All about vibrating face massagers

Today, you can find a lot of high-quality vibrating massagers on sale, designed not only for the back, arms and legs, but also for the face. These devices are very popular, but before buying them, you should definitely familiarize yourself with all the indications and contraindications for use. In today's article, we will learn all the most important about modern vibration facial massagers.

Benefit and harm
The current range of high-quality vibrating massagers is striking in its variety. There are a lot of different models of such devices for the choice of buyers. Vibrating face massagers are very popular. Before buying such devices, it makes sense to understand what benefits and possible harm they can bring.
First, let's find out how a vibrating face massager can be useful.
- Such devices contribute to the local improvement of metabolism. Thanks to the effect of high-quality vibrating massagers, the skin is freed from toxins and dangerous toxins.
- Modern vibratory massagers promote the active production of hyaluronic acid, as well as special BA-substances for effective hydration and restoration of epidermal cells.
- The devices under consideration benefit the skin of the face by enhancing the immunity of its surface. Thanks to this, a person's face looks fresher and healthier, and is much less exposed to negative external influences.
- There is a significant increase in blood circulation. Due to this action, the complexion is quickly leveled, and unattractive edema is also well "dispersed".
- Due to the impact of vibrating massagers, the nerve cells of the skin are literally "awakened".
- Regularly and correctly using a well-chosen vibrating massager, a person can achieve a cool natural tightening effect.

It should be borne in mind that vibration has a very mild and gentle effect on the skin. In this case, damage to its structure does not occur, and injuries do not appear.
Unlike many cosmetic products with a rejuvenating effect, the vibrating massager will not provoke an allergic reaction, will not lead to severe itching or inflammation. Modern vibration facial massagers usually do not cause serious harm. The only exceptions are those situations when a person uses such devices incorrectly or neglects contraindications to their use. In such cases, there is a risk of causing serious harm to the skin of the face (and not only).

Indications and contraindications
Vibrating massagers are used for facial skin care. If the dermis needs to be given a more well-groomed, toned and fresh look, such devices can be used without a doubt. If we are talking about a modern ionic or electric massage device, then the following problems will serve as the main indications for their use:
- excessive laxity of the facial skin, as well as the presence of characteristic wrinkles, which are popularly called "crow's feet";
- inflammation, acne, acne (for such problems, it is recommended to visit a specialized specialist before using the massagers);
- fuzzy facial contours;
- the presence of an unattractive double chin;
- age spots or too pale skin tone.
Quality vibrating facial massagers are amazing when used correctly. However, their serious disadvantage is a considerable list of contraindications for use.

Let's find out which ones we are talking about.
- It is impossible to use such devices if there are purulent formations on the skin of the face or if there is serious damage.
- It is not recommended to apply to procedures with vibrating massagers if a person suffers from rosacea.
- It is not recommended to massage hypersensitive skin with simple electrical devices. For such problems, it is better to use ionic varieties.
- The periods of pregnancy and lactation are also serious contraindications to the use of a vibration massager.
- Cancer is also a contraindication.
- It is not recommended to use vibrating massagers for persons under the age of 16.
- It is strongly discouraged to use the devices in question during the rehabilitation postoperative periods.
- Among the contraindications is a disease such as epilepsy.
- You should not resort to this massage with high blood pressure.

Top Models
There are many top-notch vibration facial massagers on the market today. Let's get acquainted with the characteristics of the best and highest quality models from well-known manufacturers.
- Gezatone Biolift m100 (S). High-quality roller massager with lifting effect. The product is suitable not only for the face, but also for the body. It has a very attractive design, runs on 2 AAA batteries. The massager is compact and lightweight, as easy to use as possible.

- Cozcore Florecer MR-HD-211A. Very convenient vibrating microcurrent electrical device of Korean design. The device attracts attention with its original and modern design. Its work area is rhodium plated. The device is completely safe and very reliable, promotes rapid regeneration and restoration of skin cells. This massager is very interesting and functional, but has a rather high price.

- Xiaomi inFace Sonic ion cleansing beauty (MS1000)... The top model of a vibrating massager from a well-known Chinese brand. This device is made from practical materials such as durable plastic, metal and silicone. The device is sold complete with additional functional attachments. This popular ionic massager is powered by a rechargeable battery.

- Gezatone Bio Sonic m775... A compact model of a vibrating massager made of durable plastic and metal. The device is sold complete with a comfortable stand. The device has a charge indication, can function in 4 different modes, and is powered by a battery.

- Yamaguchi galaxy... A chic Japanese face massager with a rich set of functions. It is both a vibration and an air compression device of impeccable quality. The model copes with two massage techniques, can work in accordance with many different programs. It has a built-in music player. The product is of excellent quality but expensive.

- Meditech FR-22R. Top-end vibration facial massager with infrared heating function. The device has compact dimensions and is wireless. It comes with 3 attachments for different levels of exposure. The device actively stimulates the work of facial muscles, improves blood circulation. The Meditech FR-22R massager is aimed at smoothing wrinkles and warming up tissues.

- US Medica Delicate Silk AF... This is a very convenient vacuum-type vibrating massager. The user can notice the first positive results after the first application. The device has an excellent lifting effect, tightens the oval of the face, but at the same time it is quite inexpensive. The US Medica Delicate Silk AF massager is extremely easy to use, it can work for a long time without additional recharging.

- Gess uSound. High quality model of a very powerful vibration and ultrasonic massage machine. The device delivers very fast results that can be seen after the first use. The Gess uSound massager perfectly smoothes wrinkles, is able to eliminate scars, and helps to smooth the skin of the face. Users can adjust the radiation power by themselves. The device works only from an outlet and has a relatively low cost.

How to use?
Facial massage using a special vibration massager can be carried out at home, but this must be done correctly. Let's find out exactly how to effectively conduct vibration massage sessions.
- First, you need to thoroughly cleanse your face. To do this, you can use your usual lotions or water, coupled with cleansers.
- For best results, the skin can be steamed beforehand.
- Next, you will need to apply a high-quality cream with a moisturizing effect on the surface of the skin of the face. If you use this product, it will be easier to massage the surface of your face, since the massager will glide more easily. Thanks to this, the device will be able to exert an impact on a more impressive depth.
- You should wait about 10 minutes for the moisturizer to be completely absorbed. It is advisable to carefully remove the excess with a clean napkin.
- It is necessary to massage the skin of the face along special lines of tension. These lines are located on all areas from the forehead to the chin. Movements should be directed straight up.
We must not forget that one massage session with a vibration device should not take more than 30 minutes. It is best to resort to such procedures in the morning. Upon completion of all actions, you must apply a soothing milk or serum to your face. These funds must be completely absorbed.

Vibrating Massager Care
A modern vibration massager of absolutely any kind is designed to act on the skin, effectively cleansing and massaging it... It is for this reason that the attachments with which such a device is equipped can accumulate skin particles, as well as other impurities, remnants of creams and micro-debris. Manual varieties of vibration massage devices must be carefully disassembled and thoroughly cleaned literally after each procedure.The simplest and most inexpensive specimens only need to be “blown out”, while other types of devices need to be cleaned with brushes or sharpened objects.
If the vibration massage device is powered and operated from an electrical network, then it must be turned on and off exclusively according to the principle of a "flash drive": first, press the power button on the body, and only after that remove the plug from the socket.
It is very important to follow this simple rule. If neglected, you can face serious damage to the device.