How to choose an orthopedic mattress?

High-quality and comfortable sleep always has a positive effect on health. A slept person remains active throughout the day and feels good. To achieve healthy sleep, you need to have a quality sleeping place. For this, modern manufacturers produce excellent models of orthopedic mattresses. In this article, we will learn how to select them correctly.

What it is?
Orthopedic is a special type of mattress that is able to evenly and effectively support the human body. This reduces the load on the spine and improves blood circulation. The full effect is usually achieved with special spring components or other filling materials.

Modern models of orthopedic mattresses are shown for both adults and children who suffer from diseases of the spine or simply painful sensations in this area. Of course, perfectly healthy people can also purchase the considered accessory for the bedroom. A high-quality orthopedic option differs from a conventional or anatomical bed in that it easily takes the shape of the user's body, which lies on it, while providing some degree of resistance. At the same time, the human spine is corrected and supported in all its bends and lines.

Selecting a high-quality mattress with an orthopedic effect should be especially careful and responsible.
This is due to the fact that when choosing an unsuitable or the first product that comes across, a person, instead of benefit and adjustments, can get the opposite effect, cause great harm to the health and condition of the spine.
Modern sleeping beds with an orthopedic effect fall into several categories. Each of them includes a certain type of mattress, which has its own structure and design features.

Such beds for a comfortable sleep do not have a mechanism with spring parts in their design. Instead, they use different types of special filling materials. It is the fillers that provide the proper orthopedic effect. They are made from a variety of raw materials. It can be both natural and synthetic, as well as combined. The most popular are mattresses containing coconut coir, polyurethane foam, latex, horsehair.

The main advantages of springless mattresses include the fact that they have an optimal design for their fabric. It combines combined layers that demonstrate pronounced orthopedic qualities. In stores, you can find a lot of excellent springless double-sided specimens, which are characterized by different levels of rigidity on different sides.

Those models of mattresses, in which there are no spring components, are very practical. Dust does not accumulate in their inner part, which plays a very important role for people suffering from allergies. The edge sections of springless products are usually made smoothed. If we compare the models under consideration with standard spring mattresses, then it should be noted that mattresses of the latter type are more durable, do not sink under the influence of heavy loads.
In addition, springless products are adapted for more impressive loads.

Sleeping beds with an orthopedic effect do not have serious drawbacks, but they may not be suitable for allergy sufferers. Fillers in such mattresses can have a composition that will provoke a negative reaction from rare users. Also, the disadvantages include the very high price of products without spring blocks.
Spring loaded
The human body in such models is supported not by a filling material, but by metal spiral elements with different degrees of elasticity. Based on the mechanism for attaching the springs, sleeping accessories are divided into dependent types called Bonnel, as well as independent ones.

So, a block of springs called Bonnel is presented in the form of a mesh woven from springs of a double-cone type. They are fixed to each other by means of a rigid metal frame. These components are twisted either in 1 or 2 turns. Spring components are characterized by a large diameter. On average, 1 sq. m. of the mattress stands out from 100 to 150 large spirals. The main advantages of the structures under consideration include the simplicity of their production, democratic cost. Quality blocks are designed for heavy weights.

It should be borne in mind that mattresses with a Bonnel block are relatively short-lived. They are characterized by hard edge zones.
Besides, when turning the body on such beds, annoying creaks are emitted. The orthopedic effect is weak here. The hammock effect may occur, in which individual zones of the canvas sag, which can withstand particularly heavy loads.

The mattresses are also available with an independent spring block. These products are manufactured using a variety of springs, packed in separate cases of woven, wear-resistant material. The spirals here can have from 5 to 9 turns, their diameter is smaller than in the case with the option discussed above. Models with 3, 5 and 7 zones are available depending on the number of springs and the degree of twisting of the spiral components.

In such instances, the spring components optimally and evenly distribute the weight of the person, providing good support. Products can be easily adjusted to the size and physique of the user. The canvases in question demonstrate a good orthopedic effect. They can be used for a long time without losing their original shape. Models with independent springs do not make noise or creak.
The main disadvantage of the products under consideration is their high cost compared to Bonnel canvases.

If used improperly, a mattress with independent spring components can seriously damage its structure.
Rating of the best models
Let's analyze the rating and main characteristics of the best models of orthopedic mattresses from different manufacturers.
- Dimax "Practitioner Chip Roll Balance Foam Five". High quality, but at the same time simple model of compact size. Suitable for a small bed. It has a monolithic structure, as well as filling made of special orthopedic foam based on polyurethane foam. The height of the product is small - only 60 mm. On both sides, the degree of hardness is medium.

- Velson Baby-3. An excellent orthopedic mattress for children. It is hypoallergenic, has a certain degree of rigidity on each side. It is made of hygroscopic materials and has excellent thermoregulation properties. The copy is inexpensive, has good quality.

- Trelax single. A year-round orthopedic ball model that does not include spring components. The product is semi-rigid, its outer material is made of high-quality jersey. The mattress is reversible, but the firmness levels of both sides are the same.

- Ormatek Start Hit. A quality model at an adequate cost. Polyurethane foam is used as a filler. One berth can carry a load of up to 90 kg. The product is soft on both sides.

