Description and purpose of amber massage sticks

A wide variety of techniques and techniques, including massage and other options, are used for an attractive face appearance, skin tightening, rejuvenation and a healthy epithelium. Recently, amber sticks have become popular, with the help of which you can do massage and self-massage, achieving good results. In order to carry out the procedures correctly, you need to have information about the sticks themselves, the features of their effect, the technology of the procedures, their frequency and duration.

What it is?
Amber is a resin that forms on coniferous trees. The older the plants, the more useful their resin. The color of the hardened stone ranges from rich yellow to brown. The structure is solid, but, unlike other stones, it is not so cold, therefore it quickly heats up from contact with the human body. This feature of amber causes extremely positive feelings.

Amber massage stick is a cylindrical product with a perfectly smooth surface. The length of such sticks can be different, as well as the shape with the width. Depending on the area of application and the desired effect, an amber facial massager can look like:
- elongated cone-shaped stick;
- rods having the same diameter along their entire length, consisting entirely of amber or interspersed with algae;
- products with a raised surface resembling a hedgehog;
- acupressure, similar in appearance to a writing pen;
- a Guasha scraper that resembles an asymmetrical heart.
Each type of amber massager has its own characteristics and application technique, but the effect of use is noted almost after each procedure.

Property overview
Amber has long been considered a healing mineral, therefore, various jewelry was made from it (and is still being made today). Many girls have amber beads or a pendant in their arsenal of accessories. The main advantage of this substance is the absence of contraindications for use, so that people of any sex and any health condition can use the amber massager.
A significant positive effect from the use of amber falls on the endocrine system. As a result of using jewelry with this stone, thyroid problems can be avoided. In ancient times, amber was used to treat internal bleeding, vomiting and other ailments. Pregnant women were advised to wear beads made of this mineral to protect themselves from miscarriage.
The main indications for the use of amber are the following health problems:
- the presence of jaundice;
- colds and coughs;
- the presence of asthma;
- skin diseases;
- rheumatism;
- cardiovascular disease.

In view of the wide range of effects of amber on the human body, ointments, drops, alcohol were created, which should have a positive effect. One of the most effective means of influencing the body are amber massagers, which can be used to treat the face, hands and neck. Regularly and correctly using such products, you can get:
- reduction of expression and age wrinkles;
- reduction of puffiness under the eyes;
- face contour correction;
- improving the condition of the skin, reducing its sensitivity, relieving inflammation;
- correction of complexion, reducing the visibility of skin pigmentation, small scars;
- restoration of the sensitivity of the skin after undergoing surgical interventions.
By means of massage with amber sticks, there is an effect not only on the local zone, but also on the entire body, since blood flow is activated, lymph flow is normalized and excessive muscle tension is relieved. Thanks to simple movements, it is possible to improve the general condition of the skin, and make the face, neck and arms more attractive and healthy.

How to use it correctly?
To get the most out of using amber massagers, you must use them correctly. With the help of sticks, the areas of the face are being worked out. But before starting the massage, you need to warm up the muscles of the face and the sticks themselves, holding them in your hands. By working in different directions, it is possible to accelerate blood flow, improve lymph flow and tighten the skin. In addition, it is possible to quickly remove the "second" chin, massaging the area of its placement and the adjacent part of the neck.
Consider the directions in which the stick moves.
- Vertical movement from temple to chin and back (on each side of the face).
- Horizontal movement from nose to temple and back (right and left).
- A vertical rotational movement from the chin to the ear and in the opposite direction.
- Vertical movement of the sticks in the neckline. The movement begins in the area of the collarbone, gradually rising to the chin. The pressure on the skin should be moderate.
- Horizontal study of the eyelid zone. It is necessary to roll the stick with gentle movements from the inside of the eye to the outside.
- Horizontal study of the forehead area. The movement should start in the center, then roll the stick to the side (to the hair growth zone), going down to the ear.

Using different types of massagers, you can achieve different effects. With a relief product, you can actively massage the décolleté, neck and face area to get rid of the first signs of skin aging and bring it back to its proper form. A deeper and more active massage allows you to achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time.
A point massager allows you to work on specific points that are responsible for certain organs and systems, exerting the necessary effect on them. Using the Guasha scraper, you can improve the appearance of the facial skin, tighten it, even out the color, and reduce pores.
Working with amber sticks containing algae can slow down aging, normalize the thyroid gland, have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects on the skin. The duration of the massage is individual, but on average the procedure lasts from 10 to 15 minutes.