
Tibetan Mastiff: characteristics of the breed, secrets of education and care

Tibetan Mastiff: characteristics of the breed, secrets of education and care
  1. History of the breed
  2. Characteristic
  3. Appearance
  4. Temper and behavior
  5. Life span
  6. Features of care and the necessary equipment
  7. Content
  8. How to choose a puppy?
  9. Popular nicknames
  10. Interesting Facts
  11. Owner reviews

A person who first encounters a Tibetan Mastiff experiences both admiration and fear at the same time. The dog impresses the layman with its size and appearance, but at the same time few people thought that a friendly creature could be hiding behind a formidable appearance. The material in this article will acquaint the reader with the history of the appearance of dogs of this breed, its characteristics, the secrets of raising and caring for it.

History of the breed

The Tibetan Mastiff is one of the rarest large dog breeds, the population of which today is practically no different from the primary one. This is partly due to the isolation of China, and the ancestors of the dogs, whose homeland is Tibet, originally served as guards for nomads, shepherds and monks. The primitive breed was formed without human intervention, Aristotle wrote about the Tibetans, impressed by the appearance of animals, who considered them a cross between a dog and a tiger.

History has proven that these dogs existed before our era. This is evidenced by the writings in the ancient Chinese manuscript Shu-King (1122 BC). Dogs were praised in his historical works by Marco Polo, they were called pets of Genghis Khan and Buddha. At one time, animals were credited with the possibility of seeing demons, associating it with pigmented spots under the eyes, which were found in some representatives of the breed.

The ancestors of the Tibetans are considered to be Chinese aboriginal dogs or Tibetan wolves.In the era of the Indian campaigns of Tsar Alexander, Tibetan dogs were brought to Greece and Rome. The harsh climatic conditions of the early evolution of dogs reflected on their character, as a result of which some representatives of the breed often showed ferocity. This forced the mastiffs to be kept locked up, but they were allowed to release their energy at night.

The monks with their help defended the monasteries, and the dogs had to defend the territory together with the Tibetan spaniels. Voiced spaniels reported strangers, which attracted the attention of mastiffs who were not afraid even of snow leopards. The monks did not have to fear armed raids or invasions. Tibetans wandered to other countries rarely and only as gifts or as trophies.

In Europe, the first puppy of this breed appeared thanks to the Indian king Lord Harding. In 1847, this pet became a gift to Queen Victoria, the puppy was named Siring. Later, Edward VII brought two more puppies to England, which took part in an exhibition at the Alexandra Palace cultural and entertainment center.

However, in Europe, the breed, which has become sharply popular among aristocrats, has practically degenerated.which was facilitated by the fact that the dogs could not stand an excessively humid climate. The standard was issued only in 1931. And yet, with the outbreak of World War II, the flow of puppies from Nepal and Tibet was stopped. At the same time, breeders first thought about preserving the breed and made a lot of efforts for this.

In 1950, the huge dogs ended up in America and were donated to Eisenhower. However, the breed itself did not interest the Americans, and therefore the ranch guard became the lot of the dogs. They began to forget about dogs here, and therefore did not import them for almost 20 years. Yet in 1969, the Tibetans again came to America, this time from their historical homeland.

Five years later, through the efforts of dog handlers, the Tibetan Mastiff American Line Association (ATMA) was created, which, in fact, was a club for connoisseurs of these dogs. After another five years, dogs bred in America were able to take part in the exhibition, at which they were a tremendous success. It should be noted that today their livestock is small. For example, in Great Britain today their number does not reach three hundred purebred individuals.

It should be noted that today their livestock is small. For example, in Great Britain today their number does not reach three hundred purebred individuals.


The characteristic of the Tibetan Mastiff consists of a description of his appearance and character traits. The description fits into the rigid framework of the existing standard. For example, the height at the withers in males is at least 66 cm, in bitches its minimum value does not fall below 61 cm. Such an animal weighs in the range of 64-78 kg, while the weight of the males is always greater.

The proportions of the Tibetan Mastiff, taking into account the standard, have their own characteristics. For example, the length of the skull should match the length of the muzzle. In addition, the length of the body should be greater than its height. The lips should cover the lower jaw at least a little, the landing of the teeth should be tight. An inclination of the eyes and their wide placement are required.


The Tibetan Mastiff is considered the largest member of the canine family. He has a heavy and strong skeleton, a developed skeleton and a proportional physique. The appearance of the dog is unusual: from a distance it seems as if he is wearing a long-naped fur coat with a hood or a voluminous wig. The collar also resembles a thick mane, which makes the dog look like a lion.