- Beautyson Promo 5BS. Spring model, in which the Bonnel system is present. Biococonut, special foam and thermal felt act as a filler here. For 1 sq. m. 240 spring elements are provided. The height of the mattress is 190 mm. The hardness level is medium on one side and high on the other.

- Lonax Roll Comfort 3. High quality monolithic double-sided orthopedic mattress. The filling material here is a combination of natural and artificial latex foam. A load of no more than 110 kg can be applied to one berth. The height of the specimen is 180 mm. The product is practical, very convenient and versatile.

- Promtex-Orient Roll Standart 18 Latex. Robust model with no spring components. Perfectly supports the user's spine, allows the muscles to relax as much as possible. The height of the product is optimal. The mattress is suitable for people with different body types. The fillers here are natural latex foam and synthetic polymer material Eco Foam.

- Sonum Smart. A practical and reliable model at an adequate price. It is characterized by high rigidity. The design includes spring elements of the independent type TFK. The product is characterized by the highest degree of comfort. The interior structure of this sleeping accessory is made of sustainable and sustainable materials such as coconut coir and spunbond.

- Askona Easy. A very popular and purchased model of a quality orthopedic mattress from a well-known brand. The product is covered with Orto Foam. The mattress can be bought for users of absolutely any age category. The largest permissible load on such a berth is 90 kg.

- Roll Matratze Teenager HIP HOP. One of the best springless models with two sides of different stiffness. The product is made from environmentally friendly materials that do not cause allergies. Complemented with a removable and practical carrying case. It is easy to turn this model over as it is equipped with additional handles. The thickness of the product is very comfortable - 13 cm.

- Ormatek Reload. A relatively inexpensive, but very comfortable and durable mattress with excellent orthopedic properties. The model reaches a height of 19 cm. The largest permitted load here is limited to 120 kg. The degree of rigidity of the sides is different here: high and medium.The model provides 5 areas of support for the human spine.

- Hukla Amore F2 / F3. Expensive model from a German manufacturer. The height of the product is 19 cm, the degree of rigidity is medium. Waterlily, a special highly elastic foam, is used as a filling. The mattress is breathable and has excellent orthopedic properties.

- Hukla Berlin F2 / F3. Another excellent specimen from a German company. It is more expensive than the product discussed above. The design of the model contains spring components of an independent type. The set includes a practical cover made of modern HCS-Klimawatte fabric. For 1 sq. m. 520 springs are distributed, there are 7 zones of stiffness.
The mattress is characterized by excellent orthopedic properties.

- Virtus Deluxe. Very expensive exclusive model made in Italy. The height of this chic piece is as much as 40 cm. The product is soft, equipped with high-quality fillers in the form of several types of foam. There are also additional layers of natural cashmere, merino, camel wool, silk, flax, horsehair and cotton in the structure of the stock. This amazing option can last at least 20 years.

How to choose the right one?
Let's understand the main criteria for choosing an orthopedic product for a comfortable and healthy sleep of users.
- The size. First of all, it is necessary to determine the optimal size of the orthopedic mattress. Today, on sale in stock and on order, you can find products of various sizes, for example: 80x190, 90x200, 90x190, 80x200, 120x200, 140x200, 160x200, 180x200, 200x200 cm and so on. For a single or double bed, you can easily find the best option. In the assortment of many manufacturers, it will be possible to find a wonderful one and a half copy for a teenager, adult or elderly person.

- Height. It is also important to consider the height of the mattress for quality sleep. For kids, the ideal solution will be thin specimens up to 14 cm. If the model is selected for an adult and does not have springs, then values from 14 to 16 cm are suitable. Spring options with high support will have a height of 19-23 cm. , which is in the range of 24–40 cm.

- The age of the users. For older people suffering from various back problems, separate models of mattresses with orthopedic effect are produced. This also applies to young children, whose musculoskeletal system is still in the developmental stage. For example, the Ormatek brand produces specialized mattress options for seniors or adults and young users.

- Materials. When making a choice in favor of the optimal model of an orthopedic mattress, you should give preference to specimens made of high quality materials. The predominance of natural ingredients and environmentally friendly fillers is desirable. The level of user comfort will depend on the state of the latter. In addition, the product should not emit an unpleasant chemical odor indicating the presence of materials of inferior quality.

- Appearance. It is very important to evaluate the appearance of the selected product for a comfortable and healthy sleep. An orthopedic mattress should look flawless. The product should not have the slightest damage, no crooked seams or dirt. If the buyer found any flaws while inspecting the product, it is better to refuse to buy it in favor of another option.

- Rigidity. The level of hardness is selected strictly individually. The buyer should pay special attention to this parameter. The hard varieties are great for people suffering from back pain or osteochondrosis. The medium-hard options are versatile and will suit almost any user with no major health problems. Soft items are recommended for use by older people.

- Brand. It is recommended to select a high-quality orthopedic mattress that meets all norms and standards, produced by a well-known brand. Branded products demonstrate a long service life, are reliable and practical, and are covered by a several-year warranty. It is about such products that people most often leave positive reviews.
You should not exchange for cheap and low-quality copies on the advice of an unscrupulous merchant if you do not want to harm your health.