What is struttofiber in a mattress and how to choose it?

In recent years, the sleep market has expanded with mattresses made from struttofiber... For many, this new name is unfamiliar, and therefore people are wary of such new products. And this can be understood, because on how well a person sleeps at night, his performance during the day depends, and, in general, his well-being and health in general.

What is this material?
In the experimental laboratory of the Podolsk factory of nonwovens "Ves mir", in the early 2000s, a new material was developed Periotek Strutto.

It must be admitted that strutto is an invention of Italian technologists, which means vertical arrangement of fibers. Domestic developers have used this form in the creation of a new filler for mattresses.
Moreover, the main feature of this filler is that no adhesives are used in its production - the fibers are bonded by hot air. That is, during production, the use of various toxic compounds is excluded.

These fibers are located slightly at an angle, which gives the elasticity and cushioning properties of the material, which are so necessary in mattresses. Each fiber is a separate small spring.
The basis of this non-woven material is synthetic fiber, which has both positive (in large quantities) and negative properties.

Pros and cons of filler
Let's consider what properties the struttofiber has, and what you need to pay attention to when choosing mattresses with such a filler.
Material advantages:
has a long service life;
has a high density;
quickly restores its original shape;
spring well;
does not rot (the formation of microorganisms is excluded);
does not absorb moisture;
hypoallergenic, as dust mites do not start;
environmentally friendly;

does not withstand long-term high loads;
not suitable for people with heavy weight;
cannot be used in the production of super hard mattresses;
products with such a filler cannot be twisted, folded, otherwise the structure of the filler is destroyed.

Based on the above, we can conclude that this material is ideal for the production of children's mattresses.

And also people suffering from allergies can opt for struttofiber. And the relatively low price is also important for consumers.

In addition, manufacturers add natural fibers to synthetic fibers to change the characteristics of the struttofiber filler: flax, cotton, coconut coir, horse hair, goat and camel wool. Depending on the type of additive, the properties of the filler change:
the coat becomes warmer;

- elasticity is acquired with horse hair;

- hardness and strength increase with coconut;

- flax is an excellent thermostat and gives a feeling of coolness in hot weather and, conversely, warms in cold weather.

Size range of mattresses
In terms of size, mattresses are subdivided into children's (60 x 120 cm), teenage and adult single beds (70, 80, 90 x 190, 195, 200 cm), teenage and adult one-and-a-half beds (120 x 190, 195, 200 cm), double (140, 150 , 160, 180 by 190.195, 200 cm), double-euro (200 by 200 cm). it usual standard sizes.

The height of the mattresses varies from 10 to 30 cm. Products less than 10 cm refer to mattress toppers, which are additionally laid over the main mattress or on a sofa.

Custom-made mattresses can be ordered from enterprises that are engaged in mass production. Many manufacturers are currently practicing this.
How to choose?
When buying a struttofiber mattress, you must pay attention to the density of the product, which is usually indicated on the tag. Typically this value ranges from 750 to 2500 grams per square meter. The higher the density, the harder the mattress.

Choose a soft or firm mattress - depends on the personal preference of the adult. But still, for example, pediatricians recommend a hard mattress for very young children under 2 years old, since their spine is forming.
And it is undesirable to sleep on a soft one for people who have diseases of the musculoskeletal system, or those who suffer from osteochondrosis. In such cases, it is best to choose moderately firm mattresses. But before purchasing a mattress, you should consult with an orthopedist.

The firmness of the mattress is also taken into account for various weight categories of adult buyers:
for those whose weight does not exceed 60 kg, a soft mattress is suitable;
medium hardness - for people weighing up to 90 kg;
if the weight exceeds 90 kg, it is necessary to opt for the rigid version.

Another point to pay attention to when buying: struttofiber mattresses are one-sided or double-sided.
The reversible ones are more expensive, but they are also more preferable, since they can be turned over during operation, which will extend the service life.

As already noted, the padding of the mattress, in addition to the struttofiber, may contain wool, cotton or linen, coconut fibers and other fillers. These fillers significantly affect the physical characteristics of the product.
Information about this should be contained in the product description and, of course, must be voiced by the seller in order to exclude all kinds of complications, for example, due to allergic reactions to wool or horse hair.

How to care?
A mattress, like any piece of furniture, is purchased for a long time. In order to preserve its original appearance and quality for a longer time, it is necessary to follow some care rules.
Immediately after purchasing and removing the packaging, it is advisable to ventilate the mattress for a little, at least a few hours, in the room or on the balcony, but at the same time avoiding direct sunlight.
To avoid contamination and rubbing with the bed surface, it is better to use mattress toppers, and also to put on a cover.
Ventilate and vacuum at least once a year by holding it upright.
If liquid is spilled on the mattress, it is also sufficient to ventilate it in a room with open windows.
As noted above, it is undesirable to roll up or twist mattresses made of struttofiber, as deformation occurs, and the mattress loses its orthopedic properties.
And also, if there are children in the family, then how can you delicately explain that it is undesirable to jump on the mattress, otherwise it will quickly fail.