How to make the mattress stiffer?

It used to be thought that the softer the bed, the better. In the old days, they preferred to sleep on downy featherbeds; in the days of the USSR, wadded mattresses were especially popular. Now preferences have changed dramatically, therefore, for the last few years, it is hard mattresses that have been actively promoted. Despite this, it is not necessary to buy a modern mattress. You can independently increase the rigidity of the existing mattress with your own hands. This will require some tools and materials.

Why increase the firmness of the mattress?
The popularity of a hard mattress is due to the fact that it is more correct for the health of the musculoskeletal system. When choosing the firmness of a mattress, you must focus on a number of circumstances:
the age and weight of the person;
partner's weight (if the bed is designed for two);
health status;
habitual sleeping positions;
level of daily physical activity.

In addition, a firm mattress can also be recommended for a person for medical reasons. Here is who belongs to this category.
Small children from birth to 3 years old. Subsequently, it is permissible to choose a mattress of moderate firmness.
Adolescent children. The fact is that it is during this age period that the active formation of the spine occurs. That is why adolescents, in order to avoid problems with the musculoskeletal system in the future, are advised to sleep on mattresses with increased rigidity.
The greater the weight, the harder the mattress should be. For those people weighing more than 90 kg, it is recommended to sleep on a mattress with increased hardness.
And also a hard bed is recommended for those who already have spinal diseases. A mattress that is too soft will worsen the condition.
If a person sleeps mainly on his stomach, then he is also advised to choose a hard mattress.

If the spouses have different medical indicators, then orthopedic surgeons in this case recommend purchasing two single mattresses. Moreover, they must meet the requirements and be the same in size.
How to solve the problem?
Usually the mattress is purchased with the bed. And, if there is a need to increase its rigidity (sharp weight gain, high physical activity, problems with the spine), then it is not at all necessary to buy a new mattress. You can try to increase the firmness of the existing mattress. There are several different ways to accomplish this task.
The most common and simplest is to use an additional mattress topper called topper... It looks like a low bedding with sufficient rigidity. The height of the topper rarely exceeds 12 cm. It is fixed to the main mattress using the available elastic bands or bands.

It is noteworthy that the rigidity of such a mattress topper directly depends on its height. This indicator varies from 2 to 12 cm. When using a thin mattress topper, the rigidity will not increase much. If you want to achieve a tangible effect, it is recommended to use a topper with a height of at least 10 cm.
For moderate stiffness, it is recommended to choose a medium height topper. It ranges from 5 to 8 cm.
In addition, one more important nuance should be taken into account - the topper filler. Modern models most often have one of three types of fillers:

Any pad will help correct the initial stiffness of the mattress. In order to determine the choice of filler, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.
Coconut mattress toppers have recently become very popular. It is due to many positive aspects when using this particular material:
environmental friendliness;
good ventilation;
coconut does not retain moisture well, therefore it is not a favorable place for the development and vital activity of microorganisms.

Coconut coir is a fairly durable material that can withstand heavy weight loads. But all these positive qualities remain as such only if two important conditions are met.
The filler must be of high quality.
The production must comply with the standards. So, coconut fiber should never be processed with formaldehyde.
The only one flaw coconut topper lies in its high cost. So, the smallest mattress topper will cost about 3 thousand rubles. But in terms of quality, there are practically no competitors to coconut filler.

Holofiber is also often used in mattress toppers designed to increase rigidity. In terms of quality and performance of its function, it is practically not inferior to coconut... Its only drawback is its synthetic origin. If you want to save money and buy a cheaper option, then a holofiber mattress topper is the best solution.
But when buying, you should consider two important points: such a topper is not suitable for allergy sufferers, and it is best not to buy it for children.
Structofiber - this is something between natural and synthetic filler. The fact is that in the production of such a mattress topper, synthetic fibers are used with the addition of natural ones (algae, wool, coconut, cotton). In the production of toppers with such a filler, adhesives are strictly not used. These mattress toppers are lightweight and inexpensive, but can only have an effect on people with low weight.

Topper Is a universal tool for increasing the hardness of the mattress topper. Such a device, regardless of size and internal composition, has a number of significant advantages.
A quick solution to the problem of changing the hardness of the main mattress.
Minimum financial investment.
Performs a protective function, preventing contamination of the main mattress.
Significantly increases the service life of the main mattress.
It evens out the surface of the bed, so it becomes more comfortable to sleep.
It should be borne in mind that the dimensions of the topper must match the main mattress. Otherwise, the bed will be uncomfortable.

How to make the mattress harder at home?
If for some reason it is impossible to buy a topper, but it is still necessary to increase the rigidity of the mattress, then in such cases you can try to do it yourself using the materials at hand.
Minor purchases will still have to be made. So, in a specialized store you need to purchase a compressed sponge or the same coconut coir. And also to create rigidity you will need:
large scissors;
cover or mattress topper of the right size;

In fact, you will have to make the same topper, only homemade... To do this, you first need to measure the coconut coir or sponge (depending on the material chosen), and cut off the required volume. It must be placed on the main mattress and secured with a mattress topper. This is an economical and simple option that is available to virtually everyone. In this case, material costs will be significantly lower than when buying a topper.
Low cost is the only advantage of this method.... Do not think that the material will stick to the main mattress as smoothly and firmly as a topper. This is not true. From time to time you will have to unbutton the mattress topper and correct the filler, because in the process of using the bed, it will stray or slide to the side.

At the same time, the compressed foam rubber has some more peculiarities... This material will gradually wrinkle. Therefore, it is not recommended for people with a large weight.
And also it tends to crumble and deform over time, so you should not count on a long period of operation.
There is another interesting option. It consists in the fact that as a seal use compressed straw. Such material also belongs to the category of natural, but it is very difficult to buy it. And also microorganisms can multiply in it.
The choice of each of the proposed options is purely individual. At the same time, before buying a filler or topper, it is recommended to study the positive and negative sides of each of them well.