
Where to put the old mattress?

Where to put the old mattress?
  1. When is mattress disposal necessary?
  2. Can I dispose of it in a landfill?
  3. Where to turn it over for processing?
  4. Other ways to get rid of

The issue of planet pollution is now of concern to people all over the world. Therefore, in many European countries laws related to waste sorting are being passed. Recycling old mattresses is one way to deal with waste that takes a long time to decompose.

When is mattress disposal necessary?

Modern bed mattresses have a relatively short lifespan. After a few years, they become unusable. Certain factors indicate the need to replace the product.

  1. The presence of an unpleasant odor. During the entire time of use, the mattress absorbs human sweat. A humid environment can lead to mold and other harmful bacteria. All this contributes to the appearance of an unpleasant odor. If it is impossible to get rid of it, the product should be recycled.
  2. Structural damage. As a result of prolonged use, protruding springs may appear on the surface of the mattress. They often cause wounds and scratches on the skin.
  3. Deformation of the product. If the mattress has become too thin or has a large number of depressions on it, you should get rid of it. Especially if it is a children's mattress. Using a poor quality product can cause headaches, insomnia, or persistent back pain.

In addition, owners usually throw away the old mattress when buying a new one.

It is recommended to replace it every 5-10 years. Improper use will usually significantly shorten the life of the product.

Can I dispose of it in a landfill?

Most people, deciding to get rid of unnecessary things, immediately carry it to the landfill. But it is not recommended to dispose of old mattresses in this way. The main reason is that such a product decomposes very slowly. It is also not recommended to incinerate such waste. Indeed, in this case, a large amount of toxins gets into the air, water and earth.

There are penalties for improper disposal of an old mattress.

In addition, a product simply thrown into a landfill will not benefit anyone. The recycled product, however, is used to make new mattresses.

Where to turn it over for processing?

It is recommended to recycle the old product. Now there are a large number of companies that specialize in this.

One of these companies is Ascona. Manufacturers offer buyers the ability to dispose of an unwanted mattress. But this action does not take place on an ongoing basis. Therefore, when planning to get rid of an obsolete product, you need to discuss this issue with the store's consultants in advance.

Having decided to get rid of the mattress, it is worth remembering that most modern companies have certain requirements for products that are being recycled.

  1. They do not accept heavily soiled or wet mattresses. Therefore, mattresses must be cleaned of stains and dried thoroughly before recycling.
  2. Modern companies are not engaged in the disposal of spoiled mattresses. If the product is torn and half gutted, it will have to be disposed of in another way.
  3. Recycling companies do not recycle featherbeds and pillows. Therefore, it is not always possible to get rid of all unnecessary things at once.
  4. The weight of the product to be disposed of should not be very large. The old mattress should be large enough to be carried away by two movers.

Most firms give a discount to those buyers who buy a new mattress from them and immediately hand over the old one.

Owners of hospitals, hotels or sanatoriums can also use the service of disposing of unnecessary bedding. All that is needed for this is to agree with the specialists of the organization about the time of the meeting, which will be convenient for both parties. The company's employees will come to the site at the right time and pick up the old mattress. Unwanted bedding is taken to the disposal site, where it is destroyed in suitable conditions.

Other ways to get rid of

There are other ways to get rid of your old mattress.

Take to the shelter

You can donate your old mattress to a charity that helps the homeless and animals. In this case, the obsolete product will end up in the hands of those who need it. Models that have not yet lost their appeal are usually sent to shelters. Substandard products are used as bedding for animals. There, sharp springs and stray filler are usually taken out of them. Such bedding is absolutely safe for animals.

Give to the needy

The old mattress can also be displayed on a dedicated site or in a group. In this case, people who need such a thing will come and pick it up themselves. The material is often used by needlewomen. Many people may need such a product.

  1. For designers. They use filler in their work. It is perfect for making soft toys. The sprung mattress can also be disassembled. They are used to make beautiful accessories or decor for the interior.
  2. Pet owners. They can use an old mattress from the bed to create a bedding or pillow for a pet.
  3. For gardeners. From old springs, you can make comfortable supports for pots with herbs or flowers. Therefore, spring models can be useful to owners of a garden or a small greenhouse.

If the item is given away because of the purchase of a new item, low-income families can reuse it until the item expires. But before giving away such a mattress, it should be put in order, cleaning it from various stains and drying it.

It is not necessary to take the product to dry cleaning.It is enough just to ventilate it on the balcony or walk on the surface of the product with a vacuum cleaner.

Owners of an old product can also try to extend its lifespan. If the base of the product has been damaged, you can sew a cover for the mattress. For its sewing, unnecessary fabric is usually used. It must be of high quality and very durable. In addition, an additional layer of foam rubber can be sewn onto the base of the craft. Such a product will turn out to be beautiful and comfortable. To save your time, you can buy a mattress cover.

Use in the country

Owners of summer cottages or houses in the village can use the old mattress on the farm. The first step is to clean and dry it. After that, the product can be disassembled into parts. You can make of them:

  • insulation for utility rooms;
  • scarecrow for the garden;
  • litter for a dog house;
  • soft padding for the swing;
  • decorative pillows or covers for outdoor furniture.

They turn out to be of high quality and durable. In addition, an outdated product can be used to equip an additional resting place, a bed for guests or an outdoor lounger. It all depends on the state of the unnecessary thing.

Springless mattresses can be given to children. They will be able to use it as a trampoline or material for arranging a hut. People who do not have their own summer cottage can give an unnecessary mattress to familiar summer residents. Those will definitely find a use for it in their area.

To take apart

If there are no other options, the old mattress can be easily disassembled with your own hands. It will be much easier to dispose of them. For example, unnecessary springs can be taken to your local scrap collection point. Components made of wood must be burned and the filler used to insulate various rooms. You should not immediately throw unnecessary things in a landfill. Better to try to give it a "second life" so that it benefits both its old owners and the environment.

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