All about latex mattresses

When choosing a mattress, special attention should be paid to the components of its filler - they can be both natural and artificial. Latex is considered one of the most popular today. That is why in the review we will dwell in more detail on what this material is, what are its performance characteristics, pros and cons.

Advantages and disadvantages
Highly environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic filling for high quality mattresses is natural latex. The raw material for this material is the sap of the rubber tree hevea, which is widespread in some countries of the African continent, as well as in Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam and Brazil. This tree can grow both on man-made plantations and in the wild jungle. The plant has a pronounced fungicidal effect, so the wood after the extraction of sap quickly recovers. After receiving, hevea juice is poured into a volumetric tank, mixed with additional components and poured into a production container. There it undergoes vulcanization at a temperature of 100 degrees to achieve foaming.
The finished product is removed from the mold, dried, tested and packaged. It should be noted that no pure rubber is used to make mattresses. The fact is that under the influence of heat and ultraviolet rays, it is destroyed. Therefore, in the manufacture of mattress filler, it is mixed with additional components.
In the past, a latex mattress was considered natural, in which the presence of natural rubber reaches 45%. However, nowadays, due to the high cost of the material, the concentration of additives is allowed up to 80%.

Natural latex in the filler structure can act as a base or additional layer. Its advantages are undeniable.
- Elasticity... Latex products are optimal for sleeping as they follow the contours of the body and keep it in a comfortable position throughout the rest. Due to the high elasticity of rubber, such mattresses do not deform, do not cake and quickly restore their original shape.
- Noiselessness... This feature is relevant for sound-sensitive people who wake up from any rustle.
- Hypoallergenic... Latex does not accumulate dust particles, and dust mites do not multiply in it. It does not give a chemical odor and does not cause an allergic reaction, therefore it is considered absolutely safe for health.
- Hygiene... By its nature, natural rubber has a reduced air permeability, this property can be attributed to the disadvantages of the material. To mitigate the negative effect, manufacturers decided to make through holes in the rubber mats. Perforated mattresses provide increased breathability. Such mattresses do not absorb water and sweat, and they do not grow mold or mildew.
- High porosity. The peculiar structure allows latex-based bedding to maintain a comfortable thermal protection of the resting person.
- High wear resistance. Such mattresses serve for at least 10-15 years. They can withstand the highest weight loads, therefore they are preferable for people with a large body weight.
The only drawback of mattresses based on natural rubber is their high cost. Such products are not available for our middle-income compatriots. However, you should not be upset - mattresses with artificial latex are presented in the budget price category.
At the same time, in terms of operational characteristics, they are only slightly inferior to their natural counterparts.

Artificial ergolatex is made of highly elastic polyurethane foam, the density of the material is 25-35 kg / m3. Among the pluses, several factors can be distinguished.
- Elasticity - the products are comfortable for sleeping, they are not subject to caking and deformation, they support the vertebrae well. However, polyurethane foam is slightly tougher than natural material.
- Hypoallergenic - the material does not cause allergic reactions. It can be used for children, as well as for people with skin diseases and pathologies of the respiratory system.
- Resistance to loads - polyurethane foam can withstand pressure up to 150 kg per bed.
- Just like natural rubber, synthetic rubber gives good breathability, which prevents moisture from accumulating inside the product. At the same time, this parameter is slightly lower than that of natural material.
The service life of ergolatex mattresses is 5-7 years. After opening the package, a specific smell is released for a couple of weeks. However, over time, it disappears.

Why is a spring mattress better?
In the past, latex was used primarily as a filler for innerspring mattresses, so its unique performance characteristics were not fully disclosed. The advantages of mattresses with springs include:
- high level of comfort;
- even distribution of the load between the vertebrae;
- orthopedic characteristics;
- a wide selection of mattresses with different hardness parameters, there is a separate line of models with a reinforced spring block for users weighing 90 kilograms or more.

However, these mattresses have a springy effect and are damaged if bounced or walked on. In addition, as they are used, the springs begin to touch each other, rub and emit an unpleasant creak. Latex mattresses are devoid of these disadvantages. There are no metal elements in them that can break through under a sharp load and injure the child's skin. Latex mattresses do not creak.
It is no coincidence that today latex is used for the manufacture of springless mattresses, due to which all its useful features are revealed to 100%. Nevertheless, there is no definite answer to the question of which mattress is better - latex or spring mattress. Everyone should make a choice based on personal preference and health condition.
In the presence of any pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, before buying mattresses, you need to consult a doctor, he will help you choose the type of structure and the degree of its rigidity.

