Mattresses from the TATAMI factory

Adequate sleep is the key to good human health. However, quite often the cause of various diseases of the spine is a poor-quality mattress on which a person sleeps. Therefore, the choice of a mattress must be approached responsibly. They differ in the quality of the materials used and in the design features. The market of furniture and accessories for the bedroom is represented by a wide assortment from various manufacturers.
Among a huge number of companies, mattresses of the Russian furniture factory "TATAMI", which has been on the market for more than 17 years, are in great demand.

Furniture company "TATAMI" has long been engaged in the production of goods for sleep. The most popular are the mattresses of the factory, developed by the joint efforts of designers and technological specialists, thanks to which they successfully combine a design that is safe for human health and a stylish design.

The entire line of mattresses of the brand has a number of features that contribute to the constant growth of the number of the company's customers.
- Years of experience allows you to create high quality products using the latest technologies under the strict supervision of specialists.
- All company goods certified.
- In production, only materials safe for humans natural and artificial origin.
- V wide range different types of mattresses are presented: classic (on a block of coiled springs), anatomical (on a block of independent springs of different types), two-level, two-sided (with different levels of rigidity), springless, rolled mattress.
- There are models in the catalog different levels of rigidity... Everyone will be able to choose a product based on their preferences.
- For those who prefer products premium class, the brand produces a series of luxury models, in the manufacture of which the technology of hand tightening of layers is used in combination with a glueless production method. The service life of such a model is 25 years.
- The company's catalog contains a whole collection of children's mattresses for babies from 0 to 3 years old. Glueless technology is used in the manufacture. Models have standard parameters 60 x 120 cm, a removable cover with a zipper is included.
- Large selection of bases - "Bonnel", TFK-256, S1000, Chess, PPU monolith, "grace"... They differ in the number of springs per square meter, their type and the way they are arranged inside the mattress.
- A wide range of sizes allows you to choose the perfect model for any sleeping place. It is possible to order a mattress according to an individual size, but the cost of such a product will be slightly higher than the standard sample.
- To protect the mattress from dirt, you can purchase special mattress cover with elastic bands.

Range of models
A comfortable mattress will help you to fully recuperate after a hard day at work and relax as much as possible, plunging into a sound and restful sleep. The catalog of the TATAMI company contains a large number of mattresses with different types of blocks and levels of firmness.
Before purchasing a mattress, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most popular models from several series.
- Mattress "Yumi"... Model with a rigid base made of a TFK independent spring block (256 springs per sq. M). Has a rigidity above average, the height of the product is 18 cm. It can withstand a load of up to 120 kg. The top is covered with a quilted jacquard cover on a padding polyester. It also contains layers of natural coconut and felt that cover the spring block on both sides. The cost of the model on the official website is 6,992 rubles.

- "Futon". Classic model of medium hardness with coil springs. Has a height of 17.5 centimeters. The cover is made of quilted mattress jersey with padding polyester. The block is covered on both sides with layers of elastic foam and felt. This product can support up to 110 kg. The cost is 4 624 rubles.

- "Samurai". Double-sided orthopedic mattress with varying degrees of firmness (medium on one side and above average on the other) on a TFK block. The cover is made of mattress jersey "Aloe Vera" with quilting, inside of which there is a synthetic winterizer filler. The height of the product is 19 cm, the maximum permissible weight load is 120 kg. Has 2 layers of elastic foam and felt on both sides of the block, and an additional 1 cm layer of coconut on one side. The cost is 8,416 rubles.

- Children's model "Zebra"... Double-sided mattress measuring 120x60 cm, each side has its own level of firmness - high and medium. The height of the product is 11 cm. The frame consists of two materials - layers of biococonut and holcon, the top of the model is covered with a removable cotton cover. The cost of the model on the official website is 2,090 rubles.

- Makoto. Two-tier model with a chess block, in which the springs are staggered, which makes the product more wear-resistant. The double block can carry up to 140 kg. The cover is made of jersey with padding polyester quilting.

Review overview
When reviewing customer reviews for TATAMI mattresses, the following positive aspects of the products of this brand were identified:
- strong spring block, withstands heavy loads;
- over time, the springs did not begin to creak or break;
- sleeping on such a product brings only joy, you wake up in a good mood;
- excellent level of firmness (although some owners noted that the mattress was hard for them);
- well-sewn cover, no foreign smell.
Based on the comments left by satisfied customers, we can conclude that the mattresses of the furniture factory "TATAMI" are a bargain.