Mattress brands

Mattresses from the Lonax factory

Mattresses from the Lonax factory
  1. General characteristics
  2. Current series
  3. The lineup
  4. Review overview

Sleep quality has a direct impact on everyone's quality of life. If you don't have a good rest and energy during the night, then the whole day will pass in a bad and depressed mood, you will not have enough strength for anything. To get enough sleep, you need to use quality mattresses. The domestic brand Lonax offers very good products.

General characteristics

Lonax mattresses entered the healthy sleep market more than 6 years ago. The domestic factory guarantees the highest quality of its products. Despite the impeccable and practical design, modern models of Lonax mattresses are characterized by a very attractive price. In the assortment of the domestic manufacturer, you can find plenty of chic specimens that are quite inexpensive.

Very good and convenient products for a comfortable sleep of the Lonax company are produced on the best German equipment with the involvement of qualified specialists..

The factory is constantly improving the existing models of mattresses, and also regularly replenishes the assortment with new items.

Lonax quality sleep products are made exclusively from practical and safe materials. Original mattresses are free of hazardous chemicals or second-rate ingredients. Thanks to this, the products are not only very convenient, but also wear-resistant, durable and completely safe for the whole family.

Using the Lonax branded mattress, a person can fully sleep, relax after a stressful working day, and completely relieve the spine. If you want to distract yourself from all extraneous thoughts and forget about everyday problems, then just lie down a little on a high-quality mattress.It is these products in a rich assortment that the domestic brand offers.

Current series

The Lonax company produces a lot of first-class mattresses in various categories. Each series contains models of specific types and modifications.... Let's take a closer look at what product lines for a comfortable sleep the domestic manufacturer offers to choose from.

  • Spring loaded. Very popular types of mattresses, characterized by high quality and the same high level of comfort. In these versions, the spring unit can be supplemented with a latex sheath or a sheath made of memorix (a special artificial material with a memory effect), coconut coir and other options.
  • Twisted and springless. For the manufacture of these types of mattresses, both artificial and natural materials can be used. Most often we are talking about latex or coconut coir.
  • Models of standard and non-standard shapes. In the assortment of the Lonax company you can find not only typical single, one-and-a-half or double mattresses, but also specimens of more complex, non-trivial forms. For example, it can be stylish oval or rounded options.
  • Baby. Lonax produces a lot of eco-friendly and very comfortable mattresses specially designed for baby cots.

The products are popular because they demonstrate the highest level of comfort and do not cause allergies.

In addition, the brand offers mattresses in the following series:

  • economy;
  • classic;
  • assorted;
  • double-sided;
  • light;
  • premium;
  • Relax;
  • Foam mix.

The lineup

Lonax produces first-class mattresses in a wide variety of types and sizes. In the assortment, you can find quite excellent models at reasonable prices. Let's take a closer look at the characteristics of some of the top positions.

  • Roll Cocos. Inexpensive model, the design of which does not include springs. The mattress has an artificial latex base (PUF). One side here is moderately tough and the other is tough. The maximum load for 1 berth is 110 kg. Roll Cocos product height reaches 15 cm. The cover is made of high quality jacquard.
  • Medium S1000. The height indicator of the specified product is 22 cm. Per 1 sq. m there are 510 spring elements. The hardness level of this product is medium. The largest load on 1 berth should be no more than 130 kg. High quality double cotton-viscose jacquard has been chosen as the fabric for the cover. The base of the mattress is a block of springs S1000.
  • Polo. Popular product in the Light range. It reaches a height of 5 cm. For 1 sq. m only 210 springs are calculated here. The product is characterized by a medium degree of hardness. The largest load can be up to 70 kg. The product under consideration for a comfortable sleep is based on the TFK Light spring block.
  • Memory medium mix S1000. The height of the specified product is 23 cm. One side here is soft, and the other is characterized by an average level of hardness. The spring-loaded product is very convenient and comfortable. It is complemented by a quality cover made of cotton-viscose jacquard.
  • Fusion. Cool orthopedic model with no springs. In the product, one side is hard, and the other is medium hard. The maximum load on the mattress can be up to 130 kg. The height indicator reaches 19 cm. This copy is made from environmentally friendly components. The mattress contains coconut (coir and coconut fibers).
  • Roll mini eco. A springless model, based on artificial latex (PUF) with a layer of 10 cm. The rigidity of this budget thin product is average. The maximum permitted load is limited to 80 kg.
  • Roll Comfort. A very good product with a height of 18 cm. There are no springs in its structure, but there is a base made of artificial latex with a thickness of 14 cm.Here the rigidity of one side is moderate, the other side is medium-rigid. The largest permissible load on a berth here is 110 kg.
  • Roll max season. High quality model of a mattress with a base made of artificial latex. The product can be purchased in the popular dimensions 160x200 cm. The firmness of this mattress is moderate. The height of the product is 19 cm, there are no springs in the design. High quality cotton jacquard is used for the production of the cover.
  • Round PPU-15. The original model of a round mattress. It is manufactured without the use of spring elements and is characterized by average stiffness values ​​on both sides. The maximum permissible load on the berth is limited to 110 kg. Artificial latex is present at the base of the product under consideration for a comfortable sleep. The height of the product is 15 cm.
  • Round fusion. A more expensive model of a round mattress 19 cm high. The product is springless. One side is hard here and the other is medium hard. The specimen boasts an excellent orthopedic effect. It contains only natural and environmentally friendly materials. High quality double cotton-viscose jacquard is used for the production of the cover.

Review overview

Modern models of high-quality Lonax mattresses evoke a variety of emotions in customers. Many people liked the products of the domestic manufacturer very much, but there were also those buyers who discovered certain shortcomings in Lonax products. To begin with, let's find out what good owners most often notice in original products for healthy sleep from Lonax:

  • the largest percentage of positive reviews is associated with the level of comfort and convenience of branded mattresses;
  • a lot of buyers notice the high reliability and practicality of branded products for healthy sleep;
  • according to a large number of consumers, Lonax mattresses seemed to them optimal in terms of price-quality ratio;
  • many users positively note the quality of the covers that complement the mattresses, and people also find it very convenient to have a zipper on them;
  • the orthopedic properties of branded products have been appreciated by many users;
  • people really like the fact that Lonax mattresses are presented in a wide range, so each customer can choose the optimal level of rigidity and the appropriate size of the product for himself;
  • the very quality of the Lonax products fully satisfied many buyers.

The product range of the Lonax brand includes a lot of mattress models, about which people leave mostly positive reviews. Many owners of branded products did not notice a single minus in them.

However, there are many buyers who have noticed serious flaws in Lonax mattresses:

  • some users have encountered very unpleasant and almost non-fading odors coming from Lonax mattresses;
  • people do not like the fact that most models of the brand's mattresses cannot be folded, rolled up and rolled up, which makes them inconvenient to carry and transport if necessary;
  • among the users there were those who were not satisfied with the artificial origin of the materials from which the cases of Lonax products are made;
  • for some owners, Lonax mattresses quickly sagged and washed out, the springs came out somewhere;
  • the level of rigidity of some models seems to users too weak, although it is declared high;
  • according to some buyers, premium mattress models do not correspond to this category at all.
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