Description of the massage rollers for the back and their application

Now, on the vastness of the world wide web, you can easily find detailed descriptions of massage rollers, as well as information regarding the nuances of their correct use. It is worth noting that the overwhelming majority of experts claim that such foam rollers are one of the most effective and useful sports equipment.

They allow you to normalize blood circulation, relax different muscle groups, and also eliminate the pain effect and expand the range of motion.... It is important to consider that all exercises with such accessories are categorized as MPF, that is, myofascial relaxation. In this case, we are talking about the now popular deep massage technique, focused on "clogged" and overly tense muscles.

What it is?
The massage roller is a cylindrical sports equipment designed for massage... These rollers help relieve tension quickly and effectively and relax your muscles as much as possible. As practice shows, exercises with them are equally relevant for representatives of both sexes, regardless of the degree of physical activity and level of training. Such rollers will be indispensable for those who experience increased stress on different muscle groups as a result of strength or cardio training.

It is important to note that Foam rollers are useful for those who do not play sports. Such shells help to quickly get rid of pain in different parts of the spine.
At the same time, joint mobility and body mobility are improved. By the way, the massage rollers were originally created for people who have problems with the musculoskeletal system.

Speaking about the obvious advantages of the described products, it is worth highlighting the important features of roller massagers, thanks to which:
- painful sensations and tightness of muscles are effectively eliminated, and their firmness and elasticity are also improved;
- blood circulation is normalized;
- the condition and mobility of the joints are significantly improved;
- the range of motion increases;
- effective prevention of many serious diseases is provided;
- the risk of injury during training is greatly reduced;
- coordination of movements and a sense of balance are significantly improved;
- with regular exercise, it is possible to get rid of cellulite and prevent its appearance;
- muscle recovery time is significantly reduced.

It should also be reminded once again that massage rollers are suitable for almost everyone, regardless of gender, age and physical fitness. An equally important point is the affordable cost of such inventory. Foam roller exercises can be done almost anywhere. At the same time, they will not only help relieve fatigue, but also heal the entire body.

Naturally, the products in question will not be able to become an alternative to a full-fledged massage.
It is also important to take into account the fact that in the presence of a number of chronic diseases, roller training can seriously harm your health. At the same time, with a competent approach to organizing classes, truly outstanding results will not be long in coming.

Indications and contraindications
It is important to remember that muscle warm-up is relevant not only for those involved in sports. Sedentary work, a long stay at the wheel of a car, low mobility are the causes of a number of diseases of the joints and spine.
One of the main problems is that the muscles are almost constantly in a tight state, which disrupts normal blood circulation and lowers the tone.

Exercises using a fitness roller will help to normalize processes and relieve fatigue. Foam rollers have proven to be effective in preventing diseases such as:
- scoliosis;
- osteochondrosis;
- intervertebral hernia;
- headache provoked by defects of the cervical spine;
- obesity.

With a competent approach to classes and self-massage, such rollers will be harmless... However, it is worth considering a number of important nuances, the list of which includes the features of physiology and the state of human health. Naturally, we are talking about specific contraindications. So, the use of roller massagers is unacceptable when:
- skin lesions;
- focal rashes, regardless of genesis;
- dermatitis;
- allergic reactions;
- varicose veins;
- damage to muscles and / or ligaments;
- weak joints after injury;
- damage to internal organs.

In addition to all of the above, age restrictions should also be taken into account. It is important to remember that the exercises in question are one of the types of massage. That is why it is recommended to consult with specialists before starting classes.
The massage rolls on the market differ from each other in a number of parameters. First of all, we are talking about the appearance of such products, since they are smooth and with a textured outer surface (a slight relief or pronounced protrusions are possible). In addition to texture, all existing types have the following main characteristics:
- the size;
- degree of rigidity;
- appointment.

It should be noted that the texture does not so much determine the effectiveness of the massage as it is a design decision. A more significant parameter in this case will be exactly the stiffness of the roller.
It directly depends on the material from which the gadget is made. Taking into account what exactly the roller is made of (foam, rubber or plastic), in the context of rigidity, it will be as follows.
- Soft... We are talking about the best solution for beginners, as well as for the fair sex with a relatively small muscle mass, especially at the initial stage of training.
- Average... This degree of rigidity will be the best option for both professionals and beginners.
- Hard... Such models are recommended for men with developed muscles.

In addition to all of the above, rollers may differ from each other in functionality. For example, some models can be used not only for their intended purpose. Such rollers also serve their owners as bags, covers and even small backpacks.

Solid foam
Solid or solid massage rollers are cylindrical bars that do not have through holes. These rollers are made of high quality polyethylene foam. It is worth noting that this material is quite soft against the background of strength, which allows it to be effectively used specifically for massage. As practice shows, such rollers provide a moderate impact on the treated areas of the human body, while easily withstanding its pressure. One-piece foam rollers are ideal for people who are sensitive to pain and have sensitive skin.

Textured surface
The vast majority of these models of massage rolls have a hollow core. It should be noted that they are more expensive than hollow ones, but at the same time provide a greater effect... Their surface is of two types, depending on the features of its texture. In the first case, we are talking about small projections in the form of palms or fingers. The second type of rollers has more pronounced elements in the form of thorns. Most often, the outer layer of such cylinders is made of EVA material, and its inner part is a bushing made of high-strength plastic. Rollerski with textured surface will be relevant for those who prefer intensive massage with a corresponding effect on the fascia.

