Mattress brands

Lineaflex mattresses

Lineaflex mattresses
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Range of models
  3. Review overview

Modern mattresses from Lineaflex are famous for their impeccable quality and excellent comfort characteristics. The brand's products are in great demand, since they have a lot of advantages. In this article we will take a look at the Lineaflex range.


The quality of Lineaflex mattresses is beyond doubt. The products of this manufacturer have long conquered the market because they boast all the main advantages that buyers want to see in sleep products. Let's find out about the most significant of them.

  • Lineaflex high quality sleep products offer the highest level of convenience and comfort when people sleep on them or just relax. The human spine can completely relax and unload. Relaxing on a branded Lineaflex mattress after a hard day's work is the best solution.

  • All Lineaflex quality sleep products are manufactured using safe and environmentally friendly materials. Brand mattresses are not capable of negatively affecting human health. As a rule, they do not emit harsh chemical odors that repulse modern buyers.

  • It is impossible not to say about the democratic pricing policy of the popular brand. The Lineaflex product line contains a lot of first-class and comfortable mattresses, the cost of which does not exceed 10 thousand rubles. This fact attracts many consumers looking for a quality but inexpensive product for healthy sleep.

  • Genuine Lineaflex products are highly durable. Reliable, practical and durable mattresses of the brand are designed for many years of service, so you definitely won't have to go quickly to buy a new bed.

  • High quality mattresses from the Lineaflex brand are available in a very large and varied assortment.There are a lot of excellent mattresses from this manufacturer for the choice of the current consumer. Each buyer can find for himself the ideal model that meets all his requirements and wishes.

  • It is worth noting the aesthetic appearance of the branded Lineaflex mattresses. The products of this brand look very neat and attractive.

This fact is noted by a large number of buyers who were primarily attracted by their appearance in Lineaflex mattresses.

The positive qualities inherent in branded Lineaflex sleep products can be listed for a very long time.

It is not in vain that the original products of this brand have gained frenzied popularity, because they have many important advantages.

Range of models

Lineaflex has a wide range of premium sleep products. There are many excellent products for consumers to choose from, collecting mostly positive reviews. Let's get acquainted with the qualitative characteristics of some brand positions.

  • Lineaflex Rosa. A very popular product based on a block of independent springs. There are only 252 spring parts for one berth. The height of the Rosa mattress reaches 18 cm. There is a very good combined filler here. The rigidity of both sides of the product is at an average level. The maximum allowed weight for 1 berth here is 90 kg.

  • Giacinto. An expensive model with a block of independent spring elements. In this instance, there is also a combined filler. The mattress is completed with a quality cover made of practical jacquard. The shape of the product is rectangular, the height of the orthopedic product is only 21 cm. Unfortunately, there is no memory effect here.
  • Ergolife. Cool springless model of the highest quality. It is relatively inexpensive, characterized by an average level of rigidity on both sides. This mattress is anatomical and has a rectangular structure. Its height is 18 cm, and the largest permitted weight per berth is limited to 120 kg. There are only 7 zones of product stiffness.
  • Viola. A budget model of a quality mattress from a well-known brand. It is quite inexpensive, equipped with a very good block of independent springs. The height of this specimen is 18 cm. The main filling material here is high-quality polyurethane foam. The level of rigidity on both sides of the product is low. The maximum permissible weight for 1 berth should not exceed 90 kg.
  • Dalia. A very good model of a branded mattress, the design of which does not include spring elements. The product is characterized by a high degree of rigidity. A maximum load of up to 140 kg is allowed for one berth.

High quality coconut coir acts as a filling material. The mattress cover is made of strong and practical jacquard.

  • Lilia Lux. Very good spring type model. It belongs to the standard type and contains a combined filler. The firmness level of the mattress in question is medium. The product is complemented by a good jacquard cover. The height of the specimen is 21 cm. A maximum load of 120 kg is allowed for 1 berth.

Review overview

Lineaflex mattresses are bought very well, and therefore consumers leave a lot of reviews about them. Among them you can meet both enthusiastic and upset to one degree or another. First, it's worth finding out what caused the delight of people who bought quality Lineaflex sleep products:

  • the level of convenience and comfort is positively noted by a huge number of buyers;

  • people really liked that Lineaflex mattresses allow you to properly relax and unload your back at the end of a busy day;

  • Lineaflex products are considered by many to be very pleasant to the touch;

  • buyers liked that the spring pieces hold the correct shape very well, do not deform;

  • the absence of extraneous unpleasant odors, indicating the presence of aggressive chemical components, was very pleased with a large number of consumers;

  • many people in branded mattresses are attracted by the fact that they are the result of Italian developments;

  • a wide range and the ability to choose the optimal product for every taste and color is another advantage noted by a considerable number of buyers;

  • people were very pleased that Lineaflex products for healthy sleep are presented in all popular sizes, so you can choose the right option for any sleeping place;

  • many buyers positively noted the good-quality filler present in the composition of Lineaflex mattresses;

  • the cost of many branded Lineaflex models has greatly delighted current consumers.

Customers are talking about the many other benefits seen with Lineaflex mattresses. Their list can be continued for a very long time.

However, unfortunately, there were some disadvantages noted. Let's find out what they are connected with:

  • some buyers found the cost of branded products unreasonably high;

  • not all people are satisfied with the height of some Lineaflex mattresses;

  • in rare reviews, people talk about the noticed unpleasant smell when unpacking a newly purchased product;

  • some users did not like the slippery surface of the mattress;

  • the buyers did not like the fact that with active use, branded Lineaflex mattresses must be regularly turned over, but this is not very convenient;

  • the lack of side handles upset many consumers;

  • not all users are satisfied with the quality of jacquard covers; some people compare this material with cheap Chinese fabrics.

In most reviews, buyers do not talk about any of the serious disadvantages of Lineaflex branded mattresses. Most of the users were completely satisfied with them.

Of course, a lot depends on the subjective feelings of using sleep products. One and the same mattress seems to some people very comfortable and of high quality, while to others it is not comfortable and practical enough.

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