From birth, endowed with a densely growing harsh fur coat and dense undercoat, the Tibetan Mastiff is not afraid of the cold, and therefore can live in the highlands and harsh climatic conditions. The coat is long, prone to feathering on the limbs and dewlap in the tail area. Straight, wavy hair is considered a defect.Tibetans have thin and elastic skin, it fits snugly to the body and is loose in the head and neck areas.

The sexual type in these dogs is developed quite clearly: males differ from bitches not only in size, but also in body power. However, the physique of both them and the females is strong, seemingly rude. The large head of the Tibetan Shepherd Dog is distinguished by a wide forehead, on which characteristic wrinkles instantly form at the moment of alarm. As it grows up, the dog acquires folds on the head and above the eyes.

The occipital protuberance and the transition from the forehead to the muzzle are visually traced, but not sharp. The muzzle itself seems to be shortened, its shape tends to be square. Dogs of this breed have a large nose and saggy lips. Their jaws are quite powerful, there is a complete set of teeth in the mouth, the bite is scissor-shaped and, quite rarely, straight.

The size of the ears is medium, their shape is triangular, towards the end they are slightly rounded. When the animal is calm, its ears hang on cartilage, at the moment of danger or excitement, they rise. Small eyes seem slanting, depending on the color of the animal, the iris of the eyes can be as brown as hazel. The neck is prominent, has a noticeable dewlap and well-developed musculature.

The withers of the animal are covered by a collar, but quite pronounced. The back of the Tibetan is straight, characterized by developed muscle mass. The loin is convex, wide, and the croup seems to be sloping. The ribcage is deep, the ribs are flattened to the sides, the abdomen is somewhat tucked up. The movement of the dogs seems to be unhurried due to their enormous size, although in reality the steps of the Tibetans are sweeping.

The paws of the representative of the breed are large, have a parallel setting. Their skeleton is quite powerful, every part is muscular. The position of the front paws is somewhat narrower in comparison with the hind legs; they look small relative to the body, but quite proportionally. The tail is medium in size with a high set, it is curved up and pressed against the croup.

According to the norms of the standard, dogs of a given breed can have several colors. For example, it can be:

  • anthracite black;
  • black with reddish brown markings;
  • gray with light tan;
  • smoky gray (gray-blue);
  • brown and chocolate;
  • golden (from fiery red to red);
  • sable with dark marks.

According to the standard, the purer the shade of the dog's coat, the better. The tan marks present on a rich fur coat are allowed both light and dark. In addition, a small white spot on the sternum, paws, or the inner side of the tail is not a defect.

Temper and behavior

It is difficult for an outsider to imagine that the character of the Tibetan Mastiff can be peaceful. However, if the dog is not annoyed and properly educated, it will be just like that. Many representatives of this breed prove in practice that they can be family companions., distinguished by endurance, calmness and loyalty to people. But if the situation requires protection, they transform into formidable guards.

At the same time, as a rule, the dog carefully and cautiously monitors how freely the owner communicates with strangers, which allows them. He knows how to assess the situation and is able to study strangers for a long time.

To some extent, these dogs are characterized by self-sufficiency. After training, the dog can spend time in solitude in a civilized manner, not looking up at the valuable things of the owners in their absence.

Some individuals do not need constant attention and gripping at all. They want metered care, but if the owner wants to be cuddled, the pets don't go beyond a friendly attitude. Some of them are extremely stubborn and capable of defending their own point of view for a long time. Despite this, they are everyone's favorites, adoring to take part in family affairs. Some individuals become so attached to their owners that they can follow them.

These animals are able to adequately build relationships with relatives of different breeds. Moreover, to a greater extent they sympathize with medium-sized dogs, they respond to the aggressive behavior of large relatives with such behavior without any fear, showing who is in charge. They do not react to barking empty gibberish, considering it unworthy of their attention. Themselves bark on business, albeit very loudly.

Centuries of watchdog have left their mark on the life chart of the Tibetans. They prefer to sleep during the day and stay awake at night, and therefore the best time for them to walk is evening. It is at this time that they are most active and can spend the energy accumulated during the day. Such a life rhythm is convenient for individuals living in private houses.

Here dogs have the opportunity to climb high points to inspect the territory under their control for observation. When an animal lives in different conditions, it has to adapt to them, which does not take much time. Large dogs quite accurately capture the mood of the household, which is why they act in accordance with the situation. These giants can provide emotional support when you need it.

With regard to children, they are patient and do not allow themselves any aggression. With older children, they can play active games, love walking together and do not allow themselves to be torn off the leash, trying to adapt to a small child's step. Perhaps this is due to the fact that these dogs were once used as nannies.

