Choosing and using a facial massager

Currently, the choice of massagers is really huge. There are many high quality devices on the market that are designed to massage various areas on the human body. Modern facial massagers are very popular. We will talk about the choice and use of such devices in this article.

A quality massage always brings good results. Thanks to this, you can achieve an excellent relaxing effect, get a lot of pleasant sensations. As for massaging different areas on the face, it is also possible to achieve a rejuvenating effect.
Let's consider what are the main advantages of using modern facial massage devices.
- When using a properly selected massager, lymph flow is activated, blood flow to the tissues increases. Thanks to this, the skin of the face remains fresh and taut, does not sag. After regular massage, the skin has a healthy color, its normal tone is maintained.
- Massaging the face effectively relieves stress. In the process of stimulating the main facial points, excessive stress is easily relieved and even a person's mood rises.
- It should be borne in mind that a good massage has a beneficial effect on the condition of not only the face, but also the whole body. Stimulating the lymph nodes that are close to the edge of the chin and on the jaw line will have a good effect on the functioning of the entire lymphatic system.
- Modern models of facial massagers are divided into many different types. Each buyer can find an optimal device for himself, which will demonstrate high efficiency and effectiveness.Both budget and expensive copies are produced, so a buyer with any financial capabilities can purchase a massager.
- Facial massagers are very convenient and undemanding to use. Everyone can figure out how to use such devices. In addition, with more complex electrical devices, there is always an instruction manual that answers all important questions.
- The devices under consideration are distinguished by a high level of functionality. In modern massagers, several modes of operation are provided, in many copies there is a heating option. There are also options that, together with massaging, cleanse the skin on the face. There are many different options presented.
- Today's models of facial massage machines are made from strong and durable materials. Most often, high-strength plastic and metal are used for their manufacture. Such equipment is designed for a long service life, it is not susceptible to breakdowns and mechanical damage.
- Rechargeable face massagers are very popular today. These varieties can be operated away from the outlet. These mobile options are some of the most convenient to use, but the user needs to monitor the battery charge level.
- Many manufacturers produce very convenient compact models of facial massagers. These items are easier to store or carry around in your bag / backpack. In addition, high-quality massagers are produced with a very ergonomic structure, so they fit perfectly in the hand and are convenient to use.
- Today's facial massagers are characterized by attractive designs. Modern manufacturers pay great attention to this criterion, because it is much more pleasant for users to operate beautiful things.
- When using facial massagers, a person does not experience painful sensations. All procedures take place without unnecessary inconvenience and discomfort.

A facial massager can bring many benefits, it will give its owner a lot of pleasure. However, the considered devices are not without some disadvantages. Let's designate the main ones.
- Despite the excellent action of most facial massagers, not everyone can use them. The use of such devices has a lot of contraindications. These include the presence of malignant formations on the face, problems associated with the endocrine system. In addition, the use of massage devices is contraindicated if a person suffers from psoriasis, tuberculosis, and infectious rashes. Problems associated with the work of the heart and blood vessels are also a reason for refusing to massage the face with the help of various devices.
- Even the safest and most modern massage devices are not recommended for women carrying a child. Breastfeeding is another contraindication.
- Many models of massagers (especially electric ones) are very expensive. First of all, this applies to those devices that are produced by well-known and large manufacturers.
- Massaging the face with special devices requires a certain amount of time. First, a person needs to properly prepare for the procedures, and then engage in massaging without unnecessary haste, without missing anything. All this requires free time.
- An instant brilliant effect cannot be demonstrated by any modern massager, even if it is very expensive. Results can only be seen after a certain number of home treatments, and this takes a lot of time and patience.
- When using a microcurrent massager, a person may experience slight discomfort in the form of tingling sensations. This is not a serious drawback, but it brings a certain amount of discomfort.
Each type of facial massager has its own individual disadvantages. Choosing this or that model, you should understand what disadvantages are characteristic of it.

