
All about orthopedic springless mattresses

All about orthopedic springless mattresses
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Which mattresses are better, innerspring or springless?
  3. Stiffness and dimensions
  4. How to choose?

It is very important for consumers to know everything about orthopedic springless mattresses. It is necessary to study the overview of models without springs: medium hardness, hard and soft versions. It is also worth figuring out which mattresses are better: spring or springless samples.


Mattresses without springs can be equipped with a wide variety of fillings. In terms of their characteristics, they are at least as good as those equipped with springs. Most often, such products are obtained from 2 blocks: a cover and a base layer. For the latter, both synthetic and natural materials are used. Some models are easy to roll.

Springless mattresses are basically slab-like in structure. Manufacturers naturally declare about the high practical qualities of their products. But one must understand that orthopedic mattresses do not mean the most comfortable ones for the vast majority of people. They are mainly suitable for children and those who suffer from diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Elderly people often experience discomfort from them, and problems often arise in those who are accustomed to the usual soft bed.

The orthopedic effect is achieved by bending proportional to the load applied. When you sleep on such a mattress, you can usually count on a pleasant and undisturbed sleep. Most often, the design contains several fillers at the same time. The design is thought out very clearly and rationally, the most experienced specialists in the musculoskeletal system are involved in the work.

Which mattresses are better, innerspring or springless?

As you can easily understand, this is largely a matter of personal preference. If a certain priority has already been formed, there is no need to break it on purpose, it is more correct to just use a familiar pattern. Contrary to popular belief, the number of springs, their presence or absence, affect sleep much less than it is believed. If the choice of this or that option is based on medical prescriptions, then everything is crystal clear here as well.

Spring mattresses are simply more familiar to most people. But one must understand that the design of the unit itself directly affects the convenience and comfort of the structure. In budget versions of mattresses, the Bonnel system is often used. It is simple and quite effective, but it cannot boast of any special achievements. A slightly more modern version of TFK, which is not inclined to be squeezed through. There are also Multipocket, Micropocket, Duet solutions, zone blocks and a number of other options on the market.

The spring arrangement allows you to use less expensive materials for full body support, so you can save a lot. An additional side benefit is the increased height of the structure. It is especially relevant when buying sleeping accessories for high-sided beds.

It is also worth emphasizing that independent spring blocks guarantee a variety of designs and their flexible adaptation to specific human characteristics.

However, even the best spring systems need to be handled with care. Its parts are not fixed and only very limitedly attached. It is undesirable to walk or jump on them. It is this circumstance that explains why only springless products are found in the beds for the youngest children.

If there are no special wishes, then you can choose both spring and springless models, focusing on their individual characteristics. Modern structures devoid of springs are made from those substances that are used for flooring in spring versions:

  • natural and synthetic latex;
  • holofiber;
  • coir coconut;
  • memorix.

Often used as one material, and complex combinations of them. The price of springless modifications varies greatly, so you can choose mattresses of different price categories. Experts note:

  • absence of extraneous vibrations;
  • quiet operation even in intensive mode for several years in a row;
  • simplification of delivery;
  • the ability to fully reveal the characteristics of materials;
  • strength;
  • the absence of a polyurethane foam box around the perimeter;
  • the increased cost of high springless models, because they have more natural fillers;
  • no zonal effect.

Stiffness and dimensions

It is widely believed that only the toughest mattress will be beneficial for the spinal column and the musculoskeletal system. In fact, everything is not so simple - there is no universal rigidity at all. Both very hard and soft mattresses can be harmful if used incorrectly and carelessly. Too stable a stable surface overloads the shoulder and hip joints, but the lower back will hang in the air. This will also lead to problems with blood circulation, to periodic numbness and to a situation where sleep is almost not refreshing.

Soft versions also lead to overvoltage, but for different reasons. In most cases, it is enough to choose models of mattresses of medium firmness. Density depends on the material, so the designs with coconut and foam are significantly different.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the rigidity is invariably proportional to the weight of the product. In order to at least partially compensate for this circumstance, it makes sense when choosing the toughest samples to dwell on the thinnest mattresses.

The next parameter that you need to pay attention to is the size of the product.Do not think that the whole point is only whether it is convenient to carry or carry the rolled object. The slightest mistake can lead to very negative consequences. Most often used mattresses:

  • 90X190 cm;
  • 90X200 cm;
  • 160X200 cm.

How to choose?

Naturally, it is worth paying attention, first of all, to the characteristics of a particular version. It is also necessary to take into account the reviews that are received for specific products. Some springless specimens have a memory effect. This property guarantees increased comfort. There are a few more recommendations:

  • take into account your own feelings;
  • pay attention to the age of users;
  • for violations in the lower back, use a softer product;
  • in the case of pathologies in the thoracic spine, a mattress of medium hardness is preferable;
  • osteochondrosis and pain in the upper back require high rigidity of the bed;
  • the heavier the user, the thicker the mattress should be;
  • the difference in stiffness on both sides or its identity is left to the discretion of the buyer.
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