Mattress brands

Features of mattresses "Bonnel"

Features of Bonnel mattresses
  1. What it is?
  2. What are they?
  3. Rating of the best models
  4. Criterias of choice

Questions about the features and characteristics of Bonnel spring blocks arise from buyers quite often. When making a choice of orthopedic accessories for the bed, they are often bypassed, preferring models with independent fastening of elements. However, a review of mattresses with dependent springs convincingly proves that in some cases Bonnel is still preferable to any other block.

What it is?

The Bonnel mattress, despite regular attempts to recognize it as an outdated analogue of modern bedding, still competes with them. This type of bed bases appeared in European countries in the 19th century, but it does not lose its relevance today.

This is largely due to the affordable price of a product with a dependent spring block. But Bonnel is not only known for this: it really has a lot of advantages.

A mattress based on a mesh with dependent springs is a single coherent system in which all elements are interconnected. When acting on a surface, the load is distributed over the entire block. The springs in this design have an hourglass-like shape: they are narrowed in the central part, widened at the edges. Along the perimeter, everything is fixed on a rigid steel frame, and the individual elements are connected to each other with wire.

The Bonnel mattress is well suited for single and one-and-a-half beds for 1 person. In this case, the hammock effect, for which he is often scolded, does not appear. But for people with a noticeable difference in body weight to sleep together, such a base will be too uncomfortable.

The advantages of Bonnel mattresses include the absence of a squeak caused by friction of the elements: they are not too tightly located, exclude contact. This is an important factor for people with sensitive sleep.

Consider other features of such spring blocks.

  • Ability to withstand loads up to 90 kg. Reinforced models of mattresses with polyurethane foam blocks inside are designed for even greater weight.
  • Long service life. On average, it is at least 15 years.
  • Good breathability. The structure of the mattress is ventilated, dries quickly and easily when wet.
  • Built-in base. The mattresses are suitable for laying on uneven surfaces, including homemade podiums or low sleeper sofas.
  • Possibility of a choice of decking over the spring block. As in more modern models, in Bonnel mattresses, springs can be surrounded by an additional layer of filler. Most often they use thermo batting or thermal felt, hard coconut coir or bikokos, holofiber, polyurethane foam and Memory Foam.

The negative aspects of the operation of Bonnel-type units include some restrictions. You cannot jump on them, stand up with your feet. Under intense mechanical stress, the spring can burst and the frame can crack. In this case, it will be difficult to repair the product. In addition, there is no orthopedic support in such sleep bases. They bend under the weight of the body, not adapting to it.

To maintain the shape of the spring block, Bonnel mattresses must be turned over at least 1 time within 6 months. In this way, it will be possible to avoid the formation of dips, uneven distribution of the load on the springs.

What are they?

The main classification of Bonnel mattresses is reduced to the different dimensional characteristics of these products, the degree of their rigidity, the ability to withstand significant loads. It is worth considering all these parameters in more detail.

By size, mattresses are divided into:

  • single beds (with a width of 70 to 90 cm and a length of 180-200 cm);
  • one and a half (the most popular size is 140x200 cm);
  • double (160x200, 160x180 cm);
  • children's (with a width of 60-70 cm and a length of 140-160 cm).

The height of the block varies from 12 to 20 cm, the most popular size is 140 mm.

According to the degree of rigidity, all products with a dependent spring block are approximately equal. The more springs per 1 m2, the higher this indicator. The type of filler also affects whether the mattress is hard or soft. The closest to orthopedic indicators are given by models with bicocos filling or in the form of coir slabs. Semi-soft mattresses have a layer of natural or artificial latex inside. The softest Bonnel products are filled with polyurethane foam.

The following models are distinguished by the type of construction.

  • Regular Bonnel mattresses. They are traditional construction on a rigid metal frame with filling on both sides of the bed.
  • Reinforced. This type of mattress is equipped with frame inserts made of polyurethane foam and other materials along the sides, as well as inside the product, between the springs. Such models are distinguished by increased carrying capacities. For 1 berth, a load of 110-150 kg can fall.

Modern manufacturers are trying to improve their products, complementing them with new elements and materials. Many models of Bonnel mattresses provide high comfort during sleep, but they are much more expensive than their counterparts with independent springs.

Rating of the best models

Among the successful examples of mattresses with a dependent spring block, there are many options that stand out for their good value for money. Noteworthy models include the following options.

  • Ascona Balance Extra. In this model, the manufacturer has combined high density and rigidity of the stock, achieved by filling with dense foam. Layers of cotton felt and padding polyester are laid on top of it. The mattress has a height of 180 mm, withstands the load on the berth from 70 to 90 kg, and is available in a wide range of sizes.
  • Dreamline Eco Strong Bonnel. The mattress has the status of orthopedic, the density of the Bonnel block has been increased to 240 springs. The product of medium hardness, 190 mm high, is equipped with fillers in the form of cotton felt and artificial latex. The manufacturer's declared load on the berth is 150 kg. The mattress is considered to be reinforced, it is presented exclusively in a single version with a width of 70 to 90 cm and a length of 180-195 cm.
  • "Promtex-Orient Rest Standard". The mattress with universal firmness is available in 8 sizes. This is one of the most popular models of the brand, here the manufacturer has provided the opportunity to choose the type and material of the cover. The innovative Eco Foam material was used as a filler. The load on the berth is limited to 90 kg.

Criterias of choice

When choosing a mattress with a Bonnel spring block for a bed, it is important to pay attention to the quality characteristics of the product and some other points. Consider the main selection criteria.

  • The diameter of the wire from which the springs are made. It should be 2-2.5 mm, not less.
  • The material for the manufacture of elements. By standard, only high carbon steel is used here.
  • The number of turns in the spring. 4 to 5.
  • The presence of a frame. It allows you to keep the shape of the product longer. Wireframes are preferred over regular ones. Reinforcement around the perimeter with cylindrical inserts is also an advantage.
  • Number of springs per 1 m2. It is 100-150 pieces. The more there are, the more intense the body's support during sleep.
  • The presence and type of base. Rigid coconut shields above and below the mattress give the Bonnel unit an orthopedic look. Elastic PU foam significantly reduces noise, increases elasticity. In inexpensive models, only a relatively thin layer of holofiber, synthetic winterizer or thermovatin is used. It does not give noticeable advantages, it only softens the contact of the body with the springs.
  • Appointment. The "Bonnel" block in the mattress is a good solution for sleeping a preschool child or an adult without special health problems. It is well suited for use in the country or as a base for a guest bed.
  • Compliance with the size of the bed. It is important that the mattress fits exactly the size of the bed.
  • Rigidity. Children choose models with maximum performance and high spring density. Adults can choose less rigid bases.
  • Equipment. It is optimal if the mattress has a removable cover that can be washed.
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