And yet, letting children go for a walk with these dogs without adult supervision is unacceptable. From time to time, the dog is unable to distinguish between too active play and a real threat. In view of this, she can rush to the defense, believing that extraneous children can harm her little owners.

Mastiffs prefer not to touch cats, as they are of no interest to them at all.

Life span

The life resource of the Tibetan Mastiff varies within 10-11 years. However, it can be significantly reduced with improper care or non-observance of proper nutrition, neglect of preventive examinations, complete neglect of the pet's health. In addition, other factors affect life expectancy.

For example, this may be a period of development, features of the habitat, as well as the ecological background in the region where the dog is kept... The breeding method is also important, since it affects the physiology of animals. The life expectancy of individual individuals can reach 14 years, while the dog often lives for a long time without any disease. However, if he has hereditary diseases, he may not live up to 10 years.

Features of care and the necessary equipment

Before bringing a puppy into the house, the owner must take care of preparing the enclosure and arranging the booth of the required size. As a rule, the height of the fence should be at least 2 meters with a total area of ​​6 m2. The space occupied by the booth with a couch should not occupy more than one third of the area of ​​the enclosure. It is preferable to build the floor in the area of ​​the booth and the lounger from wood, in no case should it be concreted.

Above the location of the bed, it is advisable to make a canopy that will shade it. The rest can be planted with lawn grass or covered with a sand layer. You cannot build an aviary without some kind of awning: this is a prerequisite for keeping a Tibetan dog. For a pet to be strong and healthy, it will need daily walks. They should be long lasting to help maintain good physical shape.

Be sure to buy a muzzle, leash and harness for your pet. When buying, you need to pay attention to the fact that the equipment does not squeeze the animal, and the material can withstand strong jerks until the dog goes through a training course, which is especially important for restive representatives of the breed.The dog should have its own dishes, the bowl should have clean and fresh water.


Unlike the tiny breeds of various decorative breeds, keeping a Tibetan is not so easy. The first problem a breeder will face is size, which will have to be considered. A dog cannot be kept in a small apartment, or any other. With age, the size of the pet will increase, and this will require more space.

With regard to the optimal climate, the dog tolerates cold and dryness more easily than heat and moisture. Unlike many of its fellow breeds, this dog is active in bad weather. He gladly frolics in the snow, while in the summer he tries to hide from the sun. Given its type and coat length, this is quite natural.

It is necessary to accustom the dog to any hygiene procedures from an early age. So they will not be something tiresome for him, and therefore the dog will be relaxed and will not become stubborn. Taking care of the Tibetan's coat will have to be thorough, which will take a lot of time and effort. Of course, the advantage of the procedure will be the fact that the dog is calm about combing the coat and has an undercoat without the characteristic doggy smell. However, it is thick, and therefore, in addition to a comb and a slicker, you will have to add a furminator to the shopping arsenal.

Select a rowing paddle with a trimmer attachment based on the size of the animal. If the width of the comb, the length of the teeth and the distance between them do not meet the requirements, the procedure of combing the coat can be tedious and time-consuming. Despite the fact that the dog's coat is not prone to rolling and formation of tangles, combing is an obligatory element of caring for it. It helps the animal get rid of dead hairs that it can wear for months.

Someone prefers to use a metal comb for combing out. Furminator, on the other hand, allows you to effortlessly not only thin out the fur coat, but also massage the skin, which has a good effect on blood circulation and relaxes the animal. In no case should you try to replace the comb with an electric razor, as it damages the structure of the coat, leading to a violation of heat transfer. During molting, you need to comb the dog every day.


Any hygiene implies adherence to a number of rules for maintaining cleanliness. However, despite the sometimes insistent desire of the owner to accustom the animal to frequent water procedures, bathing the Tibetan is often undesirable. This should only be done in the case of heavy contamination, as frequent washing will wash away the layer of grease that protects the dog's skin from getting wet. Natural lubrication will be able to recover only after a few days.

Washing a huge dog is not easy, and besides, it has a long and thick coat. Ideally, this is easiest to do in the summer, and the washed fur coat will dry much faster in the summer.

Riding the dog in the snow is considered a peculiar water procedure in winter.

For washing, use a special zoo shampoo, choosing a product for long-haired dogs. Detergents from the human arsenal are not suitable for washing dogs, as are balms-rinses: the dog must have its own hygiene products.