Nuances of choice
To choose the right massage roller, you need to focus on a number of important points. First of all, we are talking about the dimensions of the product. The diameter of the rollers ranges from 12 to 15 cm and is not a determining factor. Things are quite different with the roll length, which, among other things, determines its cost. Judging by user reviews, many prefer to use models with a length of 30-45 cm.At the same time, some prefer longer options, considering them convenient.

In the context of this parameter, the following key points can be distinguished.
- Choosing a large roller, the length of which is from 45 to 90 cm, is recommended for those who focus on exercises for the back... As practice shows, such rollers are much more convenient to roll. In addition, the long massager can be positioned along the spine. But it is worth considering that other exercises with him will be uncomfortable.
- Short models will be the best choice for those looking for a compact inventory that will be convenient to use and carry.... Another important point is the relatively low cost of rollers up to 45 cm long. They can be purchased, as they say, for trial. At the same time, when choosing compact options, it is strongly recommended to take into account the peculiarities of the figure.

The following key rules will help you choose the most suitable massager.
- Before buying, you must objectively determine the level of training... In this case, the determining criterion will be the rigidity of the product. So, beginners are encouraged to consider soft rollers.
- It is important to choose the right roller size taking into account the peculiarities of training and physique.
- Particular attention should be paid to the quality of the product. It is no secret that many are trying to purchase cheaper inventory. However, excessive savings in this case can have extremely negative consequences.

As many years of practice show, cheap videos quickly fail. However, overpaying for the "miraculous" properties of expensive models will not be a rational decision either.
Exercise overview
It is initially important to note that if a person has just started using a massager of the type in question, then it is recommended to avoid it at the first stages of long sessions. It is best to start with a few of the simplest exercises. Once the roller is mastered, you can increase the duration of the lessons up to 30 minutes.

If at the start the emphasis is mainly on exercises for stretching and relaxing the spine, then over time, more complex elements are added. It is about strengthening different muscle groups and balance. For those who play sports or are fond of fitness, experts advise using a massage roller before or after workouts. This will warm up the muscles or relieve fatigue.

Today there are the following most common roller exercises.
- Stretching the back. It is necessary to place the roller under the back opposite the navel, and at the same time bend your legs at the knees and spread them slightly to the sides. The feet should be turned towards each other so that the inner surfaces are on the floor and the thumbs are brought together. In parallel, you need to stretch your hands behind your head, palms down, and clasp the little fingers. In this position, you need to be up to 5 minutes, after which you need to lie on your right side and relax as much as possible.
- Work on the thoracic spine... The roller is placed under the upper back, and the legs are bent at the knees and the feet are pressed against the floor. In this case, hands must be placed behind the head, and lower it to the floor (do not throw it back). Next, slow rolling begins from top to bottom and back. The roller should move from the neck to the lower back without gripping the area of the latter.
- To prevent scoliosis. The massager should be along the spine, the legs are bent at the knees, the feet are pressed to the floor, and the arms are spread apart. You must try to roll slowly from side to side, which may not work on the first try. When the appropriate skills appear, the exercise is repeated up to 10 times. It is important that the rolls are slow.
- Working out the lumbar spine... First, you should sit on the roller so that the tailbone becomes a reference point. In this case, the legs should be bent at the knees, the hands rest on the floor. Next, you will need to slowly swing back and forth with relaxed abdominal muscles.
- For broad back muscles. You should first lie on your right side, while stretching your right arm along the floor. The roller is located in the armpit area and is held by the other hand. The legs are bent at the knees (for convenience, the left one can be put forward or raised) and the roll starts slowly rolling. Afterwards, the exercise is repeated for the left side.

In addition to all of the above, you can simply lie on the roller, placing it under your back or specifically under the lumbar spine. Such manipulations allow you to quickly relieve fatigue at the end of the day. When performing exercises with a massage roller, the following recommendations should be considered.
- Exercises using this equipment should not be extremely enjoyable.... It is important to remember that we are talking about massage - a procedure that involves a certain amount of discomfort. If severe pain appears, the exercise should be stopped immediately.
- If you practice with a roller after training, then the exercises can be given from 15 to 30 minutes. With daily exercises, 15 minutes will be enough.
- When doing any exercise, it is important to relax the muscles to which they are targeting. This is a must, even with discomfort.
- The movements of the massager should be smooth and slow with constant control of sensations.
- Working out each muscle should take from 30 seconds to a minute at the initial stage with a subsequent increase in time intervals up to 2-3 minutes.
- Trigger points (places where you feel maximum discomfort) need to stay longerso that the pain recedes.

Application errors
In general, the exercises with the described equipment are as simple as possible and at the same time effective. However, their implementation should be approached with caution. In practice, beginners often make the following significant mistakes.
- Cranking is performed too quickly. In this case, you may feel that the massage is more effective. But in this case, it will not be possible to achieve muscle relaxation, and sometimes the situation will only get worse.
- During the massage they focus exclusively on problem areas. It is important to remember that muscles are interconnected. So, if painful sensations are present in a certain place, this does not mean that it is precisely this place that is the source of problems. Intensive treatment of painful areas is acceptable, but it should not be isolated.
- Roller intensively in the neck, lower back and thoracic region.
- Holding your breath during exercise, which is a serious mistake... Breathing should be even and deep.

It is also important to note that bruises may appear on the body after exercise. In such cases, replace the roller with a softer one. Any exercises must be performed in clothes and do not allow open areas of the body to come into contact with the roller.