There are many different types of facial massagers. Among them, there are both extremely simple manual and complicated electrical options. Each of them has its own characteristics, pros and cons. Let's get acquainted with them.
These types of massage devices are aimed at eliminating defects that have appeared on the skin. The principle of operation of the devices under consideration is very simple: ultrasound helps the cells of the dermis to contract and unclench, due to which the surface is leveled. In addition, with the help of modern ultrasonic massagers, you can get rid of the wrinkles that have appeared, tighten the overall shape. Ultrasound models show a good tightening effect.
In addition, the use of an ultrasonic massager has the following effects.
- With such a device, it becomes possible to better and deeply clean the skin from any dirt, sebum. It is possible to remove dead cells of the epidermis, to make the pores much smaller.
- By means of an ultrasonic massage device, it is possible to maximize the penetration of beneficial components and microelements from cosmetics into the deep layers of the skin.
- The considered devices can prolong the effect of the procedure by forming a supply of useful components in the skin layers.
Ultrasound cleanses the skin very well. While massaging the skin of the face with such a device, its tone increases, irregularities are smoothed, collagen is actively produced, which makes the dermis more elastic and dense.

These types of facial massagers are among the most popular today, as they demonstrate a very good effect. These are kind of home "cosmetologists" presented in a variety of variations. You can safely turn to such devices if you need to care for the skin with pronounced age-related changes. The principle of operation of the devices under consideration is based on the stimulation of skin cells by means of electrical impulses with different intensities. The latter is selected based on the problems on the skin.
Microcurrent therapy with the action of low frequency currents contributes to the following results.
- Through microcurrent therapy, all layers of the dermis can be restored.
- A massage of this type leads to the normalization of blood microcirculation, improves lymph flow.
- Microcurrent devices can relax the mimic muscles of the face, which usually act as provocateurs of wrinkle formation.
- The devices under consideration enhance normal blood circulation.
- Thanks to the microcurrent massage, all the basic metabolic processes that take place in the skin cells are improved.
Due to this action, with the help of microcurrent devices, it is possible to get rid of age spots, traces left over from acne, acne. In addition, through such devices, you can correct the oval of the face, get rid of wrinkles, return the skin to its previous density and elasticity, remove flabbiness and swelling. Microcurrents also contribute to a deeper penetration of cosmetics into the deep skin layers. In this case, metabolism is stimulated, the muscles are toned.

These types of massagers are used in the fight against age-related changes. We are talking about wrinkles, flabbiness, loss of tone. And also vacuum devices are used for deep cleansing. To clean the skin, vacuum nozzles are used, which can cope with deep dirt, blackheads. This suggests that massagers are primarily aimed at cleaning the skin.
At the same time, they demonstrate a stimulating, tonic and anti-aging effect.
- Thanks to vacuum massagers, blood and lymph flow accelerates.Metabolic processes in the deep dermal layers are accelerated, due to which the dermis becomes smooth and elastic.
- Cellular recovery is accelerated, due to which post-acne and pigmentation recede faster, collagen begins to be produced actively.
Many varieties of modern vacuum massagers are complemented by attachments that can be used to treat not only the skin of the face, but also different areas on the body. After each use, the nozzles must be thoroughly rinsed, since the contents of the pores remain in their inner part.

When using such devices, hyaluronic acid is actively produced, and with it BA-substances, which contribute to effective hydration and restoration of dermal cells. Besides, vibration devices promote active blood circulation, due to which a healthy complexion is quickly restored, and puffiness disappears.
Under the influence of high-quality vibrating massagers, the nerve cells of the dermis seem to wake up after a long sleep. If you choose such a device correctly, and then use it correctly and regularly, you can achieve really cool results.

If you don't want to spend money on an impulse, microcurrent, ionic or lymphatic drainage massager, you can purchase a budget roller device. Such products are cheap and simple to use. These are mechanical varieties, the effect of which is produced by "rolling" the working component of the device along the massage lines. Thus, muscles are efficiently, but at the same time gently worked out.
However, the products have a number of contraindications that must be taken into account.
- You should not use roller massagers if a person has a tendency to bruise.
- With increased skin sensitivity, it is not recommended to massage the skin with such devices.
- Do not use the roller massager on injured skin if you have pimples or blackheads.
- After any type of plastic, it is prohibited to use such products.

Rating of the best
Today, you can find a lot of first-class facial massagers on sale from German, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, American and other manufacturers. Consider the top high quality copies of well-known companies.
- Foreo IRIS. Designed specifically for the eyes. Perfectly relieves fatigue, has a rejuvenating effect, makes wrinkles less noticeable. Very easy to use and reliable massager of compact size. It has a non-porous silicone body, is practical and durable.

- Cozcore Florecer MR-HD-211A. This LED massager from Korea can act as a vibrating, micro-current option. It has an attractive design and ergonomic handle structure. There are 4 work programs, the work area is rhodium plated. The device quickly restores and regenerates the skin on the face.