The dog's claws will have to be shortened monthly. Considering the thickness of the keratinized tissue, it is preferable to soak the paws before starting the procedure, keeping them in warm water. After trimming the length, the ends of the claws are filed, the hairs located between the toes are trimmed. Finish the dog's manicure and pedicure by treating the soles of the paws. Vegetable oil is applied to them in order to prevent cracking of the skin.

Like humans, dogs need to monitor their oral health. The teeth must be examined constantly, caring for them, the strengthening of the formed yellowness or dental plaque must not be allowed. The gums of the dog should be pinkish, dental diseases, and even more their loss, are unacceptable.The owner should brush his teeth at least twice a week, using a specialized toothpaste for dogs and a brush.

To prevent the weakening of bone tissue, animals are given solid food. Also, the owners buy specially designed items covered with a composition for removing plaque. From time to time, it is necessary to show the dog to a specialist who will assess the condition of the teeth and, if necessary, solve the problems found. Do not allow the gums to weaken, which can lead to bleeding and loss of teeth.

In addition to caring for teeth and nails, the owner should pay attention to the hygiene of the Tibetan's ears. Like humans, earwax and impurities accumulate in them, which must be disposed of as they appear. On average, they need to be cleaned once a week, using a napkin soaked in warm water and then dry. In the cold season, ear hygiene is carried out at home or in a heated room.

You can only let the dog out into the street when the treated ears are dry.

If a visual examination reveals inflammation or even redness of the auricles, an urgent need to consult a veterinarian. Other good reasons for visiting him are the presence of fluid inside the ears and an unpleasant odor.

Eye care is also important: when healthy they are shiny and have little discharge. Thanks to them, the eyes get rid of dust particles. These secretions are cleaned off with a sterile napkin. In order to prevent sourness of the eyes, about once a week they are treated with a weak infusion of chamomile, using a flap made of soft natural fabric. In the presence of pus, redness, swelling, contact your veterinarian.

Education and training

The key criteria for the upbringing and training of the Tibetan Mastiff are strict discipline and affection. A well-trained dog will not allow itself to bark in vain: being near people, it will give its voice only in case of danger. Hyperactivity is inherent in these animals only in childhood. But puppies usually do not cause any inconvenience in training, if they start training in a timely manner and with the right approach.

Shaggy giants can completely obey their masters, but they will have to invest a lot of knowledge and time. Therefore, the owner of the dog must be a strong-willed person with a great deal of patience.

The dog must not be shouted at during training, it must not be hit, it must be rewarded for following the commands. It is necessary to train her almost from the moment she appears in the house.

The first thing that she learns is the rules set by the owner at home. The dog must understand "his" and "someone else's", the master's furniture cannot even be his temporary bedding. You cannot let him sleep in an armchair or on a sofa: in the future, understanding the established order will contribute to a comfortable neighborhood when living together in the house. In training, the owner must show firmness and calmness, otherwise the dog may try to take the initiative into his own hands, "training" the owner in his own manner.


The nutrition of a puppy and an adult dog should be saturated with vitamins and minerals, as well as calcium, which is especially important given the large load on the animal's limbs. Both natural food and professional dry food can be taken as the basis of a nutritious diet.

It is not recommended to mix them together.

During the period of active growth and development, the pet needs to be fed more often. At the same time, greed should not be encouraged: it is necessary that the dog eat at certain hours, dosed and eat without haste. On average, a dog's meal should be up to 15 minutes. If you decide to feed your pet with natural food, it is necessary to include beef, rabbit, turkey and chicken in the diet.

In addition, it is necessary to give the animal marine fish, offal, vegetables, herbs, as well as fruits.Porridge (including rice and buckwheat) will be healthy food. Puppies can be given minced meat, newborn babies are given protein feed. Starting from the age of two months, vitamins are introduced into the diet, at 4 months the puppy eats the liver and heart.

A six-month-old pet should receive omega-acids and substances from the group of chondroprotectors. It is impossible to abruptly transfer the puppy to adult food: it is necessary to gradually reduce the amount of baby food and add an adult.

The puppy eats up to 5 times a day, an adult dog eats no more than twice a day.

How to choose a puppy?

It is not easy to buy a Tibetan Mastiff due to the high price and rarity of the breed. The price of a private owner for a little friend is from 50,000 rubles, while there is often no guarantee of buying a purebred dog. A dog with documents (pedigree and veterinary passport) is more expensive: the price for a baby ranges from 300,000 to 600,000 rubles.

To buy a thoroughbred puppy, you need to take a specialist with you to the deal. He will conduct a visual and thorough examination and point out the best litter among the puppies. To have a clearer idea of ​​the standard, you can preview detailed information about the dogs, talk with a specialist regarding weaknesses and possible diseases.

