All about massagers

Massage is a useful and very enjoyable procedure. You can get a lot of pleasure from her in the office of a professional massage therapist. If it is not possible to visit the salon regularly, it makes sense to purchase a massager for home use. In today's article, we will learn all the most interesting about modern models of massagers.

Modern people do not have to find free time for periodic trips to the massage parlor. Not every person has such an opportunity. Fortunately, today there are many models of quality massagers in a wide range. Different devices are designed to massage different zones. Moreover, well-known brands release such devices that can demonstrate several different massage techniques.

Modern massage devices have a lot of advantages, due to which they are very popular.
- With a home massager, a person can easily achieve maximum relaxation and relaxation. People feel the need for such procedures after a busy day at work or active sports activities.
- A high-quality massager perfectly copes with the task of kneading muscles. Thanks to this, the painful sensations in the body disappear.
- Due to the correct massage, flexibility and mobility, as well as high tissue elasticity, are easily restored.
- Thanks to massaging, blood circulation in the body is noticeably improved. This effect is achieved by saturating the blood with a sufficient amount of oxygen.
- The massage stimulates the lymph outflow. Thanks to this, the human immune system is strengthened, its efficiency increases at times, the work of the cardiovascular system is improved.
- It should be noted that modern massagers are ideal for effective body care. Due to massaging, the process of restoring body tissues is started, all stagnations are eliminated, puffiness is removed.
- By accelerating the process of gas exchange, the body removes metabolic products.
- Massagers are very useful as they help to strengthen the joint tissue and ligaments.
- Massage devices, which are produced by modern manufacturers, contribute to the active contraction of muscle tissue, due to which its tone increases, more likely recovery after heavy physical exertion occurs.
- Through certain models of massagers, people can correct their posture and even correct slouching.
- If you use the massage device correctly, the secretory functions of the sweat and sebaceous glands are noticeably increased.
- When using massage devices, the metabolism in the subcutaneous fat layer is significantly accelerated. Due to this, excess fats are easily eliminated.
- The massage apparatus significantly enhances the effect of vitamins, hormones and enzymes.
- With the help of special massaging models, you can get rid of wrinkles, tighten the oval of the face, and achieve a noticeable lifting effect. Users can rejuvenate and refresh their appearance without unnecessary difficulties and high costs.
- The use of a high-quality massager is indicated in stressful situations and excessive stress of a person. Thanks to massaging certain areas, the user can calm down, relax, put in order the nervous system.
- Modern models of massage devices are often supplemented with auxiliary, but useful options. The most common is the heating option.

Massage devices have many advantages. But this does not mean that they are devoid of disadvantages. Let's find out about the most important ones.
- Absolutely any model of a massager has both indications and contraindications. Sometimes the list of the latter is quite long. Because of this, not all people can use devices.
- Many types of massagers for the body, face, back, or other areas are very expensive. This applies to multifunctional items from well-known manufacturers.
- With some massage devices, people may experience some degree of painful sensations. For example, when using microcurrent massagers, a person may feel tingling sensations.
Any other disadvantages that modern massagers have are exclusively individual and subjective. Each model of massage device has its own pros and cons.

Currently, a large number of various massage devices are produced, which differ from each other in the principle of operation, action, and features of use. Let's take a closer look at modern types of massage devices.
When using such models, the impact on the human body occurs through microscopic discharges acting on the nerve muscle endings. As a result, even the weakest and weakest muscles are strengthened. The contours of the muscles are made more toned, acquire an aesthetic relief. At the same time, the skin structure also improves, "orange peels" in problem areas become less noticeable. The electric pulse massager can be used to remove toxins and toxins from the body.

Most often, when using the devices in question, a person's hands remain free, so they can be used during household operations or sports activities.
Lymphatic drainage
Massagers of this type help to accelerate the movement of lymph. Thanks to this, the human body can quickly and easily get rid of harmful toxins and toxins.As a result, the necessary nutrients, together with oxygen, smoothly flow to the tissues and organs in sufficient quantities. In addition, lymphatic drainage massagers are able to eliminate the main reason for the appearance of cellulite - an excess of intercellular fluid.

Massage devices in the form of a tape demonstrate high efficiency. Such specimens can be either mechanical, made of wood and with balls, or electrical, supplemented with metal and plastic components. Using the models under consideration, one can not only well to stretch the muscles and massage the back / legs / shoulders, but also get rid of cellulite.
Belt massagers should be used if there are functional disorders in the work of the central nervous system, back pain due to too much physical exertion. If the normal blood circulation is disturbed, such products are also ideal.

