What are Holcon mattresses and how to choose them?

A person spends most of his life in a dream, while his performance and well-being directly depend on the quality of rest. Therefore, it is very important that people can sleep comfortably and safely at night. Mattresses play a special role in this. Today, manufacturers use the latest technology to create the healthiest possible sleep environment for consumers.

What it is?
In the old days in Russia, feather beds were filled with a bird's feather and down, and in the most simplified form - with hay. The former were very soft and comfortable, while the latter were quite tough. But in both cases, the filler soon became damp, began to rot and became completely unusable. This environment created ideal conditions for the emergence of pathogenic microorganisms. To minimize these troubles, manufacturers were forced to reconsider their approach to the manufacture of mattress fillers.

Today synthetic materials are widely used. One of the most popular is a fundamentally new fiber - hollcon. It is so hygienic and comfortable that it can even be used for a baby cot. The term hollcon comes from the concept of "holofiber".
This is not surprising, because holcon is made from it using hot-melt technology. The output is a springy air fiber with increased hygroscopicity and caking resistance.

Thus, the holkon can be defined as a lightweight canvas made of thin spirals of synthetic fibers intertwined with each other. It is a non-woven material, very soft, good shape recovery.It does not shrink during use, does not wrinkle or slip, therefore it is very popular in the manufacture of mattresses. Holcon has undeniable advantages:
- it is harmless, does not emit toxic volatile compounds, does not lead to allergies;
- does not absorb or exude odor;
- has a breathable structure, due to this, a comfortable thermoregulation of the user is provided;
- hygroscopic, does not give a greenhouse effect, therefore, is not exposed to mold;
- dust mites do not live in the holcon, fungi do not multiply;
- due to the hollow fiber structure, the products do not catch fire when exposed to fire;
- in the process of use, it does not wrinkle, does not roll or sink;
- differs in heat resistance, does not lose its properties even when exposed to high temperatures.

All of these properties allow, if necessary, to disinfect and even wash the mattress with holcon filler. However, it also has several disadvantages:
- does not absorb water;
- the material is 100% artificial;
- the price is much higher compared to synthetic winterizer and holofiber.

Description of species
In the manufacture of mattresses, holcon can be used both in pure form and in combination with some other materials.

In pure form
The advantage of pure holcon materials is that they are easy to roll up and transport. Such mattresses are highly recommended when used in the country and on trips to nature. If the rest is associated with a mattress made of pure holcon, no cold is terrible for a sleeping person.
Even if the mattress topper accidentally gets dirty during use, it can be easily removed and washed, since pollution will not penetrate into the holcon fibers.

With other materials
To increase the parameters of thermoregulation of holcon mattresses, additional components can be added to their composition. Most often it is bamboo, coconut or cotton. Sheepskin and camel wool are also used as fillers.

Dimensions (edit)
The structure of holcon mattresses is shown in the photo. Modern manufacturers produce mattresses that differ in thickness and density. In terms of thickness, their size varies from 6 to 12 cm, models within 8-9 cm are considered the most sold - this height allows you to smooth out all the unevenness of the bed base. Products can have different density indicators, so they are used for people with different body weights. The optimal parameter is 1500 g / m 2. As for the length and width, the parameters are considered typical:
- width - from 65 to 200 cm;
- length - from 190 to 200 cm.
Widths ranging from 60 to 100 cm are designed for one person. Some manufacturers also offer mattresses of non-standard dimensions, for example, 145X195 cm, 160X200, 140X200 or 115X190.

Popular brands
Many manufacturers are engaged in the production of holcon mattresses. They are represented on the domestic market by several companies.
- AlViTek - the company offers a wide range of sleeping accessories for every taste.
- SHED4TAILOR - this Russian company pleases its consumers with a large assortment portfolio of offered mattresses.
- SN-Textile - a wholesale company that produces mattresses with a variety of fillings, including holcon.
- Ivanovo textiles - one of the most popular brands, products are deservedly loved by consumers due to affordable cost combined with practicality, convenience and high comfort.
- Sibtex - sleeping accessories with a holcon of this company are distinguished by their democratic cost and practicality. Users note the convenience of the products, which is especially important during sleep and rest.

Nuances of choice
When choosing a mattress, many users have questions about whether it is worth overpaying for a holcon, how much better it is than other fillers. Here's a simple comparative analysis.
- Holcon and holofiber. Essentially, the materials are of the same nature. The difference is that holofiber becomes a raw material for holcon. In the course of processing, the material acquires high strength from thermal action and becomes springy - this distinguishes it favorably from holofiber. A holcon mattress is much warmer than a holofiber product.
- Holkon and synthetic winterizer. The synthetic winterizer absorbs odors, is prone to dust accumulation, and damp as it is used. Holcon does not gather in lumps and does not lose its elasticity. At the same time, the synthetic winterizer is cheaper, so the choice must be made taking into account the possibilities of the budget.
- Holcon and latex. In terms of user characteristics, both materials are practically the same. Therefore, in this case, the choice will depend only on the individual preferences of the user. However, it should be borne in mind that the rigidity of the latex filler is much higher.

Care features
Holcon mattresses, like any other, require regular high-quality care. Therefore, when buying, be sure to read the user manual, if available. As a rule, it contains all the basic points of caring for the product. If no such instruction is available, the general requirements should be taken into account.
- The product needs to be turned over from time to time. During the first month of use, these manipulations are performed twice a week. Starting from the second, the period is increased first to 2 weeks, and then to 1 time per quarter. This measure can significantly extend the life of the mattress.
- Any bedding needs regular ventilation, especially when there are no slats in the bed. To do this, once a year, the mattress should be removed from the bed, placed vertically against the wall.
In this position, the product is left for 3-5 hours.

Important: Do not leave it outdoors in direct UV light.
- Experts recommend ventilating immediately after purchase. When you remove the packaging from the holcon base mattress, leave it in a room with an open window for a while.
- Cleansing becomes an important component of product care. Particular attention should be paid to this procedure if additives are included in the holcon mattress. Traditionally, steam technology is used for processing. Manufacturers produce non-corrosive formulations designed specifically to neutralize dirt from holcon fibers.

Review overview
User reviews of holcon sleeping mattresses are overwhelmingly positive. They note that the products form an elastic flat surface that does not wrinkle during use. Holcon bedding is considered an ideal solution for newborn cribs: the material creates comfortable conditions for the physiological formation of posture and prevents intense sweating. In addition, due to the springy structure, the load on the vertebrae is evenly distributed.
The biggest plus of the product is that it does not deteriorate with use, even when it comes into contact with moisture. This is especially important when used by a child. The only drawback is associated with the synthetic nature of the filler. Therefore, if you are in doubt about your choice, it is better to take a coconut coir mattress. Adult users note that holcon mattresses have pronounced orthopedic characteristics. This applies even to thin toppers. They are flexible and can be carried in the trunk of a passenger car.
In general, today holkon rightly occupies the first lines of the rating among all spring and springless mattresses.