Mattresses of the company "SONUM"

For a good rest of the whole body after a busy day, it is enough for a person to have a good rest and sleep. To do this, you should correctly, taking into account weight, age, height and physiological characteristics, equip a sleeping place, where the mattress is an important component.
High-quality and inexpensive orthopedic and anatomical models for children and adults are offered by the Russian manufacturer Sonum, which specializes in the development and production of mattresses of various designs, as well as accessories for them.
When buying a mattress, you need to focus on the main selection criteria, as well as carefully study the model range, key features and characteristics.

According to experts, there is no universal mattress that meets the requirements of all buyers, so it is important to choose the design that will ideally suit a person. Each "Sonum" mattress, regardless of the collection and cost, is an individual design, a well-thought-out design, a matched basis. However, there are a number of features inherent in all products of this manufacturer, thanks to which they are in great demand among buyers.
Hypoallergenic, non-toxic and environmentally friendly materials. Coconut coir, latex, Foam, thermal felt, foam are used as fillers. Covers, as a rule, are made of wear-resistant jacquard, which does not form pills, or soft knitted fabric on a synthetic winterizer basis.
High class of wear resistance. The mattress has a lifespan of 5-10 years.
Unique perimeter frame reinforcement system. This makes the product high quality and durable, preventing deformation and premature wear.
Antibacterial protection, preventing the appearance of dust mites and other parasitic microorganisms.
Availability air circulation systems and moisture penetration control.
Wide dimensional grid - one-, two-bed models, one-and-a-half, children's and teenage designs. In addition, it is possible to order products according to individual parameters.
Three levels of hardness - from soft, medium-hard to absolutely hard.
The presence of a therapeutic effect. Almost all mattresses are endowed with anatomical and orthopedic properties, which have a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system and the spine.

It is also worth noting that Sonum mattresses are good to use and unpretentious in maintenance.
Knowing all the advantages and features of the products, you can easily choose the best option for yourself and your child.

The lineup
The Sonum assortment includes more than 40 models of mattresses, most of which are orthopedic. The offered assortment, depending on the type of construction, is divided into 3 main categories.
Models with independent spring blocks. As a rule, the Pocket system is used, where insulated springs resemble honeycombs, or Multipocket, when micro-springs are used that form 5-7 zones with different degrees of elasticity.
Frameless mattresses consisting of alternating fillers... These are products that can withstand a load of up to 140 kg per bed. Springless mattresses are ideal for people who sleep on their side.
Products with dependent springs of the "bonnel" type. The classic version of the mattress with a medium firmness.

For the convenience of choosing, the entire model range is divided into collections, the most popular of which are several series.
Balance 500/1000. These are models with a height of 21 cm with an average rigidity, based on blocks of independent Pocket / Multipocket springs (500 and 1000 springs per one berth).

- Alfa... Products with a height of 21 cm with medium firmness, without springs. The construction is based on perforated latex and Foam. The advantage is the presence of a memory effect.

- Classic... This is a classic version with a height of 17 cm, with increased rigidity and a "bonnel" base, withstanding a load of up to 100 kg per seat.

- Standart... The series contains soft products with a height of 20 cm with a base of independent spring blocks. The maximum load on the berth is up to 140 kg.

- Flex Big. A collection using a monolithic hypoallergenic Foam block with ideal anatomical properties. The height of the structures is 21 cm, and the load is up to 120 kg.

- Smart... These are the most rigid models with a combined base - a 5-zone spring block and a coconut coir, withstanding a load of up to 140 kg per berth.

- Slip... Double-sided structures with medium stiffness with high orthopedic effect, height 21 cm and load up to 140 kg per seat.

- Comfort... Soft mattresses with frameless base. The height of the products is 20 cm, and the load on the berth is 120 kg.

- Relax... These are constructions with different stiffness of the sides (low / high), which provides a good anatomical and orthopedic effect. The height of the products is 20 cm.

Models from the lines are also in great demand. Absolute and Star, which are based on independent spring blocks, supplemented with latex and coconut coir. The height of the structures is 23 cm, and the permissible load is 160 kg per berth.
For lovers of everything new, the mattress from the series Favorite, which is based on a 7-zone spring system (1000 springs per berth), which guarantees maximum comfort, pleasant relaxation and rest.

In addition to designs for adults, the factory also produces mattresses for children in two categories - springless and with a spring block. The height of the products varies from 9 to 14 cm. Among the popular models for toddlers and adolescents are Jump, Dream, Play, Soft, Tender.

Review overview
The high quality and reliability of Sonum mattresses is evidenced not only by the corresponding tests and certificates, but also by numerous customer reviews, which note quality, durability, unpretentious care and affordable cost.