Types and sizes
Commercially available mattresses come in a variety of sizes. The most popular are:
- 80x160 cm;
- 80x190 cm;
- 80x200 cm;
- 140x200 cm;
- 160x200 cm;
- 180x200 cm.
The thickness of the mattress also differs, it can vary from 8 to 50 cm. A separate type of springless mattresses with latex are thin toppers - models up to 8 cm thick. Regular rectangular models are on sale, as well as round and oval ones for newborn cradles. All types of rubber mattresses can be classified on different grounds.

By type of filler
- Natural latex - such products include mattresses, the filler of which contains 20% or more of natural rubber.
- From synthetic components - as a rule, it is polyurethane foam. This also includes mattresses made from natural raw materials, in which the proportion of additives exceeds 80%.

By design
- Springless - such mattresses consist exclusively of latex and their additives.
- Spring loaded - in turn, they are divided into mattresses with a block of autonomous springs and a block of the bonnel type. In the first case, all springs are independent, in the second, they are connected to each other by a single base.

According to the degree of hardness
- Soft - suitable for people weighing less than 55 kg, as well as inactive users. Optimal for pain in the lumbar spine.
- Medium hard - perfectly support the spine. Suitable for the vast majority of people without problems with the musculoskeletal system.
- Hard - are indicated for most pathologies of the spine. Used for baby cots, suitable for teenagers. Indispensable for folding beds and sofas.

Selection rules
There are many options for latex mattresses on the market these days. To choose the best one, you need to pay attention to several criteria. Determine what kind of filler you need - natural or artificial. Be sure to study composition on the label, some manufacturers, under the guise of natural, sell material with a significant number of synthetic inclusions. note by the color of the filler - it is he who distinguishes natural rubber from artificial. The synthetic component has a pronounced yellowish-gray tint, the natural one is presented in gray tones.
Natural rubber is more elastic than artificial rubber. It adapts more quickly to the anatomical shape of the body and provides effective thermal protection to the user, taking into account the ambient temperature. Another factor of choice is the firmness of the mattress. Most users buy hard or medium-hard products. A number of manufacturers have launched the production of models of mattresses with different rigidity - these are the most expensive products, they perfectly support the vertebrae, are shown in case of curvature of posture.

Care Tips
Latex mattresses are tricky to maintain, but basic rules must be followed. It is strictly forbidden to smoke in bed. Use an iron, hairdryer or curling iron with great care by the bed - the latex can shrink under the influence of high temperatures. Do not leave latex mattresses in unheated rooms. In winter, at low temperatures, it becomes like plastic and cracks easily. In case of any damage, it can only be repaired with a special latex adhesive.
Be sure to get a removable cover that can be washed if necessary... If you use non-removable covers, purchase a mattress topper additionally - this will extend the service life of the product. Turn the mattress over from time to time. In the first month of use, this should be done once a week, in the future, one turnover in 2-3 months will be enough. The mattress is washed no more than once every 3-5 years, always in warm water no higher than 40 degrees. Detergents should be soft, without aggressive components.
Drying is carried out without the use of thermal effects of heating devices and a hair dryer.

Review overview
So, latex mattresses are very popular with users. They are durable, safe and resilient. Due to their orthopedic and anatomical characteristics, they are beneficial to health. Latex is a high quality material that can serve for many years without changing shape even under intense stress. The material is well ventilated and wicks moisture away.
With proper care, such a mattress will delight you and your family for many years.... Latex products help to improve the quality of sleep. They are recommended by doctors for medicinal purposes, when it is necessary to eliminate joint pain, correct curvature of the spine and improve posture.

However, like every other popular product, latex foam mattresses are faced with a large number of fakes. Therefore, you only need to shop in official stores. You should not buy a mattress through internet sites and dubious intermediaries.
If we talk about mattresses made of natural latex, then the models from India and Sri Lanka are considered to be of the highest quality. The fact is that hevea juice retains its characteristics for no more than 12 hours. During this time, it needs to be brought to the place of subsequent processing. That is why the homeland of the mattress for buyers is considered a certain guarantee of its quality.