A simple mechanical massager can be purchased quite inexpensively. A similar home option is in the arsenal of many people. Mechanical massagers can be presented in several variations.
- With spikes. Needle types of massagers are among the most popular. These are excellent acupuncture devices that affect certain functional points of the body.
- Roller... Another popular copy with a handle, with which you can disperse the lymph, improve blood circulation, get rid of cellulite. True, roller models are not very convenient to use, since in this case a person has to spend a lot of energy. Most often, these devices are made of wood.
- "Molecule"... This massager is also called "lotus". It is a reliable and durable option that is used for stroking and rubbing, as well as tapping and rolling. Typically, the "molecule" is produced in the form of a kind of plastic triangle.
- "Octopus". You can improve blood circulation with this mini massager. It is versatile and can be made of plastic. With this model, it will be possible to relieve fatigue, muscle pain, and increase muscle elasticity.
- Ball... The massage ball is a great manual option that can be purchased at a low cost. The surface of the ball can be supplemented with needles. Any muscle groups can be massaged with such a product.

There are many more inexpensive and basic mechanical massagers to use. This can be a model in the form of a rolling pin, a barbed hemisphere, a ball with a finger lock, and so on.
The popularity of modern compression massage devices is also growing. Such specimens have a massaging effect provided by changing the pressure. In the design of the devices under consideration, there are special air cushions that can be filled with air and have a squeezing effect. Most often, compression massagers are bought for the legs.

Pneumatic massager
A similar version of the massage device is available not only for the legs, but also for the neck, shoulders, back, and so on. For example, a professional shock-cam version is very often bought for massaging the neck area and back. The popular is the Tap Pro model, which has a very comfortable structure that provides a snug fit to the user's body.
This type of massager can also be used for effective pressure therapy. With the help of such specimens, a cyclic massage of the upper and lower extremities is carried out in case of problems with the cardiovascular system, venous and lymphatic disorders.

In many shops and shopping centers you can find high-quality magnetic massage devices.
Modern massage belts, capes, pillows and whole massage chairs are suitable for magnetic therapy.
The roller type of the massager can also be magnetic.For example, a mechanical model Biomag supplied in the form of a roller. It is both magnetic and needle-like. It is made of plastic, is inexpensive and very easy to use.

When using an ultrasonic massager, the effect occurs due to high frequency acoustic vibrations. They penetrate into the deepest layers of the skin, helping to accelerate the protein synthesis of the epidermis. Due to this, an active supply of nutrients is ensured, regeneration processes are launched, and inflammatory foci are reduced. At the same time, the surface of the skin is cleansed and leveled, old scars and small folds are removed. Today, many manufacturers produce high quality ultrasonic massage devices. Japanese, Chinese, Korean and German devices are reliable, efficient and durable.

For trigger points
In a large assortment today there are massage devices designed to influence trigger points. A quality acupressure massager can be purchased inexpensively. Such specimens have an effect on both the reflex and the humoral systems. Most often, massagers for trigger points are chosen by those users who understand the nuances of oriental medicine.

Such models affect the human body through microscopic bubbles that form when water and air flows combine. As a result, muscle tissues relax, spasms are removed, puffiness is reduced, pain syndromes subside, blood circulation is accelerated. The principle of operation of hydromassage is similar to a jacuzzi.

Let's find out what other types of modern massagers exist and are very popular.
- Tourmaline belt. Such a myostimulant is able to transform the human body. So, the copy is popular Nuga Best Miracle 2, which is low frequency, suitable for infrared therapy as well as anion therapy.

- Vibration shock massager. This option looks like a portable hammer. For example, a model of this type MediGun designed to work with muscles and joints. The device is not cheap, but has an excellent effect, ideal for people involved in sports, leading an active lifestyle.

- Floor models for legs. Massage devices of the floor type are very convenient to use. So, a multifunctional model Planta MF-9 designed to massage not only the legs, but also the hands. The device is designed for kneading and massaging using the Shiatsu technique.

- Electroplating models. A galvanic cosmetic device is an excellent solution for massaging your face. To increase the tone, make the skin more elastic and elastic, you can use the model Careon GM-04. The device has a compact size.

- Massagers with ionizer... Instances like these are very effective and produce lasting results. The medical device is supplemented with ionization Nozomi MH-103, which is used to massage the neck, shoulder girdle, arms, thighs, feet and so on.

- Robot massager. Compact and lightweight options for gentle massaging. At the same time, the person himself does not participate in kneading his body in any way. The robot is popular WheeMe from company DreamBot.

These are not all types of massagers that are relevant today. People often buy wireless ebony, capillary, ionic, percussion and many other types of devices. There are specimens that massage the human body, if they are spread on the floor, placed on a chair or seat.
How to choose?
We will learn how to choose the optimal model of a massage device.
- Initially, you need to decide on the type of massager that you need. The main categories of devices have been listed above. Each category has its own characteristics and principle of operation.A person chooses for himself which option suits him and needs most.
- It is necessary to consider the type of power supply of the device... If the massager will be used only at home, then you can choose options that are connected to the mains. If the device is bought for use on the road or at work, then it makes sense to pick up a cordless rechargeable copy.
- The functional "filling" is important. It is recommended to buy sufficiently powerful devices (if they are electric). Models with heating, additional attachments, automatic shutdown and different massaging options will be useful.
- The device must be made of sustainable and sustainable materials. The best handcrafted options are made from wood, a durable plastic. They may contain silicone parts.
Electric copies are also assembled from high-strength plastic and metal. The units must be of impeccable build quality.