- Gezatone m1605RF Lifting. High performance model. Suitable for all skin types, improves complexion, normalizes metabolic processes. Powered by a capacious battery.

- Yamaguchi Galaxy. Multifunctional device, it is universal. Can massage not only the face, but also the entire scalp. The design of the product is made in the form of a helmet and provides 2 massage techniques. There is a built-in music player.

- Welss 3 in 1 Vernal Optic. A ball device designed to massage the skin around the eyes. Has a heating option, effectively removes bags under the eyes, eliminates a network of wrinkles. Differs in compact size, convenient structure and application.

- Meditech FR-22R. The massager comes complete with additional attachments and has infrared heating. Stimulates muscle work, improves blood circulation. It can smooth out fine wrinkles, it is inexpensive.

- Refa Carat. Popular Japanese version with a lifting effect. Allows you to achieve a quick effect, provides a microcurrent mode.It has a solar rechargeable battery.

- US Medica Delicate Silk AF. High quality galvanic massager, after which you can immediately notice certain results. It has a lifting effect, tightens the oval of the face, but at the same time it is inexpensive.

- Gess uSound. Professional ultrasonic device of high quality. Able to smooth out wrinkles. The radiation power in it can be regulated. The device removes scars, smoothes the dermis.

- Gezatone AMG106. Vibrating device that deeply cleanses pores. Helps to quickly get rid of post-acne, is completed with 4 attachments, is easy to use. It is relatively inexpensive.

- US Medica Joy. An easy-to-operate battery-operated vibrating specimen. Has a compact size, waterproof body.

- Markethot Z01807. Ionic massager of small sizes. Has an attractive design, gold plating. It has a light and very pleasant vibration massage with an ionizing effect.

- Welss WS7065. Qualitative model of vibrating microcurrent massager. Saturates the skin with cations and anions, improves its condition, removes accumulated toxins.

How to choose?
We will find out based on what criteria you should select facial massagers.
- It is necessary to decide on the type of device. This parameter depends on the purpose for which the massager is selected. So, for a thorough cleaning, the vacuum option will be ideal, and for eliminating the signs of skin aging - the microcurrent option. It is possible to get rid of skin imperfections by means of an ultrasound specimen, it also demonstrates a good tightening effect. Vibration and roller models are also aimed at eliminating wrinkles and correcting the oval of the face, helping to increase blood circulation.
- Select the type of power supply for the device. Today you can buy models that run on power, batteries or rechargeable batteries. If you need a mobile and compact option, then you should choose one of the last two. The roller massager is quite inexpensive and does not need electricity to work.
- The massage device must be made of high quality and practical materials. A modern metal, plastic or wooden appliance must be sufficiently sturdy and durable.
- It is recommended to buy the most comfortable massagers. The device must have an ergonomic handle structure and well-thought-out control. Only if these conditions are met, it will be comfortable, easy and simple to use the massager.
- It is worth focusing on additional options. It is recommended to take such options, the functionality of which will be most useful for you. For example, now there are devices with heating or cooling effect and even a built-in music player.
It is recommended to buy face massagers from well-known brands.

How to use?
Massager care can be done at home. With the help of the device, you can handle the body, neck, different areas of the face with your own hands. Consider a small instruction for carrying out such manipulations.
- It is necessary to prepare the skin by removing all the makeup.
- The skin is thoroughly washed.
- It is advisable to pre-steam your face.
- Next, a cream or special products are applied to the skin, adapted to the use of a specific type of massager. For the vacuum version, no creams are needed.
- The starting movement is directed from the chin to each ear in turn.
- The second movement is from the lower lip to the ear along a line along the cheekbones.
- Now from the temple to the right, the device is led to the nose, and from it to the temple to the left.
- Next, you need to move from the middle of the forehead alternately to both temples.
- From the inner corners of the eyes lead to the temples, and then in the opposite direction.
- The final movement is the treatment of the sinuses of the nose.

Review overview
Users really like that all modern models of facial massagers are easy to use and deliver a lot of pleasant sensations.And also a lot of positive reviews are left for compact devices, since they take up little space and are very convenient to use. According to a large number of buyers, the current facial massagers are really effective, bring good results when used correctly.
Negative reviews are usually associated with the weak action of some massagers, short wires connecting to the mains. In rare cases, users are upset that they have received absolutely no results from massaging their faces.