed with cold water to tone it up. The treatment area is then covered with massage oil suitable for the skin type (in a circular motion). At the same time, the muscles are warmed up before the massage and the basis for the smooth sliding of the massager is created.
Then you need to do the following.
- Banks are installed... It is imperative to control the strength of the contact effect. It should be pretty weak at first.
- A dynamic effect is carried out along the massage lines of the face... It is important to achieve a smooth glide without pulling away.
- The massage continues. For each part of the face, 3 to 5 movements are done. The total duration of the session should not be more than 10-15 minutes. The impact begins from the forehead (with a jar with a diameter of 33 mm), for the glabellar region, a 22 mm version is used. Then attention is paid to the contour of the eye sockets, cheekbones, cheeks, nasolabial folds.
Vacuum massage is done in courses. Enough 10-15 sessions with a break between them at least 7 days. At the end of use, the jars are cleaned and disinfected.