Choosing a spring mattress

Spring mattresses are much more popular than their "foam" counterparts. They are cheaper, easier to make, suitable for people of all ages, and beds of all sizes.

Design features
The spring mattress device includes a number of components.
Case. For it, soft, but durable and resistant materials are used. Covers are either one-piece or removable.
Spring block. It forms the basis of the mattress. It is placed in the middle: under the layers of filler and sidewalls made of polyurethane foam.
Sidewalls. They run along each side of the mattress. The sidewall is a foam layer. It is very dense. The sides are a kind of box for the spring block. In addition, they protect the edges of the product from deformation. Thanks to the sidewalls, the mattress does not squeeze when someone sits on its edge, and does not change its original appearance.
Filler. It can be both artificial and natural. Thanks to the filler, it is easy to adjust both the firmness of the mattress and the degree of comfort for the person lying on it. Each product can contain one or several fillers.

Spring block type classification
Modern manufacturers produce only 2 types of spring mattresses:
with dependent spring blocks;
with independent spring blocks.

With addict
The first type is also called "bonnel". It was invented at the end of the 19th century. Its design feature is as follows: each element has several turns (4–5). The maximum diameter of one spring is 10 cm. The element is bicone, that is, it looks like a cone on both sides. When one spring is compressed, the neighboring ones are also compressed.

This is an inexpensive design, quite comfortable, especially if modern materials are used. It is suitable for beds or sofas that do not constantly sleep on.
Users note the following disadvantages:
uncomfortable for people with back problems;
quickly loses its original appearance, if the operation is constant, sags and sags (like a hammock);
has no orthopedic properties.
This design is considered non-conforming to modern requirements. It is economical, but this is its only plus.

With an independent
Mattresses with independent spring units are designed in a completely different way. Each element here has its own cover (the so-called "pocket type" mattress). The shape of the spring is cylindrical, and there can be up to 8 coils. It is not the springs that are fastened to each other, but the covers in which they are located - and partially fastened. That is why the compression of one spring does not automatically compress the rest.

The advantages of such a constructive solution include:
long service life - user reviews say that mattresses do not lose their original appearance for 10 years, and this is the minimum period;
great for people of all ages;
provide anatomical and orthopedic support to the spine, relieve stress and guarantee restful sleep.

Orthopedic properties vary. It depends on how many springs are installed in the mattress block, what diameter and shape they have. There are many types of independent blocks, so everyone can choose exactly the option that will be most convenient. It is interesting that such a design makes it possible to combine several anatomical zones in one product, differing in the degree of rigidity. There can be a minimum of 3 such zones, and a maximum of 15.
The disadvantages of products with such a block of springs include their high cost. However, a longer service life and ease of use make it possible to change such mattresses less often than with dependent springs.

All independent spring blocks can be divided into groups depending on the diameter of the elements, the number of turns in them and, accordingly, the number of springs per 1 sq. m.
standard: springs with a diameter of 5 or 6 cm, 6 turns, in 1 sq. m - 256 springs;
multipack: diameter - 4 cm, turns - from 6 to 8, in 1 sq. m - 512 elements;
multipack II: diameter - 3 cm, turns - from 6 to 8, in 1 sq. m - 1024 springs in covers.

The views are ranked in ascending order of orthopedic and anatomical effects. The more springs in a square meter, the more correct the spine will be. The best option is 1000 springs per berth (i.e. about 500 springs per sq. M).
Of course, not only the spring block affects the comfort and anatomically correct body position. Filler matters too. It can add or subtract stiffness, maintain oxygen circulation and correct moisture percentage, as well as provide additional support.