The purchased puppy must be active and inquisitive, easy to contact, and must have a correct gait. The primary signs of socialization, laid down by the mother dog, are also necessary. They will serve as the impetus for the training necessary to form the correct character of the dog.

Popular nicknames

The name of the dog should reflect its character and indicate uniqueness, therefore, simple dog names should be excluded from the list of possible names. The name should be short but sonorous, possibly abbreviated from the full name indicated in the pedigree. In the future, the dog will understand that by calling his full name, the owner is addressing him. For example, a boy pet can be called Marty, Archie, Mark, Zus, Black, Dark, Brutus. The girl can be given the name Beth, Elsa, Jess, Dana, Abby, Chess, Emma, ​​Dana.

Also, the male can be called Cooper, Google, Zach, Nick, the female - Roxy, Cher, Sophie. You cannot call Tibetans Balls, Dusy, Cannons, Pugs and Nameplates. This breed is quite representative, and therefore the name should be appropriate. Before giving it, it is necessary to correlate it with those in the pedigree: it must not yield to them. Nicknames such as Ness, Sheila, Yumi, Gina for girls and Kai, Stark, Chase, Ram, Zach for boys can be added to the number of sonorous nicknames.

Interesting Facts

The approximate age of the Tibetan Mastiff breed was determined by the method of genetic research, initiated by the Chinese University of Molecular Evolution. According to their research, the age of the dogs has become one of the oldest in the world: they lived more than 50 thousand years ago. Here are some interesting facts about this breed of dogs.

  • Thanks to archaeological excavations, according to the found bones and skulls of the Tibetans, it was established that these animals lived next to people in the Stone Age.
  • It is not uncommon for breeders to donate their clothes to the dog. The dog loves to "chew" the owner, thus showing his affection and desire to play together.
  • There is an opinion that the Tibetan Mastiff is smarter than the Great Dane and is a kind of family canine psychologist who can cheer up any household member.
  • The origin of the dog has many contradictions, but it is known for certain that its ancestor was a wolf, from which all molossians descended.
  • White is considered the rarest color. These dogs cost millions of dollars, they are rare in nature, and are practically not amenable to breeding.
  • These dogs mature much later than their counterparts of other breeds. Their puberty ends at 3-4 years.
  • Not all photos on the Internet show the real dimensions of the Tibetans.The largest of them, at the age of 11 months, weighed 113 kg, was bought by a Chinese billionaire for $ 1.5 million.
  • Some puppies tend to make decisions on their own in different situations. Without waiting for the master's order, they can go on the attack.
  • The dog tries to make informed decisions, and therefore it takes several years to train him. He does not tolerate orders, needs respect. With the wrong approach to training, a monster grows out of him.
  • At one time, the voice of the mastiffs among the Tibetans was considered sacred. Mockery of these dogs was considered the worst evil in comparison with killing a person.
  • The Tibetans bred in Europe were different from the dogs that were common in Tibet. The more their pedigree and the stricter the standard, the more expensive they are.

There are other facts related to the Tibetan gigantic dogs. It is believed that they won the leopard fights. According to legend, the Buddha himself had such a dog. There were various rumors about the representatives of this breed, and therefore it was sometimes difficult to figure out where the truth is and where the fiction is. Their popularity was about the same as that of Bigfoot.

Owner reviews

The Tibetan Mastiff receives different responses from ordinary people, as evidenced by the comments left on information portals. People who get to know dogs remain mesmerized by their size, noting that some individuals have dimensions that are commensurate with the size of calves. At the same time, the owners note that the character of the dogs is striking in its modesty and benevolence. The giants are calm and do not express much interest in strangers, but they live closely in the conditions of city apartments.

The negative characteristics of breeders include the susceptibility of pets to joint dysplasia. In addition, according to the owners, the disadvantage of dogs is the abundant loss of hair during the molting period, which provokes the appearance of an allergic reaction. Despite their excellent acclimatization, not all of them endure loneliness. In the breed there are individuals whom it oppresses. They love children and can adapt to the rhythm of life of their owners.

Some breeders note that dogs are not as harmless as it is stated in the general description of character and habits. For example, in the comments, the owners note that pets can start with half a turn, believing that it is necessary to defend the owner's honor in front of a stranger. At the same time, even those puppies that have not reached 6-8 months are capable of inflicting pain on an adult. Those who know firsthand what the Tibetan Mastiff is, unanimously say: to keep a dog, you need to have a tremendous sense of responsibility.

For more information on the Tibetan Mastiff, see the next video.

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