There are 4 types of fillers.
Natural. Primarily, we are talking about coconut coir, but latex interlayers are also common. Sometimes layers of sisal, horsehair, natural wool are added to mattresses. Then the product acquires an additional warming or healing effect.
Synthetic. These are layers of hallcon, holofiber, polyurethane foam and orthopedic foam (including memory foam). Foam layers are used in non-budget mattresses, and hallcon and holofiber are used in inexpensive ones.
Combined. This group includes artificial latex, periotec, and struttofiber layers. Natural fibers in them are intertwined with artificial ones, so products with such a layer serve for a very long time.
Models are produced in which 2 or more types of filler are used. There are also products on the market, each of the 2 sides of which is filled with different materials.

Dimensions (edit)
In order not to be mistaken with the choice of a mattress, it is necessary to take measurements from the bed (or other sleeping place for which the product is purchased). Length and width are measured.
Sizes can be standard and custom. The first group includes:
single: it is 80x190, 80x195, 80x200, 90x190, 90x195, 90x200 cm;
one and a half: 120x190, 120x195, 120x200 cm;
double: the length remains the same - 190, 195, 200 cm, width - 140, 160, 180 or 200 cm.

Non-standard mattress sizes are primarily round products. They are made specifically for a specific bed or sofa model. In addition, it is possible to manufacture a mattress of a customer-specified size for a bed, also created according to an individual project.
It is better for an adult to stop at a length of 200 cm, it is universal. A child or teenager can choose a smaller length - 190 or 195 cm.The rule is that the mattress should be longer than a person's height, at least 15 cm.

As for the width, it all depends on whether one or two people will sleep on the bed. A 1-bed or 1.5-bed model is enough for one person. But it will be very difficult for two to fit even on a "lorry" (160x200).
If the family has a small child, it is better to take a bed (and, accordingly, a mattress) measuring 180x200 or 200x200 cm.
There is one more parameter - the height of the mattress. For models with a spring block, it varies from 20 to 30 cm.

Rating of the best models
There are a huge number of models of mattresses with box springs on the market. To choose a truly high-quality one, you should familiarize yourself with the rating of the best products.

If we talk about inexpensive models, you should pay attention to Mr. Matress Rest L. In this mattress, in addition to coconut coir as a material for springs and polyurethane foam as a filler, a special powder mixture is used. It includes 16 types of crystals, as well as silver and gold particles. This mixture has a positive effect on immunity and blood circulation, energizes. The model has different hardness: on the one hand - medium, on the other - medium-soft. The spring block consists of elements with 7 zones. One sq. m account for 290 pieces. The line includes all standard sizes.

The model is hidden in a removable cotton cover. The only drawback is that the springs can sag after several years of intensive use.
The mattress "Promtex-Orient Soft Combi Economy" also has different rigidity on both sides. There are 512 springs in the block for each of the berths. Thanks to this density, good spine support is provided. Medium-hard side - with struttofiber filling. On the soft side of the mattress, polyurethane foam is used as an interlayer. The cover of this model is removable and is made of jacquard. The sleeper can withstand a load of 110 kg.

The disadvantages include the lack of a memory effect and the use of artificial materials as a filler. At the same time, the model is budgetary and durable.
Those looking for cheaper mattresses should pay attention to products with dependent spring units. For example, the AnderSon model. It can carry up to 130 kg per berth. Its sides are reinforced with eco-foam, and the spring block is reinforced with transverse layers of polyurethane foam. Due to this, the mattress has an orthopedic effect that is not typical for this group. The price of the product is more than humane - from 4500 rubles. However, the warranty for it is only 2 years, after this time, the springs can be pressed through and the appearance of a hammock effect.

Eco Line Bonnell is a more expensive model, but natural materials are used in it. The mattress is two-sided: on the one hand it is softer, it is warmer on it, on the other - the air circulates freely, it is cooler to sleep. That is, the product is suitable for use in any of the seasons. The standard Bonnel spring block in this product is covered with layers of natural felt, coconut coir and polyurethane foam. On each side, the layers are laid out in the same way, thanks to which the mattress is firm. The product has a low height - 16 cm, but it is quite durable - it can withstand up to 120 kg per 1 berth. The cover cannot be removed but is easy to clean.

This model is well suited for children, because it has a sufficient degree of rigidity. The ideal sizes are 80x190 and 140x200 cm (for teenagers).
The KDM mattress with the name Family Femilix Light, although it is one-sided, has many advantages:
its surface is not smooth, but with a relief, which provides a micro-massage effect;
naturalness of fillers - interlayers in a product made of felt and highly elastic foam;
original design - the cover is not white, but in three shades of chocolate;
you can choose a suitable degree of hardness - there are 3 of them.
The disadvantages include the non-standard height of the product - 31 cm, which limits the possibility of its use. Therefore, before buying a mattress, you need to measure the height of the bed.

Also, the model does not have a reinforcing box in the sidewall area.
If we talk about the premium class, it is worth noting the Verda Hi-Balance manufactured by Ormatek. Its height is up to 44 cm, but all sizes are presented in the line. The model is one-sided, but the independent springs are laid in 2 layers and have different sizes. Natural latex and horsehair (2 layers each) were used as fillers. Thanks to this design, an ideal anatomical effect is achieved. The cover is available in 4 different colors and is made from natural Belgian cotton. A sleeping place in such a mattress is able to withstand a weight of up to 200 kg.

The main disadvantage of the product is its price: depending on the size, it varies in the range of 100-200 thousand rubles. In addition to the cost, the mattress is very massive due to the double layer of springs in the block. One person cannot either lift the product or carry it.

DrimeLine Coal Memory is another premium mattress. It has a memory effect, which is clear from its name. The originality of the design, namely the "spring within the spring", allows the product to withstand a significant weight - up to 150 kg per 1 berth. Memorix carbon foam and latex coconut coir were used as filler, both materials are laid out in turn. A layer of thermal felt protects the product from excess moisture; high-quality knitwear is used for the manufacture of the cover. The mattress is double-sided, does not create a wave effect. Foam Memorix perfectly remembers the contour of the sleeping person's body.

Repair Tips
On average, a spring mattress lasts from 7 to 16 years, with a dependent block - less. Sometimes it makes sense to have your mattress repaired rather than buying a new one. The easiest way, of course, is to turn to professionals who will not only conduct a thorough "diagnostics" of the product, but also tighten it with a new cover, replacing the entire spring block or some of its parts.

When does the mattress need urgent restoration? There are a number of reasons:
damaged casing;
deformed springs;
the filler is worn out;
the design is broken.
DIY repair does not require a lot of experience or specific knowledge. It is enough to follow the recommendations of the professionals.

It is not difficult to repair the mattress yourself if it squeaks or sags, if you have everything you need for this. For home repairs, you need a certain set of tools: pliers, a flat screwdriver, a hammer, a furniture stapler and brackets for it. You should also stock up on materials: springs, lining fabric, filler, nails, a strong cord with a cross section of 4 to 6 mm, as well as a new cover.

Before starting the repair, you need to remove the cover. It is better to do this in a special room: garage, shed, pantry. If you do this at home, all the debris and dust accumulated in the case will spill out onto the floor. If there are no options other than the house, it is necessary to cover the floor with dense cellophane.
Once the upholstery has been removed, the filler layer must be carefully rolled up. The next step is to remove the lining fabric. Then the frame is freed from everything that prevents the possibility of inspecting the spring block. This includes scraps of foam, staples, nails, and more. You also need to check the quality of the steel frame in the sidewall area.

After a thorough examination of all the "insides" of the mattress, you need to bring into the correct position those parts that have been deformed. If this is not possible, replace them carefully. Of course, in pocket-type mattresses, it is much easier to repair the springs.
After all the restoration measures have been carried out, it is necessary to inspect the frame and the spring block again. Next, you need to lay the filler. If the old one is in good condition, then roll it over the spring block. If the filler has lost its original qualities, it is necessary to put a new one. Next, you should cover the mattress with a new cover.
How to choose a mattress, see the video.